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CLAIMS AGAINST T. D. SULLIVAN ESTATE. New York, December 2D. William B. Ellison, re ceivcr of the estate of Timothy D. Snllivan. win-has been designated in the Supreme Court to pass on all claims against the estate, reports that claims amounting to 59,000 have been presented to liln and about 00,000 have already been approve Among the new claims are the following: Edward Palmer, broker. ,000 balance on a loam on which ,000 ha-? been paid: Edward Burke, pay-neut made in Sullivans behalf of an assessment of!,000 for the now defunct newspaper Daily America, of which 00 lias been paid; Irving T. Bush. 0,000 balance on a loan of 2,500. of which $.!,500 has been paid by former Senator AVilliam II. Reynolds; Carnegie Trust Company. S2.OS0 due 011 promissory , moles indorsed, and National Nassau Bank. ,S,750 on I uotes indorsed for Herbert T. Auerbach, a broker.