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DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT MONDAY Daily Racing Form Publishing Co 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO ILL 74 EXCHANGE STREET BUFFALO N Y Entered as secondclass matter April 2 1S9G at the postoffice at Chicago Illinois under the Act of March 3 1870 SUBSCRIPTIONS MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE ADVANCEPer Per Month 150 150Half Half Year 00 00One One Year 1700 1700The The above rates are for single copies as sealed letters firstclass mall mallBACK BACK NUMBERS 5 CENTS EACH If sent by mail firstclass only six cents Daily Racing Form Publishing Co prefers to send single copies as firstclass mail in all cases casesLocal Local subscriptions outside the downtown dis ¬ trict win be declined at other than firstclass mail matter rates A Daily Reflection of the American Turf by Telegraph CHICAGO ILLINOIS MAY 150 1015