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DOUGLAS PARK ENTRIES Probabilities AVcather threatening track heavy Racing starts at 230 p in Chicago time 230 XRuns well in mud Superior mud runner M maidens Apprcntice allowance allowanceFirst First Race 4 12 Furlongs 2yearolds SellingTrac Maidens Fillies Selling Trac record 14411 53 2 104 Ind Horse AATt Roc AAAtIIau AAAtIIau2055G 2055G Innovation 109 50 105X725 105X72520178s 20178s Sun Maid 102 ji7li 105X720 105X72020550s 20550s Chivator 107 55 110X720 20550 Ruth Strickland 112 50 110X715 110X715204C13 204C13 Miss Atkin 104 50 105 710 20550 Paulson 112 50 110 710 20401 Rose Juliette 100 55 110 705 20401 Miss Sleeth 112 57 310 GOO 20400 Miss Georgia 110 58 110 OSO 20344 Lady AVorthingtou112 57 = s 110 075 20407 Busv Joe Illi 57 110 075 Violet b f by Waterboy La LaFleur Fleur 103 Second Race 1 116 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 8013 144 3 103 205G12 Loveland 4 102X725 20531s Lady Jane Grey 3 97X720 203903 Charmeuse 4 107X720 20532 Mallard 3 07X715 20331 Coreopsis 10SJl47 = i G 112X715 20400 First Venture M107 147 3 01 705 705205S3 205S3 Charley McFerranll2 140 5 112X705 112X705203S33 20555 Manager Mack 107 145 C 112X705 203S33 Commauretta 103 148 3 92X700 20400 AAhims 3 92 090Third COO Third Race 58 Mile Mile2vcarolds 2vcarolds Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record 8822 58 2 113 20000 Bnlse 114 725 20550 Poppee 103 l03m 111X720 20432 114X71520VS7 John Jr 100 l03m 114X715 20VS7 liarry Gardner 111 103 m 111X710 111X71020ins 20ins Cautara 112 104 if in 114 710 20304 Jerry 114 710 20140 Irrawaddy 111 705 20074 Black Coffee M 105 075 075Fourth Fourth Race 34 Mile Memorial Handicap 2000 Added Added3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Track record 11017 110 5 127 127203033J 203033J Leochares 109 110 5 122X750 122X75020225s 20225s Iron Mask 115 100 7 122X745 20370 AVaterblossom 100 112 3 105X740 105X740203153t 203153t 117X7401S131 Bradleys Choice 112 112 4 117X740 1S131 Buckhorn 110111 0124X740 0124X740205SC3 205SC3 Prince Ilermis 101Jl12 5 110735 1107352037SJ 2037SJ Ed Crump 115 112 3 110X735 110X735205SS3S 205SS3S Leo Skolny 100 113 4 107X 5 52035S3 2035S3 Chalmers 120112 3107X730 20301st 3107X73020301st Benanet 100 111 5 93X725 93X725tB tB R Bradley netry J A Schorr entry JR J Mackenzie entry entryFifth Fifth Race 1 18 Miles Miles4ycarolds SellingTrack 4ycarolds and upward Selling Track record 14387 151 J 104 20243 Flying Feet 10S 151 7 1030725 103072520100s 20100s Any Port 103 151 7 100X720 2 jS3 Big Dipper 90 155 5 90X715 20300 Gold Color 112 153 5 101X715 20500 Cordie F 90 152 5 101X710 20437 Goldy 104 152 5 103710 103710Sixth Sixth Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 11017 110 5 127 20532 Rob Hensley 101 112 4 109X725 20330 Rars and Stars 100 112 3 107X720 20403 The Normfin 100112 4114X720 4114X720205S5 205S5 Busy Edith 5 111 3 90x715 90x7152IU03 2IU03 Othello 112111 1 1 12 X 71 5 5InJG InJG Chart ur 112 1 12 0 114v7In 114v7Inli2G li2G Dr Iarriok 101 112l 12l I 105x7U 20374 oj74 Father Uilev 07 111 11 4 41POX700 41POX700Seventh 1POX700 Seventh Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards Yards3ycarolds 3ycarolds Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record 11707 142 4 116 0343 i LEO RA V 102 1 44 1 03 725 Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtIIan 20588 Goldcrest Boy 101 145 100X715 String205S9 204022 Little String 104 143 103X715 205S9 Tetan 101 143 103X715 20370s One Step 95 710 71008X705 20300 Fleetabelle 08X705