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FOURTH RACE 5S Mile Juvenile Stakes 2ycarolds Allowances 11812 101 2 107 URGE SMITH blk c 2 121 By Out of Reach Consuelo II E McBride 2 r573 AVdbine 5S l01fast 34 123 1 23 I1 G Burns G Peep Sight lolite Uegina 20125 AVdbine 41 f 55Mfast 320 117 1 I2 1s G Burns 1 T Klward BsFirst BSimmons 0153 Pimlico 12 4Sfefast 120 112 1 11 I2 J McCahey 4 Casco Plumose Sun God 20082 HdeGce 41 f 53fast 910 108 1 1J I2 J Butwell King Neptune Broomvale 20015 HcleGce 12 47fast 115 107 2 1 1 J Butwell 7 Servia Anita Edith Biumann BiumannBy TOM 1152057S ELWARD br c 2 115 By McGce Trisauce E McBride 2057S AVdbine 5S l01fast 34 113 3 C 54 T Rico G Geo Smith Peep Sight lolite 2042G AVdbine 41 f So fast 320 117 3 2U 23 T Rice 4 G Smith Bs First BSimmons C01SG Pimlico 41 f 5744mud 25 110 2 1 ° 1J J McCahey 4 Alfadir TinsaLing L Atkin 20145 Pimlico 12 49 fast 1120 112 1 12 I2 J McCahey 5 Welga Tribolo Ilaria Ilaria1s 2003G HdeGce 12 4Sfast 21 110 3 1s 1J J Butwell S lolite Typography Broom Corn CornBy PESKY br f 2 103 By Broomstick Perverse E McBride 20521 AVdbine 4 f EaVfnst 720 112 5 1J 2ii G Burns G Blume Casco Tush Tush 201r 201rS S Pirn 12 4S fast 1320 114 3 1 I E Taplin 5 Anita It Water SemStalwart 12 48 fast 3 110 2 5J 1 E Taplin Ormes Head Tiajan Cinnati xi 12 4Sfast 113 94 2 I I3 P Louder 4 GoldenList lolite Gentlewoman ii037 HdeGce 12 4Sfast S 104 G 4 Ink M Buxton 1 Tiajan BossIIcn Little Gink GinkBy PEEP SIGHT b c 2 101 By Peep oDay My Gyps R Davies 20378 Wdbne 5S l01fast 12 10S G 4 = 2l A Claver G Geo Smith lolite Regina 20J34 AVdbine 41 f 55 fast 1G 312 3 li 2l A Claver 11 lolite Casco Candle CandleBy KING NEPTUNE br g 2 108 By Sea King Toots J S Tyree 20307 Pimlico 4i f 55fast 2 117 3 2h h c Turner i TingaLing OIIead KTuscan 20277 Pimlico 4J f 07 slow G5 110 7 43 int c Turner J Plumose Tiajan Sun God 2021S Pimlico 41 f 55fast 1310 115 6 Si S3 C Turner 7 GolList Qrnies Head IlaintifC 200S2 HdeGce 4 f 53Jifast 21 105 2 22 o2 C Turner George Smith Hroomvale Hroomvale2J 19S93 Bowie 12 SOtsSlow 5 108 7 7GOLDEN 2J lk T McTagt 0 Tiajau S Pocket Lady Atkin AtkinBy GOLDEN LIST ch f 2 112 1122033S By Golden Maxim Listless H G Bedwell 2033S Pimlico 41 f 56good 4G 114 2 li 2n E Taplin 8 Glomer Divan Tiajan 2023S Pimlico 41 f 55fast 5120 117 1 13 I4 E Taplin 7 OHead King Neptune Plaintiff 2020G Pimlico 12 49 good2120 135 3 1 ° I7 E Taplin G Plumose TDansante Fish Walk 20119 HdeGce 41 f 55V5good G 104 3 I6 I5 E Taplin 4 Pleioue Little Gink Tiajan 2005S HdeGce 12 48fast G 99 4 33 2s J Dreyer 4 Pesky lolite Gentlewoman 200iO HdeGce 12 471ifast S 107 2 2s 43 B Taplin G Itegina Celandria Ileiouo IleiouoBy IOLITE b g 2 103 By Broomstick Iota A B Stella 20578 AVdbine 5S l01fast 22 110 G HI 3i M ar thews G Geo Smith Peep Sight Regiua 20454 Wdbine 41 f S3 fast 1GT 109 G 21 I1 M Mthewsll IVep Sisht disco Candle 20223 Pimlico 58 l02good 32 107 5 3J 2k M Mtliews G Mustard Nolli Kddie T iiKOS Pimlico 4 f CCfast 2120 110 7 45 3si B Taplin 9 Plumose Qoflaradise F Walk t05S HdeGce 32 48fast 31G 10l 1 4 y J Butwell 4 Peskv Golden List Geiitlewau 2003C IldeGce 12 48fast 1310 107 4 23 2J J Dicyer S TKlward Typography BrCorn C k 5 M Buxton 0 1C Neptune Tiajan S Pocket PocketBy PHIL UNGAR b c 2 By Contestor Miss Manners S Newman 20121 HdeGc Jut in E Taplin r Tralee UiliKzI Shabau IMS HdeGct 12 48 fast 20 110 71 C4 j Butwell J 1esky Ormes Head Tiajan WJM Bowie 41 f r fast 10 103 1 1 B Ambrose 7 Margaret O Kdith Olga Shaban HiDGC Howie 4i f 55ast 40 110 5J r M Buxton 7 Rose Water BoliUedlield Ataka 1SS31 Bowie 12 49 fast 20 115 1 13 11 = 1K Troxler 15 Sand Pocket lolite Irrawaddy SENTINEL blk c 2 101 B The Picket Rose of Gold T P Hayes J0591J Delmier Ab5S l01fast u 107 10720V58 45J Hayes45J E White S SMaggie MargaretO GreyLady 20V58 Delmier Ab58 l07slow 5 112 C 79 L Meripole S Penance SMaggie LewisOppcr 20414 Delmier Ab5S l0 good 10 112 2i 1 Martin S Maggie LewisOpper BhieCap 20138 I xgton 4J f 551ifast 17 112 112200C5 5 7aJ F Murphy S BCulhertson Thnwood Object 200C5 Lexgton 12 4Sgood 11 109J 109JLEWIS 12 121iiR Goose 1U Intention LouiseStoiie Tobliox ToblioxBy LEWIS OPPER b c 2 IDS IDS205CS By Contestor Hide and Seek J C Milam 205CS Delmier Ab58 l07slow 2J 110 2 31 B McEwen 8 Penance SmMaggie S Diamond 20144 Delmier Ab5S l03Vsgood 2 110 1101UII27 31 T McCulh U Smil Maggie Sentinel BlueCap 1UII27 Bowie 12 SOJfefast 10 112 11219S93 4J 5J AY AVarton 7 Irrawaddy Mustard Ataka 19S93 Bowie 12 G0 slow 20 109 10919S2G 1 Cl J McTagt 1 K Ncptuiib Tiajau S Pocket 19S2G Bowie 12 49 fast C 112 1 12i 12 J Pdergastlu Sand Pocket lolite Irrawaddy