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ALL IN READINESS AT DORVAL PARK Montreal Que May 20 All is in readiness for the opening of the Dorval Park Jockey Clubs meeting on Monday The track is in better condi ¬ tion than ever and with the arrival on Monday of the stables that have been racing at Woodbine excellent cards should l e the rule James Milton who will do the starting has lxen on hand for several days getting things ready in his depart ¬ ment These workouts took place yesterday over the track trackAimee Aimee Leslie Half mile in 54 54Bernice Bernice Threeeighths in 37 37Black Black Crow Threeeighths in 41 41Gerthelma Gerthelma Half mile in 51 51Julia Julia Lyons Fiveeighths iu 103 103King King Uadford Threeeighths in 37 37Little Little Gink Quarter mile in 242i i iMarty Marty Lou Threeeighths in 35 Miss Menard Fiveeighths in 102 102Misty Misty Morn Threeeighths in 40 40Hose Hose King Half mile in 30 30Stalwart Stalwart Helen Threequarters in 110 110Stcllata Stcllata Threequarters iu 123