Douglas Park Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1915-05-30


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DOUGLAS PARK FORM C H A RT LOUISVILLE KY SATURDAY MAY 29 1915 Seventh day Douglas Park Jockey Club Spring Meet ¬ ing of 13 days Weather thieatening Presiding Steward Charles F Price Presiding Judge W II Shelley Starter Harry Morrissey Secretary Edward Jasner Racing starts at 230 p in Chicago time 230 p in Indicates apprentice allowance FIRST RACE 1 116 Miles 8013 144 3 105 000 Added 3yearolds aiid up ¬ 2O583 ward Sailing Net value to winner 505 second 13 third 72 AWtPPSt U Str Flu Jockeys Owners Eqniv Odds Strt 20433BIG DIPPER OR wn 5 101 7 4 41 3l 3 = 2J lh M Garner M A Col ton 295100 295100L 20531 = BAXK BILL L WB 4 10S 4 2 U 1 1 I1 2 A Pease T M Irvin 230100 230100ETTA ° 0531OOMMAURETTA ETTA w wn i 3 88 2 S 7 7 S 4 = 31 C Hunt W J Wel er 840100 840100AUGH 20531 J KAVAXAUGH AUGH w wn t ii 108 S 5 S S Ct 51 4 L Gentry Mrs R McMillan 530100 530100AR 20529 WILD BEAR AR WSR G 103 5 G 31 2J 2 3J 55 K LapailleJ N Mounce 1015100 1015100BOY 20437GALLANT BOY v 4 103 6 7 GJ G u uh 6 G3 6 G5 = R UrquhrtJ Hogan 2VHMOO 2VHMOO910S 20401 WANDER w 9 910S 108 3 1 2l 4 7 7 7 = R Goose CE Hamilton 1115100 20529 CHAR McFERRANw ERRANv 5 110 1 3 53 5 5u 4 4t S S J HanoverE B Parsons 3330100 3330100Time Time 24 48 116A 145 152 Track heavy mutuels paid Big Dipper 790 straight 420 place 310 show Bank Bill 350 place 280 show aurctta 440 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Big Dipper 295 to 100 straight 110 to 100 place 55 to 100 show Bank Bill 75 to 100 place 40 to ICO show Couiuianretta 120 to 100 show showWinner Winner B in bv Astronomer Helen OC trained by E T Colton ColtonWent Went to post at 22i At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the RIUIO BIG DIPPER followed the leaders close up to the stretch and finishing fast wore BANK BILL down and won in the last strides BANK BILL showed the most speed and finished gamely but tired near the end COMMAITRETTA closed a big gap in the last quarter WILD BEAR showed speed but quit JACK KAVANAlGH had no mishaps Tim winner was entered for 100 no bid bidScratched Scratched 2058GiIde Post 100 203993Charnieuse 100 20500 Insurance Man IOS IOSOverweights Overweights Charley McFcrran 2 pounds SECOND RACE 4 12 Furlongs 14411 53 2 104 GOO Added 2yearolds 2O584 Maidens Special Weights Net value to winner 520 second 142 third 78 Index Horses AWtPPSt 9i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 20432 3 INGOT wn 114 3 2 2POCKICHOO 31 S Ii M Garner J L Holland Holland2t 940100 940100i775100 POCKICHOO w 114 2 7 2t I1 2 = R Small T G Bradley BradleyG i775100 0432 J C WELCH 114 5 1 G 4h S C DishmonO A Bianchi 1520100 0 85 ROCHESTER w 114 1 3 1 2 41 A Pease G J Long Long4U 3055100 20432 = STEPHEN R w 114 9 C CHOPS 4U 5 5 J McCabe F J Kelley 300100 HOPS A 114 7 5 5TRIAD 7 = G1 C5 W Wr TlorR L Baker 505100 TRIAD 111 10 10 10COL 0 73 7 L Gentry T J G II Clay ClayCi 1125100 11251009SO100 COL MATT w 111 G 9 Ci S1 S4 R Goose J Livingston Livingston9l 9SO100 9SO1003SO1W 0087 3 WATER WARBLER lit 8 8 9l 9i 91 E Martin T C McDowell McDowellS2 3SO1W 0528 LITTLE COVE i 111 4 4 S2 10 10 T McTagtM O Moore fMiituol field Tini 24 52 59 Track heavy mutuels paid Ingot 20SO straight 890 place 040 show Pockichoo field 1010 place 500 show J C Welch S750 show Equivalent booking odds Ingot 940 to 100 straight 345 to 100 place 220 to 100 show Pockichoo field 10 to 100 place ISO to 100 show J C Welch 275 to 100 show showWinner Winner Br c by Hilarious Adipose trained by R D Williams Went to post at 300 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow AVon driving second and third the rune INGOT away forwardly and well ridden gained steadily and got up to win in the last stride IOCKICHOO showed much speed for the first half but tired near the end J C WELCH was hard ridden 11 the way and came fast at the end ROCHESTER set the early pace and tired in the stretch WATER V VHI5LEK was away badly COL MATT tired and ran green Scratched 204 l Southcrn League 111 Asparagus Sam 111 Blood Test 111 T v 1 THIRD RACE 34 Mile HG17 110 5 127 00 Added 3yearolds and up ¬ 2O585 ward Scllinz Net value to winner S485 second 121 third AWtPPSt U i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt MEN w 3 103 1 3 H 1J 1 = 1 E Pool L Phelps LOO100 4442 M Garner J II Stamper Jr 455100 1 73 uROOM FLOWER w 3 91 4 1 2 lfi5 KORFHAGE w 4 102 32 3 = 3 3i 3h R Ott W Bruce HP110 HP11020Vi 20Vi 13L BlTSY i EDITH wn 3 91 2 4 2h 2 1 4 K LapailleF D Weir 32j100 Time 23 48 117 Track heavy iniituels pnid Dr Carmen 000 straight 3o placo Broom Flower 130 pi IPO IPOEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Dr Carmen 2 M to 100 straight 55 to 100 place Broom Flower 115 to 100 1001lflPo 1lflPo 1lflPoWinner Winner Ch P br ISonuerges Lady Knighthood trained by J II Baker BakerWnt Wnt to po t at 32S At post 1 minute Start good ami slow Won driving ppennd and third the sfnic IR CVHMEN showing the most speed and hard ridden won all the way but tired and Just lasted i PtmiiIi BROOM FLOWEK from a slow beginning gained steadily and was going fastest at the end KollFIIAGE raced fairly well BUSY EDITH tired after racing In closest pursuit to the stretch The Wauu r wrs entered for 1300 no bid bidScratched Scratched 127u7Fouiidatiou 107 140112UisU Private 107 20270 Sweetheart Sue M FOURTH RACE 1 14 Miles 11310 202 3 100 Third Running Kentucky Handicap 10000 Added 3yearolds and upward Net value second 1500 third SiOO index Horses AWtPl AWtPPSt 14 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 203G3 BORROW w 7 126 S S2363HODGE 4 5U G1 4U I1 1i J Notter L S Thompson 1470100 2363HODGE w 4 10J 4 1 3h 4h 3t 3i 2i E Martin W J Weber 51G100 20463 PRINCE HERMISwn MISwu 5 103 a a20355EM 2 41 2b 21 2J 3 E Pool Marion 1270100 20355EM COCHRAN w 3 102 1 1893100 20315 SHORT GRASS w 7 124 7 G 7h F Keogh E Herz 493100 20434 ROYAL II wn 3 104 C C204023RINGLING S 9 9 7 71 6 A Neyibn J Livingston Livingstonw 1325100 204023RINGLING w wu 5 u 95 9 920226ROAMER 9 8 S 8 S I1 712 M Garner P D Weir 17SO100 20226ROAMER 17SO10120226ROAMER WB 4 127 3 3 I1 1 H Ink 411 S10 J Butwell A Miller 165100 20495 DAVID CRAIG WB 4 112 2 5 21 3l 9 9 9 R Goose J W Schorr IS30100 Time IS30101Time 24 49 115 143 210 Track heavy 2 mutuels paid Borrow 3140 straight 1070 place 730 show Hodge 550 place 120 show Prince Hermis 040 show showiEqulvaleiit iEqulvaleiit booking odds Borrow 1470 to 100 straight 435 to 100 place 203 to 100 show Hodge 175 to 100 place 110 to 100 show Prince Hermis 220 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Hamburg Forget trained by J Howe HoweWvnt Wvnt to Mst at 4015 At post 0 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving BORROW was saved and kept well up behind the leaders until in the last quarter then was rushed into the lead and under good riding won easing up HODGK raced forwardly all the way and finished fast and gamely PRINCE HERMIS tired slightly near the end but ran a good race EMERSON COCHBAN came with a rush in the str etch SHORT GRASS tired but finished close up ROYAL II closed a gap RINGLING was cut off several times ROAMER set a fast pace for the going quitScratched and tired Imdly DAVID CRAIG quit Scratched 20343Lco Ray 99 201J5sBronzewiiJg 105 2037SEd Crump 103 20315 John Guild FIFTH RACE 58 Mile SS22 08 2 115 000 Added 2yearolds Allowances Netvsiliie to winner 180 second 118 third G2 Index Horses AWtPPSt V Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 204G4BWNEYED KATE w IOS 2 1 H H 1 = I1 C Ganz E R Bradley STiNK 20493 HARRY GARDNERw 102 42 3 4 22 2 ° A Mott JH Gardner 315KM 20377 = MARGARET N wn 102 1 4 4 2 3 3 E Pool J S Hawkins llM100 20464 SAL VANITY w 107 3 3 2s 3J 4 4 E Martin L U Baxter 810100 Time 810100Time 24 50 104 Track heavy 2 mutuels paid Browneyed Kate 370 straight 250 place Harry Gardner 330 place no show mutuels sold soldEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Browneyed Kate 85 to 100 straight 25 to 100 place Harry Gardner 05 to 100 place placeWinner Winner B f by Helmet Miss Ringlets trained by C Ilammon Overweights Browneyed Kate 1 pound SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards 11707 142 4 11G 700 Added 3yearolds and upward Handicap Net value to winner 580 second S11S third SCJ Horses AWtPPSt A y Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 20378 DORTCH w 3 97J 1 3 4 3i 2J 2J In A Mott W W Dardeil C75100 205583GROV C75100205583GROV HUGHES ws 7 98 3 2 I1 I1 I1 in 2s K LapailleJ Umeiisetter 305100 20494LEO 30510020494LEO SKOLNY wn 4 107 3 4 2i 21 3J 3 32 AV Median R J Mackenzie 125100 20402 GOLDCREST BOY w 3 Sfi 4 1 Si 4 ° 43 4 = 44 F Judy J W Schorr 555100 20402 WATER WITCH wn 3 91 2 G 5 5 C 5 5 M Garner W J Young 755100 Time 755100Time 24 48 115 143 147 Track heavy 2 mutuels paid Dortch 1550 straight 700 place 340 show Grover Hughes 180 place 270 show Leo Skolny 240 show showErfjhivalent Erfjhivalent booking odds Dortch 575 to 100 straight 250 to 100 place 70 to 100 show Grover Hughes 140 to 100 place 35 to 100 show Leo Skolny 20 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch c by Ivan the Terrible Sierra Leone trained by II Louden LoudenWent Went to i ost at 518 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the sumo DORTCH moved up steadily and being hard urged throughout the stretch got up to win in tliti lasf stride VjHOvTiR HGllEsVhwved thcnoVtWTlyspeeiV iut LEO SKOLNY prob ¬ ably best was cut off badly and finished fast GOLDCHEST BOY and WATER WITCH were on outpaced tni throughout throughoutScratched Scratched 20378 Ed Crump 107 107Overweights Overweights Dortch 14 pounds AVater Witch 14 O ftQ SEVENTH ACE 1 116 Miles 8513 144 3 105 HH Added 3yearolds and J jJOJJ upward Selling Net value to winner 180 second 118 third 52 Index Horses AWtPPSt i Str Fin Jockevs Owners Kmiiv 011 20434 TETAN w 3 1021 4 2 1 1 = 1 l 1 E Pool Johnson Crostuwaite KO1OO 20527 = GREVILLE w 3 101 2 3 4 3t r n 2i 2 = W McchanF Schaller iHiVlOO 20494 = BONANZA wn G 115 5 G 2J 2 3 3i 3 R Small M Quint IkT IkT20533SHERMUDA 20533SHERMUDA w 5 111 3 4 5 5 5 G 4 F Keogh Booker Applcgate 77 1 Kl 20494 = COL TOM GREEXw 3 99 1 1 3i 4 4 = 4U 5 M Garner Mrs J S Evorman l ISinr 00 Time ISinrTime 24s 485 114 142 150 Track heavy 2 mutuels paid Tetaii 800 straight 500 place 300 show Grcville 1090 place S 4 90 shou ou i s v MIUU Bonanza 310 show Equivalent booking odds Tetan 330 to 100 straight 150 to 100 place SO to 100 show Grpvlllp lrL7Illc Jlj in to toWinner 100 place 145 to 100 show Bonanza 55 to 100 show Winner B c by Dorante Bcttie Gray trained by W Perkins PerkinsWent Went to post at 548 At jwst 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second ind thlnl ilriv ing TETAN sliowed much speed simply spreadeagled the others and won nulled un GRFVII r I iii ni vell and outstayed BONANZA for second place The latter lacked his former good speed ami tiiVil In th last eighth HEHMUDA ran moderately well COL TOM GREEN tired and was taken wide The win rnr mutr was entered for 22CO no bid Scratched 20402 Old Ben 107 Overwelgtits Tetan 14 pounds Grevill

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Local Identifier: drf1915053001_3_1
Library of Congress Record: