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DELORIMIER PARK FORM CHART MONTREAL QUE May 27 1915 Fifth day dayMontreal Montreal Driving Clubs Spring Meeting of 7 days Delorimier Park Weather cloudy Presiding Judge Charles Campeau Starter F McGinty Racing Secretary J B Brown 20596 First Race About 58 Mile Purse 300 2yearolds 3002yearolds Allowances Net value to Winner 225 second 30 third 23 23Ind Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey St 20568sSmil St20568sSmil Maggie 112 1 = C Grand 1 19999 = Margarct O 112 23 33 Mcliwen 2 20093 Grey Lady 104 3 C White C 20568 Sentinel 107 4 II Snyder G 20444 Base Ball 104 5J J Connors 20444 Irvin Arthur 112 6s T McCullough 12 12Happiness Happiness 104 7 ° C Mergler 12 20444 Cherry 15Time 104 8 W Young 15 Time 104 Track fast Winner N W Burkhardts ch f 4 by Smile Margaret M trained by N W Bnrkhardt BnrkhardtStart Start good Won easily second and third the same v 20597 Second Race About 58 Mile Pur 300 3003yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling Net value to winner 225 second 50 third 23 23Ind Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey St 20446 Senator TamesllO 1J E McEwen 32 20511 Jungle 108 2J Games 2 20569 Noble Grand 110 3n C Grand C 20571 = Lfialoha J Dodd 205692Cesario C White 20540 K of Pythias 10G C H Snyder 20505 Old Gotch 110 7L C Knight 12 20541 Miss Fissy 93 S2 G Merglor 40 20572 Mrs Me 112 3s W Rosen 10 20540 Artesian 113 10 L Gaugel 20 Time 103 Track fast fastWinner Winner K D Kaufmans ch g 5 by Ort Wells Miss Liietltia trained by T Proctor ProctorStart Start good Won driving second and third tho same 20598 Third Race About 5S Mile Purse 300 3003yearolds 3yearolds arid upward Selling Net value to towinner winner 225 second 50 third 25 25Ind Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockev St 20544 Miss Chaucer 111 I3 C Knight 2 20544 Inlan 130 21 Carnes 3 3205423Little 205423Little Jake 112 3i T McCullough 4 19907 The Lark 105 4J W Youns 3 19390 Phil Connor 110 5 J McDowell 19960 Ella 108 G A Murray 20 20542 Ridgeland 110 7i C Stanford 20 20540 = Rye Straw 113 Pulled up C Grand 2 Time 103 Track fast fastWinner Winner C N Freemans b f 4 by Chaucer Jovial Jane trained by C N Freeman FreemanStart Start good Won easily second and third driving 20589 Fourth Race G 12 Furlongs Purse 300 4ycarolds and upward Selling Net value to winner 225 second 50 third 25 Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey 20507 Daylight 113 li C Grand 20507 Lambs Tail 113 2n Meehan 5 5205073Martre 205073Martre 113 31 W Young 3 20506 Lily Paxton 113 4 A Walsh 13 13205433Rky 205433Rky OBrien 115 5J L Meripole 5 19834 Moonlight 115 Ci J McDowell 32 20543 Willis 118 7 C Knight G 20542 N Muehacho 115 8 W Gargan 15 20571 Joe Gaitens 115 Refused W Rosen C Time 125 Track fast fastWinner Winner J Eckerts b m 5 by Peep oDay Grace Commoner trained by J Eckert EckertStart Start good Won driving second and third the 2C600 Fifth Race G 12 Furlongs Purse 300 4 ycarolds and upward Selling Net value to win ¬ ner 223 second 50 third 23 Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey 20573 Tempest 113 1 C Grand 20541 Ruisseau 115 2l M Simmons Simmons205132Tankard 205132Tankard 115 3 N Foden Foden205053Virginia 205053Virginia S 108 4 J Dodd 20573 Pierre Dumas 115 5J C Stanford 20507 Ferroua 113 G J Dawson 23508 3 Lord Wells 115 72 C Knight 20505sLady Pender 113 S T McCullough 15 Time 126 Track fast fastWinnerrW WinnerrW D Hendleys gr f 4 by Allana Dale HendleyStart Turtle Dove trained by W D Hendley Start good Won driving second and third the same 20601 Sixth Race C 12 Furlongs Purse 300 3003yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling Net value to towinner winner 225 second 50 third 25 25lud lud Horse Wt Fin Jockey St St205713Iuqnieta 205713Iuqnieta 113 I2 T McCulIough 1 19304 Phil T 112 23 J Bergen S 20506 The Urchin 115 32 M Simmons 20 20506 Little Pete 110 4J N Foden 3 20575 Endurance 100 fJ C Mergler 7 20542 Weir 115 CJ Carnes 20 20573 20573111 111 Savin 107 71 A Murray CO 20447 Ochre Court 115 SS C Grand 17885 Caraqnet 113 9 C Knight G 20541 AVisher 113 10 H Snyder 20 20Time Time 125 Track fast fastAVinner AVinner J Polks b m 5 by Fatherless Ellcr slio trained by J Polk PolkStart Start good AVon easily second and third the 20C02 Seventh Race 78 Mile Purse 300 3 33earolds 3earolds and upward Selling Net value to win ¬ ner 225 second 50 third 23 23Ind Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey St 20448 Spolm 115 1 H Snyder 3 20452 Durin 115 2J C Knight 32 20547 Swede Sam 115 S t T McCullough 4 20512 Aoladay Jr 115 4J E McEwen 7 20512 Ravenal 115 5i AV Young 7 20546 Hello 103 6 6l J Connors 12 20513 Sordello 115 11 AV Gargan 1G 20546 Black Earl 110 S1 A AAalsh 20513 Ilolsington 115 91 C Grand 20547 Proctor 312 10 W Rosen Time 131 Track fast AAinner J J McCaffertys b g 10 by Peep oDay Smirr trained by J J McCafferty Start good AVon driving second and third tho 20603 Eighth Race 78 Mile Purse 300 3 ycarolds ami upward Selling Net value to winner 225 second 50 third 25 Ind Horse AVt Fin Jockey St 20545 Thomas Hare 115 1 C Knight 3 320544sBlue 20544sBlue Jay 115 2J E McEwen 1 20512 D of Shelby 115 3i H Snyder G 20449 Ajax 110 4 Meehan S 20547 Smiling Mag 110 5i J Connors 12 12205462Skinny 205462Skinny B 112 G T McCullough 7 20545 AVolfs Baths 115 7 AV Rosen 12 S Art52Jabot 113 Thr rider AV Young 3 3Time Time 131J5 Track fast Winner I Strikers ch g 4 by HInsdale I Know trained by S I Davis DavisStart Start good AVon driving second and third the