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BELMONT PARK ENTRIES Probabilities Weather cloudy track fast Racing starts at 230 p in Chicago time 130 XRuns well in mud Superior mud runner M maidens Apprentice allowance allowanceFirst First Race 34 Mile Main Course Course3yearolds SellingTrack 3yearolds ami upward Selling Track record 57947 111 4 147 147Ind Ind Horse Wt Itec AWtHan AWtHan18230s 18230s Royal Martyr 107113 310G725 20500 Tinkle Bell 109 l10m 3 112X720 20500 Distant Shore 110 l13Vf 3 105X720 20530 Hnrakan 103 112 4 110 715 117X71020307s 205302 Lily Ormo 102 113 4 117X710 20307s Uncle Jir Jirnmie 109 112 4 120 710 20407 Ethan A Allen 105 113 3 100X705 20159 Roly 3 100X700 204072 Minstrel 3 105 700 20100 Lost Foi Fortune 103il14Vf 4 11 3X700 Broomleaf 104 113 3 98X000 Second Race Straight2yearolds 4 12 Furlongs Straight 2yearolds Selling Track record 74850 51 2 112 2053G3 Fernrock 112 723 203383 Divan 101X720 20530 Broomvale 97X715 20502 Ataka 04X715 205023 Stellarina M 103 713 20530 Success Ill 54m 112X700 20305 Fish Walk M 99 COO 20304 Handfull M 105 53m 107 075 Short Ballot ch c by Voter Car Carlotta lotta C 100 Third Race 1 Mile MileBayslde Bayslde Selling Handicap Handicap3yearolds upwardTrack 3yearolds and upward Track record 10870 130 3 117 11720502s 20502s Republican 100137 G 110725 20439 Thornhill 100137 4111X720 20470 Blue Thistle 100 139 G 118X72O 204703 Amalfi 107 130 7 113X720 8107X71520470s 20309 G M Miller 122138 8107X715 20470s Cliff Field 110140 4104X715 4104X715Fourth Fourth Race 34 Mile Straight Toboggan Handicap Value 2000 20003yearolds 3yearolds and upward Track record 74800 108 1 137 202752 High Noou 3 108 730 73020370t 20370t Stromboli 113 113 4 127X745 20505 f Rock View 120112 5127X745 20301 114X74020537t Phosphor 123 l12m 3 114X740 20537t Flittergold 115112 4117X740 4117X74020505s 20505s Yankee Notions 123 112 5 114735 204693J Hester Prynne 90 110 5 100 733 204GS Top o th Morn ng 3 110 730 20305 Spring Board 103110 0107X730 20370 Charlestonian 4 107725 20389 Pomette Bleu 4 112X725 112X725205GC3 205GC3 Beethoven 110 114 5 00 720 720tA tA Belmout entry JR T Wilson entry entryFifth Fifth Race About 2 12 Miles Grand National Steeplechase Handicap 1500 Added Added4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Track record 17300 528 0 ICO 20471 3 Mission 0148X725 20538 Cherry Malptte G 153X720 20471 Blankenburg 5 157 720 720204712t 204712t Shannon River 7150X720 7150X72020371t 20371t Ballybay 5 140X715 20320 Chupadero 4 153X710 20471 Kintore 4 135 705 20471 Indian Arrow 4 130 703 703fR fR Parr entry entrySixth Straight3yearolds Sixth Race 34 Kile Straight 3yearolds Maidens Special Weights WeightsTrack Track record 74800 108 4 137 13720070t 20070t GINO 100 723 205333 112X71320535s Saratoga 101 112 m 112X713 20535s Sand Marsh 112 710 20535 Duke of Dunbar 109 705 20535 Ben Dale 100 005 203351 Etruscan 109 COO 20535 Rosemarine 107 GOO 20535 Ahara 112 000 20535 Uncle Bill 109 GOO 10000 Turn Turtle 107 075 075142SG 142SG Sorrento 100 075 075fL fL S Thompson entry