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DELORIM1ER PARK FORM CHART MONTREAL QUE May 26 1915 Fourth day Montreal Driving Clubs Spring Meeting of 7 days Delorimicr Park Weather cloudy Presiding cloudyPresiding Judge Charles Campeau Starter F McGinty Racing Secretary J B Brown 20568 First Race About 58 Mile Purse 300 2yearolds 3002yearolds Selling Net value to winner 225 825Ind second 50 third 825 Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey St 20013 Penance 104 I1 C White WhiteS0444Sng S0444Sng Maggiell7 2 C Grand 2 0444 3 Lewis Opper 110 33 E McEwen 20444 S Diamond 112 4s J Howard 20444 Ann Scott 103 u3 II Snyder 19128 Knight30444sSentinel Jack Stern 111 Ci C Knight 30444sSentinel MeripoleRosa 112 7 L Meripole Rosa Garden 104 S C Mergler fCoupled MerglerfCoupled in betting bettingTime heavyWinner Time 10714 Track heavy Winner II Hurdles br f by Sain trained by H Hurdle HurdleStart Start good Won handily second and third s 205G9 Second Race About 58 Mile Purse 300 4yearolds 3004yearolds and upward Selling Net value to towinner winner 225 second 50 third 25 25Ind Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey St St201203Claribel 201203Claribel 113 1 B McEwen 3 2050G3Cesario 113 2l G White c 20508 2BelIe Bird 113 3 J McDowell 2 2044G Noble Grand 115 42 C Stanford 12 2050 L des Cnetsll3 0 C Knight 3 20505 Bursar 115 C3 C Urand 3 1934 Strange Girl 10S 7 J Dodd 20 13381 Lensh Pride 113 Lrider Carnes C Time CTime 107 Track heavy heavyWinner Winner J Hartleys ch f 4 by Sir Huon Sevilla IlarneyStart trained by J Ilarney Start good Won easily second and third handily 20570 Third Race Atout 5S Mile Purse 300 3yearolds 3003yearolds and upward Selling Net value to towinner winner 225 second 30 third 25 25lud St205093Fld lud Horse Wt Fin Jockey St 205093Fld Flower 113 1 J C White 205102Tower 107 2 J Howard 7 720509s 20509s Bird Man 118 3i C Grand 1 20505 Met Lowry 113 4a T McCullough 1G 20445s Indifferent 103 5 V Young 3 20511 Mortgyle IIS C A Walsh 2050 ATiiericus 118 Lost rider G Knight C 20445 Petit Bleu 103 Lost rider T McDll 13 Time 13Time 107 Track heavy heavyWinner Winner J Sheridans ch m 5 by Marathon Somersault SheridanStart trained by J Sheridan Start good Won handily second same third driving 20571 Fourth Race About 5S Mile Purso 300 3003ycarolds 3ycarolds and upward Selling Net value to towinner winner 225 second 50 third 25 25Ind Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey St 20446 2Orimar Lad 115 1 1 C Stanford 12 20506 sLeialoha 103 2l J Dodd 7 20505 Inquieta 113 3l C Knight 15 20513 152044G Capt Elliott 115 43 W Daly 15 2044G Velie Forty 113 5l J McDowell S 20448 Joe Gaitens 115 Gs W Rosen 12 1220507s 20507s Abdul 115 7 C Grand 3 3Time Time 105 Track heavy Winner heavyWinner Mrs C L Crippens ch g 0 by Orimar Lulu CrippenStart Marr trained by G W Crippen Start good Won handily second and third same 20572 Fifth Race About 58 Mile Purse 300 3004yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling Net value to towinner winner 225 second 50 third 25 25Ind St20509Herthstone Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey St 20509Herthstone llr li W Rosen 2 220508JJessup 20508JJessup BurnllS 2i C Grand 1 20451 Sir Dyke 115 3 G Knight G G199783Little 199783Little Birdie 133 43 J McDowell 10 17034 Belle Terre 113 GJ A Walsh 6 20110 Mrs Me 113 6 H Snyder 20 19870 Cordova 113 7 T McCullough 12 12Time heavyWinner Time 107 Track heavy Winner Yarrow Brae Stables b g 7 by Ben Strome Strychinia trained by W Short ShortStart Start good Won handily second and third same 20573 Sixth Race 0 12 Furlongs Purse 300 3yearolds 3003yearolds and upward Selling Net value to winner 225 second 50 third 25 25Ind Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey St 20511 = Lucky GeorgelM In A Walsh 4 20128 Dixie 100 AV Young 7 720450sTiger 20450sTiger Jim 103 3 C Ballinger 35 18280 Pierre DumasllO 4 C Knight G 20508 Tempest 110 5 K McEwen 7 182G7 Galley Slave 112 C C Grand 4 1974 Ill Savin J McDowell JohnWttlters 12 Pulled up W Rosen 15 15Time heavyWinner Time 130 Track heavy Winner C B Marlmans b g G by Marco Presentation trained by C B Madman Start good Won driving second and third same 20574 Seventh Race 0 12 Furlongs Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Net value to winner 225 second 50 third 25 Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey St 20452 Duquesne 113 1s T McCullough 4 20547 2Hazel G 108 V II Snyder S 19007 Cbia Lady 100 3 t G White 3 20509 Bertha V 10S 4 ° t A Hullcoat 5 5205133Col 205133Col McDgl 110 5s J Howard 2i 20507 Malik 113 C J McDowell 20 20547 June W 103 7J Carnes 12 20509 Fellna 110 8s C Knight C 20449 La Sainrella 108 J Connors 7 7Time Time 128 Track heavy heavyWinner Winner J M Stowes I r h 8 by Broomstick Falcrna trained by J M Stowe StoweStart Start good Won easily second same third driving 0575 Eighth Race 1 110 Miles Purse 350 3yearolils 3503yearolils Allowances Net value to winner 275 second 50 third 25 25Ind Ind Horse Wt Fin Jocker St St204513Ben 204513Ben Uncas 110 1 T McCullough 32 20452 Patty Regan 105 I3 W Young 3 19965 Singletoe 100 s J McDowell S 2 05 0512s 12s Mimesis 303 4nk S Wolstenl 20512 20512sRose sRose Oneil 107 5s C White White20545sFastoso 20545sFastoso 303 C1 J Connors C 20547 Endurance 85 74 C Mergler 30 20545 L Van Zdt 110 S C Knight C CTime Time 157 Track heavy heavyWinner Winner J M Stowes b s 7 by Contestor Miss Uncas trained by J M Stowe Start good Won easily second and third same