Fourth Race [4th Belmont Park, Daily Racing Form, 1915-05-30

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FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Straight Toboggan Handicap 3yearolds and upward 74SGO 1 OS 137 HIGH NOON ch c 3 108 By Voter Noonday J Butler 20273 Churchill 34 l12V slow 54 112 2 11 21 C Borel 4 Leochares Bzewing HBarbee 20225 Churchill G f l056fast 145 1091 1 4 3s C Borel S Leochares Iron Mask Hodge 1S239 Laurel 31 l12fast 920 124 1 Int 2 J Butwell 11 Last Coin RoyMartyr Kazzano 17899 Laurel 34 112 fast 45 10C1 2 I3 1J J Butwell 7 Hester Prynne Comely SBoard 17731 Laurel 34 112 fast 120 115 1 ink 2 k J Butwell 8 Pebbles Double Kagle Dinah Do 17021 Belmont 51 f st l04fast 95 118 1 1i I2 J Butwell S ItMartyr Coquette SMcMeekin 1C405 Saratoga 34 l14 good 65 120 C 42 41 J Kederis G Lady Barbary T by Jury Luke LukeBy STROMBOLI ch gr 4 127 By Fair Play St Priscilla A Belmont 20370 Belmont 1 l39 fast 85 IIS 3 317S77 I3 13 C Turner 10 Sharpshooter Fly Fairy Tartar 17S77 Laurel 1 1S l49fast 225 124 G 54 5 3 Turner G Uoamer Tartar Buskin 17555 Laurel 1 11G l43fast 9 117 7 2s I1 G Turner 10 Roamer Tartar Celesta 17076 Belmont 7S 124 fast G5 122 5 23 I1 C Turner G Comely Frederick L Tartar 1CS70 Belmont 1 l3Gfast 135 117 3 316S17 Ink h G Turner 7 Gainer Flginny Uncle Mun 16S17 Syracuse 78 l25i fast 13 118 1 12 21 M Buxton 2 Flginny FlginnyBy ROCK VIEW br h 5 127 127205G5 By Rock Sand Golden View A Belmont 205G5 Belmont 34 113 good 13o 122 5 21 I1 E Dugan 55 Yan Notions Tartar Sp Board 20441 Belmont 1 l39mud 1 122 2 22 21 E Dugan 3 Slumber II Absconder 20370 Belmont 1 l39ffast 85 124 10 9 101E Dugan 10 Stroinnqli Sharpshooter FFairy 15048 Aqueduct 1 14 208 fast 31 128 5 03 3J J Butwell 7 Buckhorn Buskin Thornliill 14763 Belmont 34 st l12M fast 8 12G 5 21 Ink j Butwell 15 Figlnny Ten Point Sprite 14478 Belmont 34 l12fast 31 129 G 61 421 J Butwell 10 HBarbee MeetiugHouse Tranid 14355 Belmont 1 l37fast 85 127 4 4PHOSPHOR 2 3 1J Butwell 11 Buskin Figinny Borrow BorrowBy PHOSPHOR b c 3 114 By Peep oDay Myrtelus S L Parsons 20501 Belmont 34 l13good 720 128 1 In li 1 Loftus Top Hat Meeting House i0440 Betmont 34 st 112 mud 920 123 1 1s 1s J Loftus 7 Half Bock Saratoga DIstShore 203SS Belmont 51 f st 105 slop 1310 112 1 13 1J J Loftus 4 Pixy Spring Board Marion H 20225 Churchill 5i f 1 05lfast 20 103 C 72 7i II Sumter S Uocliares IronMask IlighNoon 20177 L xgton 1 l4lhvy 2C 1001 3 11 1 J Butwell C GolilcrestBoy Kmbdery Luther 20139 Lexgton 34 112 fast 1120 112 4 11 IJ T McTagt S BandStars CTower DrCruien 1C503 Saratoga 34 l1Chvy 4 110 10 11 II22 K Karrick 11 Regret Andrew M Pebbles PebblesBy FLITTERGOLD ch c 4 117 By Hastings Fairy Gold A Belmont 20537 Belmont 7S 12G fast 135 US G 7 7JE Dugan 7 Pebbles Runes Kazzano IS511 HdeGce Im70yl43fast 46 111 4 24 in J Butwell 4 H Shaw PometteBleii Yodels 18492 lldeCco 34 l12fast 3 llJ 2 3k 3J 1 Butwell 5 Ten Point Tranid PometteBleii 1S415 HdeGce Im70yl4l good 1 G5 113 5 21 34iJ Butwell S Kobt Bradley Tartar Buskiu ISloy HdeGce 1 116 l4Gfast 3 111 2 Il lt J Butwell 7 Montresor Pardner Magnet 1SS76 Pimlico 34 l12fast 195 111 5 3J in J Butwell 8 Wbass IlesPrynne EuierGem EuierGemBv YANKEE NOTIONS ch g 5 114 1142C6 Bv Yankee Fairie Queen Oneck Stable 2C6 Belmont 34 113 good S5 114 2 I1 2H J Loftus C Rock View Tartar SpringBoard 20109 Belmont CJ f l20slow 2 108 1 12 Il G Byrne Top Hat Hester Prynne 17S49 Laurel 34 l12 fast 3110 113 4 4 ° S5 K Karrick G Housemaid Isidora Chuckles 17593 Laurel 34 112 fast 135 11G 1 3s 43i K Karrick G HVcuiaid H Prynne Flittergold 17222 Belmont 34 st l12fast 31 125 2 3l 22 J Butwell 5 Forum True as Steel Flittergold 17107 Belmont 34 l12 fast 3 113 2 31 321 J Butwoll 9 Crlestonian MHouse IlPrynne HESTER PRYNNE ch m 5 109 By Disguise Witchcraft R T Wilson Wilson2nk 2046 Bclmont Ci f l20Jfeslow 35 111 2 2nk TIJ j McCahey Yankee Notions Top Hat 20143 Pimlico 34 114 fast 1720 118 2 24 2J J Metcalf fi Andrew RhMaiden Talecarrler 1S437 HdeGco 5J f l07good 3 115 G 4l 1 J McCahey 7 TrasSteel Housemaid Kewessa 1SS93 Pimlico 31 l12fast 3120 110 1 Ink 13 j McCahey 4 SpBoard Ten Point EmerGein 1S376 Pimlico 31 l12fast 1GG 110 4 21 31 J McCahey S Flitgold Watbass EmerGem TOP 0 TH MORNING ch c 3 110 110204GS By Peep oDay Lady Balgowan F Johnson JohnsonI1 204GS Belmont 5 f st l05slow 1G5 111 1 I1 I1 M Buxtou G The Finn Gloaming Kaskaskia 20295 Pimlico 34 l15fast 25 112 4 41G5S7 11 I3 M Buxton 9 Anxiety Primary Gammon GammonI1 1G5S7 Saratoga 34 113 fast 15 100 2 21C503 I1 21 V Rhtmireir Tby Jury L Barbary Comely 1C503 Saratoga 34 llChvy 10 107 1 52 7 M Buxton 11 Regret Andrew M Pebbles Pebblesn 16365 Saratoga 51 f rffjtsood 4 95 2 n 421 H Sumter 8 Kilkenny Boy Polish Reliance 14600 Belmont 51 f st 106 fast 7 10S 10 10SPRING 71 8 J Glass 11 Coquette Geo Roesch Pierrot SPRING BOARD b gr G 107 By Aeronaut Bettie Bouncer E B Cassatt 20565 Belmont 34 113 good 10 107 1 120SS 32 4s T Davies 5 Rock View YanNotions Tartar 20SS Belmont 51 f st 105 slop 5 117 4 4 34J T Davles 4 Phosphor Pixy Marion II 20267 Pimlico 31 l14slop 15 112 3 41 471 T Davies Montresor Andrew K Maiden 20211 Pimlico 7S l2Gfast 17 115 7 71S393 G4 C1 = T Davies S Klelmrue Kewessa BCuuarder 1S393 Pimlico 34 l12fast 8 104 4 4CHARLESTONIAN 4 23 J McTagrt 4 H Prynne Ten Point Em Gem CHARLESTONIAN br g 4 107 By Woolsthorpe Espionage Marrone Stable 20370 Belmont 1 l39fast 15 103 1 72 812iG Corey 10 Stromboli Sliarpsbooter FFairy 17296 Belmont 78124 fast 1310 115 2 32 34i 1 McCahey 4 Flittergold WorklngLad Busiin 17107 Belmont 34 l12ifast C 108 4 22 li M Buxlon 9 M House Y Notions H Prynue 17023 Belmont 1 138 fast 32 Oil 2 2359CC 12 I2 J McCahey 3 Hedge Thornliill 359CC Saratoga 1 14 205fast 20 102 5 515S93 7 714 C Turner 7 Borrow Hedge Flying Fairy 15S93 Empire 1 1S l55 fcmud 85 109 3 3 31 C Bgame 3 Surprising Punch Bowl 15459 Aqueduct 1 14 205fast 6 123 2 2POMETTE 3 3IS C Bgame 3 Roamer Gainer POMETTE BLEU b f 4 112 By Ben Brush Mauviette R T Wilson 203S9 Belmont 34 l13slop 13 10i 1 12 I1 J McCahey 3 Gainer Saratoga 2010 Pimlico 34 l14hvy 2120 113 3 13 I3 J McCahey S Brave Cuuarder Horron Isidora 2011S HdeGce 34 l13good 95 113 2 14 l i J Metcalf G NSimplex II Temple LTeresa 20034 HdeGce 34 l14slow 3G 10 i 3 21 22 J McCahey 3 Slumber II Surprising 2C009 HdeGce 51 f l05fast 4 109 5 5BEETHOVEN 53 5 J McCahey a TPoiut Miramichl Slumber II BEETHOVEN b g 5 90 902C06G By Broomstick Sans Peur Mrs R I Miller 2C06G Belmont G f l20good 30 111 1 3 3s W Lilley f DShore Presumption Astrology 20309 Pimlico Im70y l46last 24 100 7 6s 61 W Obert S Lochiel Corsican Cliff Field 20267 Pimlico 34 l14M slop 100 90 9 6 G S J P Ryan 9 Montresor Andrew R Maiden 20143 Pimlico 34 111 fast 175 115 5 5 53 A Schugr 5 Andrew II Prynne R Maiden 17972 Laurel 4 l12fast 87 93 5 5tD Steward 5 Housemaid Isidora Slumber II 174S9 Empire 1 l41fast 165 115 22 22 S Davis 4 MrSniggs MSrwood RPardee

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Local Identifier: drf1915053001_4_2
Library of Congress Record: