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Belmont Park Entries and Past Performances for Monday May 31 31WEATHER WEATHER CLOUDY TRACK FAST FIRST RACE 34 Mile Main Course 3yearolds and upward Selling 57917 111 1 147 Index Course Dist TimeTckOdds Wt St Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish FinishBy ROYAL MARTYE ch f 3 106 1061S239 By Golden Maxim Mary Stuart G A Cochran 1S239 Laurel 34 l12fast IS 104 5 4 5li 3 J J jUcCaheyll Last Coin High Noon Razzan 18143 Laurel 1 l39fast 29 109 3 18051 Laurel 51 f l07good 2 113 3 17805 Laurel 31 113 fast 115 107 4 17556 Laurel 51 f 107 fast 295 112 5 17174 Belmont 5J f st 106 fast 13 108 3 Ii 1 J McCahcy G Rhine Maiden Minstrel lie Will TINKLE BELL ch g 3 112 B WillB Pete Pan Lady Gay J Butler 3300 Belmont G f l20good 31 112 1 V ButlerV ° ftiS tSliiro SamSlick Fenrnouse Fenrnouseo 20409 Belmont 34 l13mud 10 109 2 o 3 r C i iftiS Bore 3 Montrcsor Virile 16137 Saratoga 61 t 109 slow 135 108 4 3s Virile3s 3T J Kcderis 7 Charter Maid Runici hiliim 15620 Empire i f 107 good 41 102 1 2J1 j K lors 4 Phosphor Aiiss Kcesl KceslVaza 152G2 Aijueduct 58 102 slow G 112 1 Ir Vaza i it jiIMlprs J ry Sarsenet 15174 Aciueduct Aqueduct 58 lOOVfast 10 112 7 7I 41 4 i t J T Kcderis I 9 Lampoon CharferMaid GcoRorsch Sarsenet Sarsenet13BTlYin DISTANT SHORE I ch g 3 105 105205G6 eC LadyrS orr 0ncck Stable 205G6 Belmont CS f l20good 2 105 3 13BTlYin 20GOO Belmont Ci f l20gool 910 105 20110 Belmont 34 st 112 mud 15 111 2 1S13G Laurel CJ f l07fast S5 103 3 roecor ulluv Fvh 17992 Laurel 34 l13fast 5 IOS 9 3 3i 93J Butwell 12 Ella Brvson Briar PU 1 Trinli 17935 laurel 5 f l06fast G5 101 5 3 3 2h KKarrlck 9 HcnrtiiiAst Key Mar U Flonpr 16405 Saratoga 34 l14good 12 110 5 4 5 G3 J Butwell 0 Lady Barbary T by Jury Luke HTIRAKAN b f 4 119 By LukeBy Uncle The Hoyden D J Leary 20539 Belmont f l20fast 115 103 G 12 ° Turner 1 Lily Ormc S of VTIPX striio 203G7 Belmont 34 l13fast 5 110 2 3 3 2 E Dugan 5 He Will Vu Jimmle Mrwii te 18512 HdeGce Im70yl46 fast 4 106 4 1S1SO HdeGce Im70yl43 fast 4 100 7 18446 HdeGce Im70yl46 good 4J 109 2 1S103 HdeGce Im70yl41fast 185 100 2 ng 0 rpcrth Bushy Head JJLiilia LILY ORME blk f 4 117 117203S9 By JJLiiliaBy Warner Monsieur do LOrme Web of Fate H W 203S9 Belmont 6 f l20fast 30 103 1 1 22 H Sumter 10 Hurakan S of Valley 20391 Belmont 34 l14slop 2 105 1 1203SO Striker 21 331 H Sumter t Apple Heruiis Jr 203SO BelTcr AbGJ f fast 10 150 2 4l 6 F Crowley Ambrose Roger Gordon Hosemarine 20348 BelTer Aba8 fast 7 150 1019JMrIILBcll 10 Fcninonse Mr Specs Otto G Uend 20174 Rockwy 14 fast 95 165 3 33S061 30 2 = B B Lewis 4 Culvert Comet Floto 3S061 BelTer Abli good 12 108 2 2179S4 3 3 W Willma Election Bet Armament Stayaway 179S4 BelTer Ab78 fast 115 IOS 2 2UNCLE 310 37 E Tico 5 Armament Election Bet Aurora UNCLE JIMMIE b E 4 120 By AuroraBy Uncle Catherir Casn T Smith 20367 Belmont 31 l13fast 12 111 1 11S399 21 3s G Byrne C He Will Ilurakan 1S399 Pimlico 34 l14fast 7i 10S 5 51S3S3 11 4l G Byrne 3 oe mn KICK Broomlcaf 1S3S3 Pimlico 34 l13fast 16 105 1 s 1et lieiauey I1 5J G Byrne 11 Bolala Joe Finn Undaunted 18322 Pimlico 34 l12fast 13 101J 9 61 S13 G Byrne 9 Emerald Gem Prairie 18166 Laurel 34 l13fast 11J 108 1 31 718 S Davis S Belamour WWelles Crossbun 17932 Laurel 51 f l07fast S5 109 4 l4 21 S IDavis 11 J TLillls Crossbun Iaura Lohengri 17126 Empire 34 l12fast 1110 10 1 12 I3 C Turner 5 MSniggs CSwanson SofValley ETHAN ALLEN b g 3 100 By Yankee Ondurdis R T Wilson 20467 Belmont 34 115 slow Si lug 1 4l Wilson4l 5i W Ural 7 ElIaBryson Minstrel 20387 Belmont 34 l14slop 1310 98 3 3nk 43 J McCahey 4 Garl Perthshire Chesterton Chesterton 17291 Wdbine 34113 fast 1310 105 5 516S52 3 2 R Neander ft Zin Del Pepper Sauce 16S52 BlueBon 5 f l09 slop 145 108 fi 3 11 R Neander G Sir Edgar Stal Helen Casaba leesi conght 34 11S hvy 185 112 G Ink I1 R Neander 0 Stal Helen Redlaud Shyness 16624 Conght 34 l14 ifast 15 107 3 3 3s R Neander C Ormulu Sir Edgar Tie St Pin of Lovo ROLY b c 3 106 By Golden Maxim Lotowanna C J Quinn 20159 Pimlico 34 l13fast 3 103 2 13 1s M Buxton 13 SWJnsou 14610 Belmont 5S st 101 slop 4 102 4 B5 35j J Kcderis fi Alhena Harlequin MMGigle Koyty 14388 Belmont 4J f st 53fast 25 108 6 6MINSTREL 41 71Z J Glass 10 Forecast Pierrot Fenrock enroc Heclograpl MINSTREL ch gr 3 105 By enrocBy Yankee Love Note W B Mitchell 20167 Belmont 31 115 slow Si 107 2U 2h T Nolan 7 EUryson Chesterton 20247 Pimlico 34 l13fast 20 101 Bootnlcaf 3 4f T Nolan 7 Ierthshire An Del 20104 HdeGce CI f lOSgood 10 IOS 4 4 lh T Nolan 9 Hiker Egruont Dixie Amaiis 20067 HdeGco 34 l13last 5 102 4 3 = 2l E Ambrosell Fair Helen Fly Home 19654 Havana 34 l13fast 05 9S 4 Hiker lk sj w Ural 7 Elwah Ray 19611 Havana 61 f lOSfast S5 101 5 5LOST 2k 31 Allen 9 St Charlcote oLlght BrPrince Lohengrin Kazan LOST FORTUNE ch g 4 113 By KazanBy AllanaDale Maid of Fortune R F 20106 HdeGce 51 f 108 good S 103 1 Si 73i G Corey 12 Col Cook Yorkvillc Carman 20043 HdeGce 34 l13fast 9 109 4 3 C1 C Turner 7 Mcrcuriuiu Tarzan T York Lad 20012 HdeGce 34 lllfast 8 109 8 51 631 C Turner 9 Thesieres UucIeBcn Bybody 15066 Aqueduct 1 141 fast 20 92 S 9 9 = B Marco 9 Stonchcnge Amalfi NewIIavcu 11781 Latonia 1 l40fast 22 101 G 10 1030 D Connelly t First Degree Mr Specs 14463 Douglas 34 l Sfast 15 97 9 9BROOMLEAF S1 7J A Neylon 31 Qmastcr MBEbanks Alador Transit RDnty BROOMLEAF ch f 3 98 By RDntyBy Broomstick Daisy F L S Thompson 20167 Belmont 3t 115 slow 135 109 4 Go 4 J M Buxton 7 EllalSryson Minstrel 20267 Belmont 34 l13fast 20 95 4 43 4 C Hughes 5 He Will Hurakan Chesterton 18333 Pimlico 51 f l07fast 18 115 5 4 43 M Buxton 0 Between Us He Will Uncle Jinimie 1S25S Laurel 5S l00fast 37 103 7 7Dl 4 t u M Buston S Banquet He Will Amans 13154 Laurel Dl r l06 fast 101 102 4 43 3s M Buxton 10 Bet LTs Lady Rotha Hanson Chanleuse