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SECOND RACE 1 1lG Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling 801 144 3 105 LOVELAND br f 4 102 102aUil By Ogden La Pucelle E R Bradley aUil Douglas 1 116 l50mud 4i 101 1 1aMJS 2 J 2s J Jrown J lirynlimah M Ihilwcber HISall aMJS Douglas 1 11G IMJfmud 11 US 4 2s 2 J Brown 7 Tavolara Ttrender lGntleniau 20373 Churchill lin70yl4Ggood 145 100 1 120n3S 41 41 J Erown 8 Reno Hard Ball Lady Ianclilta 20n3S Churchill 1 11C 148 slow 9 103 3 2J 2 ° J Brown Hcno Guide Tost Cordio F 20316 Churchill 1 1lC 14G fast 12 101 G 4 42 J Brown 10 Miss Tliorpe Reno L JaneGrey 20174 Churchill 1 11G l4Ssiow 11 103 G 21 3 J Brown 10 Uequiram Impression Penalty PenaltyBy LADY JANE GREY b f 3 97 By Watercress Sister Jcanie W H Harris 20331 Douglas 1 116 101 nnul 6110 100 2 2201GO 3 3l A Mott Alledo Bank 15111 J Kavanaugh 201GO Douglas 34 l12fast 215 98 4 42031C 3 35J A Mott 8 Itcttcrton Car Orme Wild Bear 2031C Churchill 1116110 fast 5 OS 4 33 3 i A Mott 10 Miss Tliorpe Ueno Lovcland 21051 Lexgton 34 llGhvy 3S 103 2 2IM52 GH 4 J Smyth 0 Wlilossoin AnKriitcr 1 Maid IM52 Havana 51 f l07fast 2 96 C 311 2 W Ural S Cliilla Miss Brush GItana 19611 Havana 5i f lOSfast 2 108 4 6 G 3 T Koerner 0 StCliarlcote BrIrlnce Allustrcl 19553 Havana 51 f lOSfast 65 96 4 3U 2 F Robinsn 7 Jalwt Braudywine Malik MalikBy CHARMEUSE b f 4 107 By Mazagan Bewitcber J W Goldblatt 20399 Douglas 34 115 mud G 31 310iK Iool 5 Lanshornc OHagan Pleasville 20270 Churchill 51 f lOGslow 100 109113 11 11 = = J McCabe 14 Hawthorn Chartier BnsyEdith 19601 Juarez 31 lllfast 8 106 7 4nt Gl AV W Tlor 0 Manganese Seuoca Lackroso 19175 Juarez 7S l25fast 3 106 2 27S 2 5S3 J McCabe S Mimorioso F Roberts Injury 19412 Juarez 7S 125 fast 85 100 3 37S 6 784 H Stearns 7 Othello Executor Roadmaster 19353 Juarez 7S l26fast 2i 106 5 3 21 W W Tlor 7 Clark M Mud Sill Claribcl 12S4 Juarez 34 lllfast S 103 7 3 li J McCabe S Pay Streak Osaple FlRoberts FlRobertsBy MALLARD ch f 3 By Star Shoot Lizzie Dixon W R Mizell LX LXj2 j2 Douglas 34 lHfmud 54 100 5 G3 G71 J Maher 7 Bohllcnsley DCarniiMi BEdith IXmi Douglas Cl l17hvy 29 10 fi 2l 25 W MechanlO Amazon Allcdo Commanretta 20374 Churchill 34 l13J good fid 100 0 10 1118U Mahcr 11 The Norman Izzctbcy Billy Joe 20061 Lcxgton 34 113 slow 50 96 12 12 121S J Mahcr 12 Billy Joe Droll Salon SalonG2 19333 NOrlns 1 141 fast 95 105 4 G2 45i W Lilley 12 Flyllome WCWcst PapeWulte 19306 XOHns 1 l40fast 5 95 2 31 2nk J Maher StickPin TLoiiisc LSpirltuelle 13150 NOrlns ImCOy 146 hvy 95 97 4 4COREOPSIS 6s 2s W Lilley 8 Jacob Buiiu Joe D Rodomlo RodomloBy COREOPSIS ch g G 112 By Ornament Ollie Belle H B Gorin 20531 Douglas 1 116 l31mud 12 110 3 G1 6 = 1 H Urquhrt Alledo Bank Bill Lady J Grey 20SfiT Churchill 34 l15mud fid 110 12 9nt 9UJJ Hanoverl4 Amazon ConUclivery CarOrine 20316 Churchill 1 116 l4fifast 27 108 fi 51 G15 J Kcderis 11 Jessie Louise Impression Acis 20274 Churchill 1 116 l4Sslow 345 107 7 7h SUJP RobsonlO Hequiram Impression Loveland 201 CS Lexgton 1 116 l4Sslow 94 10S 4 311 310 E p00i s Thtreader Gold Girl Tavolara 200SG Lexgton 34 114 fast 12 112 12 G1 43 T McTagtlU Sureget Yallalia Miss Krtiter 19T71 Havana 1 IMS fast 9 115 6 6FIRST G 71 W Hinphy 7 Louise Paul Quick Start Napier NapierBy FIRST VENTURE br g 3 94 By Ian Marlborough Duchess J Livingston 20196 Douglas ImTOy 149 mud 75 10S 3 7 7 = 8 R Goose 7 St CharUotf Manioc Type 20310 Churchill 1116 117 fast fid 107 1 11 2k H Goose 1 Manioc Type Raincoat 20255 Churchill 31 l13fast 95 109 7 9 10n J Kederis 12 Billy Joe Izzctbey Mcx 17SS9 Churchl 34 l1345iuud 40 103 G 7 7 = 1JA Neylon 7 Voguo Grecian Aunt Josio 17471 Douglas 51 f 107 fast 19 106 4 9 S14 A Ncylou 11 Liberator Vosuc Aunt Josle Windsor Eng 5S l01good 3 123 123Lingf lk J Clark 12 Austen Nevada Graham Lingf ldEng GS good 103 123 123CHARLEY Int Hobbs S LPaMy Maximcs CbyAbstner CHARLEY McFERRAN b p 6 112 By Lissak Anna Hastings E B Parsons 10383 Douglas 1 116 l32fchvy 33 no 3 8 S18 J Hanover S B Dipper B Kill Comniaiirctta 20529 Douglas 31 llCinud fid 109 5 6 = G 1J Hanover S Dr Dougherty WBoar Snrigct 20199 Lexgton 24 l13fast fid 1111 1 10 9ln J Hanover 13 Blackthorn Royal Tea EdlthW 20104 Lexgton 1 14 2OG fast Sfi 109 2 G G193J Hanover I Consoler Olga Star Any Port 20J13 Lexgton 34 l13 fast 1S1 112 7 CouDclivylli 71 6JJ Hanover 11 Lackrose Roy Tea CouDclivy 20061 Lcxgton 34 115 slow fid 112 9 lli HHIJ Hanoverl2 Billy Joe Droll Salon 19911 Havana 34120 slow 31 116 4 31 33 J Hanover S Nigadoo LoanShark ANAkin 19S50 Havana 34 l15Jisood 21 111 2 4J lh J Hanover 7 IsIgadoo Elsewhere LoanShark LoanSharkBy MANAGER MACK b g 6 112 By Garry Herrmann Nethersolo jC Schirmcr 10555 Douglas 31 116 mud GO 103 4 S3 S15JO DlshinonlO Chilton King Sureget Itatiua 19103 NOrlns 1 1S l38 fchvy 31 106 i 3 35 i Bailey J Autumn Puck Ella Crane 19039 NOrlns 1116152 hvy 75 113 6 21 2s W Warton 8 Bciiedictina Autunin Scrviccnco 1S933 NOrlns 1 116 155 mud G 113 3 33 02 y Warton 7 Garneau Bnedictina Servccnee JSC6 NOrlns Im70y 143 fast 8 111 S 9 9U1W Warton 0 Mycenae Broomsodge OMcGcc COMMAITRETTA blk f 3 82 822H353 By The Commoner Annie Lauretta W J Weber 2H353 Douglas 1 116 l52hvy 425 SS S 4 31 C Hunt S I Dipper BkBill JKavanaugh 2031 Douglas 1 116 l51 mud 2S5 101 S 5 = 53 E Martin 9 Alledo Bank BUI Lady J Grey 20131 Douglas 34 l17hvy 13 103 7 G1 4 1 K Pool 10 Amason Mallard Alledo 20379 Churchill 1 1S 135 good 5 S9 7 3 = 3 n UrquhrtlO Consoler Goldy Falcada 1U3IO Churchill 1 116117 fast 375103 3 31 G5 K Martin 1 Manioc First Venture Type 20286 Churchill 1116 l46fast 44 100 5 5s 4C5 B Martin ii Stal Helen Christie M Morn 3S160 Latonia 1 l40fast 19 106 10 101S129 103 10 = ° C Howard 11 Leo Ray McAdoo Sandstone 1S129 Latonia 31 l12fast 16 87 12 8t 7nlJ Acton 12 Royal Tea Luria Salon SalonB WHIMS br f 3 92 B O dcn Canricn fJ Tlmensetter 20460 Douglas 34 l12 fast 55 91 G 7 715 K Lapaille S Bettcrton Car Orme L J Grey 20255 Churchill 34 l13fast fid 103 G 11 II A Mott 12 Billy Joe Izzcthcy Mcx McxG 19564 Juarez 51 f IMHshvy 20 100 6 G G10 T Henry G Maznik Lukcmap Rex Beach 17452 Douglas Gl f lOGgood 62 IDS 6 G Gt8iE McEwen G Em Cochran Solly Sea Shun