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1ERNE0CK UNRJLY. BUT A GAME COLT. Tahcs the Canaroio Stakes, After Nuarly Lobing by Bolting Across the. Aqueduct Track. New York, June .ii. Aagaat B lni Mts Fera-roefc, wiiii 11 en several occastons bus demonstrated Ills ganicucsa. was 1 u l» another teal today and be made good with liis 11-11.1l iu-!i in the Baal drive ifter be liad sweryed from the ootaide to the inner rail miilwii.v •■! the -treteh. Pernrurhs yletory was gained in the Cauarsie Si!Imiu Slake*, Mr two-year-olds, which was at Bvc-eightha and, although In-was meeting some ±»" 1 vo-yoni olds, he ruled favorite .-u oilds After i -ailing from the start, ii appeared as be waaLi .i-»t.i easy winner when be iwerved, which | Si . - In ■ contending position. Prom there t" Ihe finish Turner bad Hi -l-.-iiiii.iit iii under bard driye and he got the de-1 sh n bj 11 uai iiiw : argin. Wl1.11 n.iih i|i]..;i. , ,. .in lei race on the rather dull prop mi .;i- iii- fifth, 1 bamHcap at one mile i-.i- three year-olds and - i. ii arovwl easy tor Kiginny, which wa» tn 1 ■ ■ M«e lead at the start and maintained lo • • ■" • •" the end. |ul. wat -i-i iini. .1 lead ha natnuce of Basaano. Top Hal luadc 1 kk.i showing, being a distant tra iii 1 .ill 1 li . a . Palanquin I . •, of ;i big band of platen In the opener after badinp through «l and Uistanl Shore 1 1.1 i in, 1 . Ill ! t-.-isilj 1:1 the si loml to win over in- 1 ivorite, i ItMrawal . 1 -! tl iii 111 1- 1 1 I, te in :i soft : i-ni and hi- only witcred to beal Ben Qnlnee and Raj r»" Light, the only oth 1 two startera. AI Mulii:- hi Jarks aiviUe, nnd William Pa mam, el Ibaiietrtou, s. c . 1 i ; visitors today. The stable of former I uited States Senator I. M. Caiiid-n of Keutu k . baa .-ini •■■! ai Saratoga, ac cording I" Stuart Hunter, bis secretary, who is ■ ii lor here. The suing Includes nine yearlings, loekeya Hopkins and l:itiln - ■ both reeeired sus- |n 1 ion for tell days a; the -tam ls of starter or rtlKobcdience al tb.- in.T hi the first race. The horses, !.--i in numtier, I- longing i" J. W. M.n and . .1. Brockmillcr, lui arrived here from Im ntueky. Albert Farrdl, of California who a few years ago trained a formidable stahl t «r Molera iV Joseph, lucludiug tin mare Wabbling Water, in- niiuiiiiiii • -d ! is Hi-nii. n ,,r iclui .iiig lo tin- turf and will endeavor to ■ ure Hue horses in the near fu-tui 1 Aqueduct work-outs on a fa»j traek today were: Borax I im 1 eighths in •: . Harry Shaw ijuarter mile m 24%. I . , -;,:.. I- ■ in 1 : 15. Some King ll.ilf mile 111 ; ... d.e.m Wa . Hall mile In n 1 . ,, v Maid I im • • ightlix 1 1 ■; . [•a ton I bit- i|ii. iili-r- in 1:1 !-, 1 inn 11 iii mile in 50 .. ,, ,1 Mai ih I liii i|uart r. 111 1:18 -.. -.! 1 |.-n Half mile in Ml s. , sIm I! I in"1 |uart i- ... i li- - ■ ,n II. ill nub in I1 . s. • Half mile In ■"■- , rattka Tale Three eighths in 3S I ni-lo .liumiie 1brei -eighths in 37%. asa — Half tnihj in 19 -.. Relmoat Park work-outs over ■ faai track this in irnlng were: Rroaao -Half mile In is Charter Maid -Mile in 1:51; mile and an eighth 1 in g:lii:-. Dominant i lal f • lie In 18%. Ilugenot I nee i|ii.ii: is in 1 :17. - im | Jli- i Pi Mill .-in I an eighth In 1:-~ I ... Sun i.ihI Three-eighths in :.JV,. Vladimir -Three Quarters In 1 :"• White Hackle— Flve-eighUM la 1:03%.