Third Race [3rd Aqueduct, Daily Racing Form, 1915-07-01

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THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds. Handicap. 8*331 1:12—5—190. HIGH NOON, ch. c, 3 129 By Voter— Noonday J. Butler. I 20994 Jamaica •" f1:"i slow 16-3 ir. l 1 2 l1 1* C Bard 5 T. o th* Morning. Pspbor, Pixy ! i 1:13 fast E in i; 4 4 4i 4* C Bore! 8 Coquette. Harmonleon, H.Prynne - 06 l Belmont 3-4 st l:89%faat 3 l s l 1 1 15 lh C Borel Btremboli, V. Notions, Cestonian " 20275 Churchill "■ -4 l:12H»tow 5-4 ii2 l 1 1] B C Bore! 4 Leocbares, Baewlag. H. Barber ! 4 S Churchill 61 f l:05%fut 14-5 KB 1 3 3 4J. I* C Borel 6 I. en hares, Iron Mask. Hodge 18 ■"• ;,auivi t-4 l:12%f*at 9-li 1:1 i 11 1"" 2" J Butwell 11 Last Coin. Roy. Martyr. Razzano 3 176 :♦ Laurel 3 4 1:1. fast 4-5 106J 2 1113 1- J Butwell 7 llo-t. r Prynne. Comely. S. Board - TOP 0 TH- MORNING, ch. c. 3 129 By Peep oDav— Lady Balgowan F. Johnson. i 1190 Jai aica ■• I 1:13s, fast 1 123 2 l l l1 l1 1 Steward ■"• Sea Shell, Rhine Maiden, Pixy i maica 3 I 1:13 fast 13-6 146 ! l l Ill"* M Buxton 7 ilanovla, Figinny. Polartua ,tW4 Jamaica 5. f 1:07 slow 1. Il1 5 3 1 2- 2 M Buxton 5 High Noon. Phosphor. Pixy . ■;. I.eimont 2 1st q 113 3 2 2 S3 4 M Buxton 7 Andrew, lles.Prynne, V. Notions : Ml !:• | it :: 1st 1 :09%fast 3 no 1 2 5 fil V M Buxton .» II.Koon, Stromboli, Van. Notions .., Belmont .".. fsl l:0G4fcstow Ifi 5 in 1 11 mi1 M Buxton 0 The Finn, Gloaming, Kaskasku . . , pimlico 3-4 l :i".:,»f:i -t 2-6 112 4 11 l1 l3 M Buxton ■ Anxiety. Primary. Gammon : Lratnga 3-4 1:13 fast 15 loo 2 11 112 V L.htniire 15 LLy Jury, I.. Barbary, Comely . «=EA SHELL, br. f, 3 102 By Star Shoot— Flying Ship R. J. Mackenzie. -1 ... lamali i 3 ! l:13%fast S W2 3 :: 3 2*2" W Lilley 5 T.othMorning. R. Via Wen. Iixy :: 1 1:13 mud 17 98 l 2 1 I* 1- K LapaUlc 5 ;. Hughes, Chalmers. M.Ca hly mi. hill 1 1 !■; l:46%good 24 112 S 2 3 4 4 4" L Gentry !i u/aterhlossom, .Step, L.Rotha . ■ tun. hill l l 1C 1:17 . low •.:: 10 ioo l :: .• 2 3 i*l .1 McTagrt :: Bmerson Coebran, Royal II. hurchill l l:29%rast 76 no :: :: :» 4 S1 3" .1 M I *rt ■ LadyRotha, OneStep. Stal. Helen . ■ , i, v.-.. on 3 I 1:12 that 29 P7 3 4 4 V. :." .1 McTagt 8 Phosphor, B. ami Stars, C.Tower ... i i.. -i,,!! 1 l:38%fast 21 117 E 2 I E | 7: .1 McTa«/tl2 Whlo.-nm. Bmbdery, One Step ] NORSE KING, b. c. 3 115 By Fair Play— Nineveh F. B. Lemaire. i Jamaica 1 1 16 l:46%fast 1 1-6 112 2 11 1 1". II C Fbther ■"• Thornhill. Rassano, Lazuli ; ■.. • lamaica I t 1:13 fast :• 136 fi I 2 6s :.: It Troxler 7 T.othMnlng. Hanoria, l-iginny . lamaiea 11-16 1:47 fast 18-6 102 r, l l l n n L Allen ti Double Eagle. TopHat, Pandean ., , Belmont l l ifi l:444fcfast 3 2 103 2 11 1 2 2*1 J McCahey 2 Sborl Grass ■ Ml Belmont 1 1 HI 1:H. -fast u 97 ill 1 1» n T Louder 5 Top Hat, Addle M.. Hedge ,, ■ iMmlieo l i x 1:58 mud 13 E 116 S 4 6 fi B,lJT Rl« 0 RhineMaiden. Half Rock, Runes i 7 Churchill I 1-4 2«%fast 4o 117 ! 311 IS IS B"iW J 0*B*nlC Regret, Pebbles, Sharpakevtei RUNES br. c, 3 105 By Voorhees— Chiffie H. Watterson, II s Jamaica 1 1 16 l:47%£ast 13-M 166 3 2 2 2 2"t ih j McTagrt I Flying Fairy, TopHat. Ranano lamaica I 1 16 l:46%fast 20 105 3 3 3 3 : !■::- .1 McTagrt 7 The Finn. Sharpshooter, Garbage ,, lamaica 1! 16 l:47V4fast 13 3 loo 4 4 4 2 2- u2 .1 Dreyet .4 Koly. Ambrose, Armament 0728 Belmont 1 1 :3!i- fast 41 103 14 4 3. 3« 221 J Dreyer 4 Flittergold, Hedge, Garbage «jC93 Belmonl 7-8 l:25%faat 2 103 2 3, 4 4 4 4- .1 Dreyer 4 Distance, Top Hat, Ad. Kxpreaa , 7 [trhnont ;s i •••; last 12 M ".7 7 ; 4*| V .1 Breyer 7 Pebbles. Raazano. Distance •imlico 11-8 158 mud 2J 5 lif, 1 6 4 I 2- ::J M Buxton 0 RhineMaiden. HalfRock, Hbert 20246 Plmlico 1 l:41%fast 2x 6 106 4 c, 4 2 11 1J M Luxton 7 eito. Volant, Raw— RIIINF MAIDEN, b. f, 3 93 Bv Watercress — Gold E. F. Whitney. ■ Uso Jamaica 3-4 l:13%fast 10 95 1 2 2 3* 3- li Hoffman r» Top o th Morning. S. Shell. Pixy ,.,,! ,i ,,,,,,.! " f 1:06 last 2o M 1 4 4. 6»J It Hoffman ; llonsemaid. Comely, Ues.Prynne ,,.,,! pip hi, |,:: nufast «. lo4 1 1 1 1*1 l*J D Hoffman 7 Figinny, Holiday, Ratsano .,,,1 ii|,i:k Ah 1 i:i:i:i.t 4 103 7 o, :. G 7- ;Mlii Hoffman 8 Vbseonder, Star Gaae, Ben Dale ,,.,: Belmont 1 1 :3.r;"last 30 113 244 4 3 4" 1 Hoffman ." The Finn. Sauooter, II. Back * ■■; |. iim.iii 7 s 1 36 fast 16 M 2 11 1 3 r.i l Hoffman . Iebbles. i:nii Raraaufl ■• ■ i piruiico 1 l 8 1 :fs mud 4 lot ?, l l l l- li D Hoffman 0 Half Rock, Runes, Hauberk . ,,, ptmlico 3.4 i:H:,-iop 183 : 7 S " r, r,- 3,:l. D Hoffman B Moutresor. Andrew, S. Board LADY BARBARY. hr. f, 3 93 Bv Galveston — Barbary Belle R. F. Carman. 11W Jamaica • 1 ;.l:-.f.ii 8 108 i 4 4 E ."."i: Huestia •"■ T.othMaing. S.SIi. II. R.Maiden !,;,,:,. • t i 87 *ia-t 8 llo 3 3 2 L" 4*1 R Troxler 8 Hanson, Between lis, Stal. He ten ; ■,; ,| ,!,.,; ,-,. f,1. f in i.i fast IS S 113 1 4 4 4 47 E Anii.ros.- s Boxer, Hanson. Dr. Larries. : . ■. j| ,],.;,,. 3-S I 01-1,00.1 3] U4 4 4 3- 4; Gilbert t I.. Rot ha. Br. Flower, Mamie K. ndHice .. I" I -o:i- inii.l 6 113 5 7 7 7 i-l Shilling 7 Gaelic. Sarsenet, Hanson - i Belmonl 3-4 si 1:12 fast E 114 3 2 7 »;- V J McTagrt 7 Sharpshooter. Coquette, Dinah Do 16910 Belmonl 3 I si 1:14 last ?. 127 2 4 5 r,3 53 Bgame G Charter Maid, Coquette, Capra U H Saratoga 3.4 1:13 fast 12 IIS 5 5 3 4- 3 II Sumter 15 T.I. y Jury. T.OLMonig, Comely QUARTZ br. c, 3 112 By Rockton— Oriska J. SanTord. m... sarAtoga E! f 1:11 mud I S 112 1 1111 1* W W T*lor I Peg. San. I Bank, Carlayeroek i,,,s Saratoga I I 1 1 11 jo 108 1 1 1 3J ::-, M Buxton 7 Rupica. Qnarta. Sharpshooter IC479 Saratoga :.. f 1 lo-. imi.1 3 112 3 1 1 l1 21 M Buxton 10 Harry Junior, SIHea, Hanson ;. ,. ,, ,!,,•■ i : f ruT. ,..... 1 8 1U 4 4 i; 8 B*J W V Tlor 8 Kilkenny Boy. [olish. Reliance ■■ ro Saratoga f 1 : «.- .i:tst 1". 104 3 1 1 3n 4si M Buxton • BonNet, Montrosa, Char. Maid Saratoga •- I l:o7"fast 15 M6 Lett at the post. M Luxton 7 Garbage, The Finn, Liberator

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