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FOURTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. 3-ycav-oHs and upward. Handicap. 14:i77— MSH%— 3— M6. HODGE ch. g, 4 128 Bv Ivan the Terrible — Nannie Hodge W. J. Weberl r23l Latonia 3-4 1:ll-t,fast 10-3 122 1 3 3 ]■ 1 F Keogh 7 Leochares, S. Jasmine, Hwthorn 21131 l-iiooia :: i 1:12 ta-t 3 2 133 2 2 3 :.- ::-", F. Martin B LittleFather. Leochares. Benanet 21001 latonia •"• I l:ll%fast 4i IIS 1 2 2 I] l1 B Martin 4 Leochares. TheNornian. Benanet »029 l.atonia 1 1 14 1 : lr. fast 18 3 119 4 4 3 I 3" 3* F Keogh 5 Wrbloasom, r.llermis, B.Fiowcr 20777 Douglas 1 1-16 l:43%fast 3 2 lit; 3 4 4 4 2 2l F Keogh li Rancher, Black Toney. Lea Ray 31686 Douglas 1 1 1 2:10%hvy 36-5 101 13 4 3 31 ! | B Martin ■ Borrow, P. Bermis, B. Cochran 20363 Churchill 11:10 mud 29-6 MS 4 2 3 2 1 | 1J E Martin 4 fee H.rniis. Leoeharem, Borrow GOLDCREST BOY, br. g. 3 no Bv Plaudit — Polly Prim J. W. Schorr. 21230 Latonia 1 l:38lfcfast 4:: 93 1 1 1 1 21 2- F Jndy 8 Lit.Father, Bnihroidery. Benanel 210C3 i.ato"i:i 1 l:40%hvy 23-6 s 3 3 1 3 4 3., K Lanaille 8 S.Jasmine, I..IFs|o-. Embroidery •m. i noma 1 1-16 l:47%mud 16-6 103 4 4 4 I 11 2| 1 Stirling 5 It. Candle. Fleetabelle, B.Hnsley :•. m . i.aioma lmTOy 1:12 09-10 1"2 3 I 2 I 4- 4,1» Stirling 6 Royal II., TheGrader. W.Witeh 10717 l ougla8 I 1 16 1 :l" 26-6 102 2 2 2 2 It" 1- 1 Stirling 6 Grosvenor. Brynlimah. Bxption 20610 Douglas lni7"y 1 : Ul MO 3 4 4 5 fi «»• F Rot lns*H 6 One Step. Leo Kay. UttieString WATER WIVCH, b. f. 3 100 Bv Watercress — Miss Crittenden W. J. Youne-1. 21?30 l.atonia 1 1 :vl tasl 5 1 MS S 8 8 fi 3- 6»1 M Car., or s L. Father, Gold.Boy, Embroidery 2UK1 l.atonia lm70y l . i:.,fast 39-20 92 13 3 2 l1 11 M earner I P. Uermia, B.Candle, Brynlimah 2KI93 Latonia 3-4 1:11 good 23-S M7 B .» 8 6* -- F Keogh 10 Ros. Goose, Imnerator, McAdoo ■ -1., l.atonia lm70y l:L-.last ... 95 fi fi fi 4 3 :", M Garner » Royal II.. TheGrader. Gold.Boy ,,n Douglas i l:3:i .fast 87-lOlod 8 S 8 7 4 3*1 A Moti S Dortch, Fltabelle, C.TomGreea ■i,.a Douglas linT-v i:47--hvv 71 91] and 5 6 6 6 •"•" M Garner ." Dortch, Gro.Hnghes. LeoSkolny 20402 Douglas 11 16 l:47%tnud 31-3 IT 7 7 7 7 7 7-"- A Mott 7 Bay.Cand , L.String, RingUn? BRONZEWING. ch. f. 4 105 By Stalwart — Miss Dolly A. P. Humphrey Jr.. Douglas 1 1-16 l:l.".-,ra-t 113 106 4 3 4 4 8» 9 i: Pool 6 Bay. Candh, D.Craig, G.Hughes 2i 196 Douglas 1 1-16 i:!s-.mud 1 2 1C8 2 2 2 2 2 . .1 McCabe 2 David Craig fhnrchlll 3 4 l:l3%slow 35 107 4 14 4 |*| it Goose 4 Leochares. II. Noon. II. Barbce Il-os l_itonia 1 1 - : ■ :3i--fast 3 4 117 3 3 5 3 4r 4;i F Keogh 5 John Guild. Constant. Dr. Samuel 14236 Church I 1 1 li l:43~fast 4 5 117 10 10 8 3 2»1 1» W Ol.ert 10 C.isiarir.a. BradcBelle. I.. Errant Itllti Ihurchl 1 1-4 2:03%ast 131 117 7 7 7 fi 3- :.1.T Hanover 7 Old Rosebud. Hedge, John Rnnd 14071 Lexgton 1 1-8 l:51%fast 2 117 fi 5 3 1 ll 1" J McCahe 0 John Gund. Old Ben, Suiprisin BRYNLIMAH, ch. g, and 102 By Bryn Mawr— Nctlimah J. Lowe. 211 i Lai nia lm70 I : i." 14 103 4 4 4 4 4 li H Stirling I W. Witch, P. Hermis, B.Candle Uitonia 1 : 16 1 :."•• -,-iow 13 20 i •; 4 4 4 4 ll l» W Meehan o Gold dor. Bonanxa, Soslas 30931 i.ionia lm70y l:4S%fast 21-5 110 I 7 fi fi 23 l1 W Meehan i Bonanxa, Grosvenor. Big Dipper 20X19 l.atonia 1 1-8 1 :52%f ast 14 3 110 fi 6 fi c 4- 3! M Garner II BeulahS.. Expectation. Mockery 20717 Douglas 1 1 16 l:45%fast 37-10 110 a fi 6 6 I* I* M Garner 0 Gold.iBov, Grosvenor. Expectan 20654 Douglas lm7 I : I i 109 " fi fi 5 " i1. M Garner in Tavolara, Korfhage, Manassefa 20661 Douglas 1 1-16 l:50%mud 13-5 106 2 2 2 1 1" Is E Pool 6 Loveland. M. Dolweber, II. Ball RINGLING, b. m, 6 95 Bv Fatherless — Ninone F. D Weir. ., ..nia ! 1:39 good 13 K 5 4 3 5 S 5"IK Lapaille u !.■■•• Ray, P. Hermis, F. Degree 21063 Latonia 1 l:40%hvy 18 102 8 7 7 8 7 7si D Rtirling 8 S.Jasmine, B-Hensley. Embrdery 30948 l.alonia 1 1:l"-.inuil 25 95 335 5 3 6*1 B Marco ." K.Jasminc, Lay.C.iudle. J.Gand 3B777 Douglas 1 1 lfi 1:4316 fast 28 :r. i; fi fi fi fi Cl B Marco 0 Rancher, Hodge, Black Toney 20686 Douglas 1 1 1 2:10%hvy IS f"5 9 8 8 8 8 7*1 M Garner a Borrow. Hodge. P. Hermis 2040 Douglas 1 1-16 l:47%mud 21 98 fi 5 3 4 3 3-, R Drqnhrt 7 Bay.Candle, UString, Gold.Boy ROBERT ERADLEY. ch. h. 5 102 Bv M„Gee— Lady ftuex W. R. Mizell i .a ion a i l:ll%fasl 36 112 6 4 fi fi- 61SJE Griffin 7 liodge, Leochares, Star Jasmine i atonia 11 16 if, 109 Left at the post. D Stirling D Peellermis, B.Toney, S.Jasuilne ;,,:ti Douglas lui70 l:._r,iast 7 1 ill 4 4 4 4 4 4»* 1 Stirling 1 S.Jasmine, B.Hensley, fSkolny 20607 Douglas 3-4 1:13 good 23 l.j 1 4 4 3 and=i D Stirling 7 B.sCholce, Chalmers, IronMask