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j I I . i ,600 FOR RUNNING HORSES Pes Moines, la. Hamline, Minn. Sioux City. la. IOWA STATE FAIR AND EXPOSITION ,400 AUGUST 27— 28— 20— 30— 31— SEPTEMBER 1—2. STATE PAIR DERBY. 1 1-4 MILES 00 5 FOILONG DASH . .30 1 KILE RUN 50 • IURLONG DASH 200 5 FURLONG DASH 150 1 MILE RUN 250 6 FURLONG DASH 200 4 FURLONG DASH 130 7 FURLONG DASH 250 5 FURLONG DASH 150 42 FURLOMG DASH 130 CONDITIONS: — American Racing Rules to govern r::ccpt as otherwise indicated. Five entries rcouircl to fill and three to start. Money divided 00, 39 and 10 per cent. Entries close the night before the race, except State Fair Derby, which will close August 10. 1915. Weights ten pounds below the scale. Entry fee five per cent, of purse for all races, including the Derby. No deductions from money v. Liners. No entry accepted unless accompanied by the requued entry fee. C. E. CAMERON, President. Alta. lava. A. R. COREY, Secretary, Dm Moines. Iowa. MINNESOTA STATE FAIR AND EXPOSITION ,400 SEPTEMBER 6—7—8—9—10—11. 4i FURLONG DASH 00 8 FURLONG DASH 00 5 FURLONG DASH 300 9 FURLONG DASH 500 0 FURLONG DASH 200 4- . FURLONG DASH 200 " 7 FURLONG DASH 309 G FURLONG DASH 300 CONDITIONS: — Anv.rican Racing Rules to govern except as otherwise indicated. All races will as ran Orel half-mile track. Entries will close at 6 n, m. the eveninrr before the race. Entry fee five per cent, of 1 iv and money must accompany the entry. Five entries to nil and three ta start. Money divided i;0. 25. 13 and 10 per cent. No deductions from money winners. GEORGE ATCHISON, Superintendent Speed. Ifankato, M u u. J. C. SIMPSON, Secretary, Ilauiliue. Mum. THE INTERSTATE LIVE STOCK FAIR ,700 SIOUX CITY. IOWA, SEPTEMBER 20—21—22—23—24—25. PROGRAM OF RUNNING RACES: 1 1-8 Miles, Derby 10 below scale ,099 1 l-;t Mdcs, Handicap. Conditions published Tuesday evening. September 21 MO 1 Mile. 10 below. Derby winner barred 259 • furlongs. 5 below. t Winners penalized 5 lbs. 150 4j Furlongs. For non-winners 100 C Furlongs, 5 below. Winners penalized 5 lbs. 200 4i Furlongs, 5 below. Winners penalized 5 lbs. 109 6 Furlongs, 7 below 200 4. 1 urlcngs, 5 below 150 5 Furlongs, 5 below. For non-winners. Horses finishing out of money allowed 3 lbs. 150 L Furlongs, 5 below. For horses not 1-2. Horses out of money allowed 5 lbs 150 4 Furlongs, 5 below, Winners penalized 5 lbs. Horses out of money allowed 5 lbs. 100 7 Furlongs, 7 below, Horses finishing out of money allowed 5 lbs. 230 G Fnricnffa, 7 below, Winners penalized 5 lbs. Horses finishing cut of money allowed 3 lbs. 210 6 Fuilengs, 7 below. For ncn-w:nn?ro. Horses finishing out of money allowed 5 lbs. 200 CONDITIONS. — Entries close in the Secretarys office at 6 oclock p. in, the evening before the race, except the Derby, which will close Monday. September 20, at 11 oclock a. m. Entry feo five por cent, and per cent, deducted from money winners. T. L. EATON. President, goax City, Iowa. JOE MORTON. Secretary, Sioux City. Iowa. THESE MEETINGS ARE OPEN TO THE WORLD. Write to the Secretary for any further information desired. ____ - — ________________________ ______ ___. 36 to 1 GETAWAY SPECIAL GOES SATURDAY. ALL ANGLES TAKEN CARE OF. GET ME ? Cost3 ONE DOLLAR. LALLV COLLYER 3S1G CHURCH STREET. LATONIA. KY. I " THE TURF REPORTER Room 509. 22 West Qmnry Street. Chioasro. Illinois.» Form Rperial, Of llnam, 6-1. Won. TODAYS FORM SPECIAL: No. GG3. Paj Wire .., e :i ne on, I and :i : I 1 Pend si ror next H itnroai - S •■• lal, sent tel •-i icrams iH-eiwlu. TODAYS BEST: G£8 Book 207— G52 G14— AA42— Fellowman X14 Y39— L40 DTK 0 S28— Blacaie Daw C41 DD71— S5G CC38 CC17— R.-.3 DD31 Q3. American Thoroughbred. Baltimore BliLj., Chicago. OVER 12 TO 1, WON i the price on tin- norae that are ~ -• 1 1 1 Ml t* "•» Sen Sen ■ • re»tc ifiv. GREETINGS 6-1 WON - i .-i rdaya Daily. CARBIDE 1L5 WON ara ■ • i da: - Form SneeiaL THURSDAYS 10RM SPECIAL: No. 729 in Book No. 424. THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE Room 403. 22 West Quin.y Street. Chicago. Illinois. NATIONAL RAGING REVIEW TODAYS SPECIAL: New YoiU. Mate. Matinee. Cana.y. 1 , -t, .1 iy*» Special ran *econd. Roam 44fi. 321 South La Salle Street, Caioafa, 111. Subscribe for Daily Racing Form DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO., 441 Plyauth Court :: :: Chicago, Illinois. 74 Exchange Street :: :: Buffalo, N. Y.