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i ,1 1 i J I J : . J ! .1 I! , , . , ■ . , , SOME Ct.OSl, FINISHES AT HAMILTON. Tartarean Defeats Lady Curzon D| tlu Cliiff Race tho Afturrfl ilti.n. cm.. June ."».- Tin- Han lt!l Jockey mh offered it- itatrom a plendid iirugram this ii-ioii and .1 huge crowd rest mailed, the attendance from Toronto being especiatij large. The card teemed with features. BeaMee the liomiiiiun ! Plate, .1 handicap for Canadlao-lared horses, in : which 00 added, [here were the Barton Handicap Steeplechase, the June ScMfug Handicap I and the Wentworth Handicap. Stirring Bulalsni i.iiik- with the running of a majoritj 01 the races i and nun li enthusiasm was manifested. In the Bo- ! minion Plate, Tartarean, cosmled with l.ur Mob tagne as a 1 t" 2 favorite, ju-t manergeil to get ■ 1 • In the el. -sing atrMe !•« beal !..ii!v 1 .ii/i.ii a ; none. Tartareaas rh.-tory was due .• the iiower- : ml finishing ability of tiny rin-iis. did Donald MacdouaM, which is sbowirnc ■ re turn t" form, aceonnted for the .line Selling I land I rap, for which the Bedwcll Horse !toshy ll.-nd was receding ravorite. Donald i n -iot ■■••■ I mude nil the pace and, in .1 driving finish, 1 i-i d just 1 nig enough to heal Progresatve By .1 bead. Bosbr Iliad ran a highly dlsapiioluting v;n . He was prominent to the sti-etch tarn, but In the last quarter dropped out of contention and was beaten off eight lengths for s. e 1 place. The Brat three in the opeaiag ihisu fluished noses apart and a Hose wan it. mat Ihe winner was in ibiubt unlit the » placing was displayed. .1. S. Tyrees colors were carried to rfctorj in the Wentworth Handicap by Carbide. Greetings, whi-h waa running in |he Intercut of 1". •!. Coleman In Ihe second race, came from behind and wait the pacemaker Serria I head in the closing stride. James Arthur, acting for P. J. Coleman, today traded the last mare Emerald i;em for the two-year-old tilly Greetings. Emerald Bern is a mare of extreme speed, bat is a bad actor at the post. Mr. Arthur and starter Hade have Used gnat patience In an effort to overcome her fault ai the barrier, but have been unsuccessful. William l.nih propose to school fchnerald Gem and make a steeple. baser of her. If she takes kindly to lumping she should develop inti a top-notch fencer. The three-year-old Crystal, which George Smith claimed from E. W. Moore yesterday, has been turned over m "Bunt" Plint to train. The latter will he remembered by race-goera as an old-time Canadian rider. fairy Godmother and Lady Rankin arrived from New Vork, consigned by ;. ii. Bryaon to steeplechase Jockey ;. s. Bernhardt, who will school them through the lie il. trainer John Walters lets ;. m. Hcadriea Canadian ln-rbv candidate Rancher :.i I t , Erie, where aaJt . ,u.l .4. 1 ■ a r 1 ■ , r*|«Mf |. T. — T- ■ .lr. Ib-iiiie liiniself J - it for Windsor tonight i-i complete arrangements For the ■ ening of the n 11 ling 1 f lie Windsor Jockey Club, which is scheduled in H gin .lily 1 1. .lames Arthur has decided 1 ■ rest potdea Plume. Rone Wain. Northern Light ami lie two-year-old Marjorie at Hamilton until tl-- return of racing inre. Marjorii is a lilly by King Jamei be purchased n Waalleo i-i-r spring. Mr. Arthur has ebiiiineii tiisi call "ii i.«kiv Aeinii fur the meeting si I nrt Brie with the option of a further extea-sion.