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! : I i ! ; : ■ AQUEDUCT FORM CHART. MEW YORK. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 20, 1915.— Eoitrth day. Queens Coaaty Jockey Club. Suiniuer Meeting id l.i days. Weather cloudy. lreiiiing Judge, r. 11. Il-ttiiigill. Starter, Mars Cassidy. Racing S.-ereiary. I-. Kehberger. Kaiiug starts at i:.!o p. m. Chicago time 1:30 i . m.i. •Indicates apnrcatlce aHowaaee. 6k "I Oil 1 1TUST EACi; 3-4 Mile. 80301 1:12—5 -. 8500 Added. :: year olds and u|»w aid. W X O £lyk Selling. Net va lite In win hit yi.V.: see, .ml. SDWl; 1 1 n r£._*o " , "index Horses A WtiPSt /; Str Pin Jockeys Owners I II P S 21235 PALANQUIN WB 5 110 l H 1- I- 1- F Hopkins J t Talbott ll-O.i 11 it :: . 21215 -niKKlt w .: os s :: ?. V . » .1 McKverR Pendlag 8 » I 1 W a 1274 SAN VEGA wa I lis 1 1 :■ V] V .i1 C Borel R .1 M.u-U. n/.ie s M M 4 2 212: 9 1 .1 is r 1 iiUTIVK wn t no 11 7 M| » -- I1 R Troxler It P Carman 38 M IB U fi 20883 ir.Ki.W BORU vn :: 10813 s 11 "ll u- :, M M thews L. A Piper M to to 15 I U106-VOLANT ws S 105 14 12 in 8] 7 S| 0 HoffmanJ B Davis 11 V. in 4 2 21219 sum; uf wn I 1 1 S 9 8 o. 81 7 It WsJdronH Watterson 2» -". » I * 81216 PROSTY FACE wn 3 115 itlo » .v ::. 8« .1 kfcTag*rtA .1 Stafford !t SO lo s 4 20and87 ANTRIM u :. im; 1 5 t;.. :t :i aa , NIcklauaM A Nlcoll 5fi MO M ■ IS 21104 I.aii, 1:1. wn *. lis s I !| 71 ; ra] M Buxton C W Oasser i- » 81 I 4 21127 Hi w 5 113 1- :: 13 13 11- IP G Corey A .1 Bernhardt 1 8 7 21 7-5 21271 NOI RKDDIN wn 3 NQ S 11 12 12 12 Is .1 McCaheyR T Wilson s 10 lo 4 J 21070 1 Mil: 111 1.10: IT wa 1 113 7 1 ..I 10 13 13 J Butwell K Hera 7 0 0 3 fc-3 21215 UBNURU w I loo 1 11 i-ost rider. C Turner U A Cottoa J VI 11 5 4 nun-, 13, 24. 36-5, 40, 1:02. 1:15. Track last. Winner B. g, by Plaaudca Om-ek Queen trained by V. Hopkins. Went in post at 2:33. At post lo minutes. St.irt good and slow. Won ridden out: second and third iirivlng. IM IN. ntr fora rrdly. mis rushed Into the lead nnd kept It, but bad t" l e hard ridib-n to ri sist Hi. belated rush of HIKER. The latter was In close quarter* nearly all the way and uatsbed f. -1 when clear. SAN VI V was ueil up all the way. mist FORTUNE tired in the anal eighth. PROSTY 1 .v. B quit. BBIAN 1 i:i ! I 1 big gap. The winner was entered for mi; il. bid. Scratched r211HiKiugsong. lOH: 21 111;1 Perth Bock. HW; 211t2 Battery, 115; 20108 Armor. 118; 21219 Su[N-istiti«in. I to: lil-Jicdiuke ..I Bunbar, 100: 21104 Hill Stream, 108. iu..|-v. ■ igln i.f Valb L [H.uiids: Antrim. :;. ~ fc "I Q 4 Pt SMCONU K ICE 1 Mile. 5037B— 1 :3K— 3 Kic. #r,iH Added. 3-year-olds. H.-lling. jQ IO4JM Xct viib. e lo w inner SMti; seen. id. : third. 0. Index Horses AWIliSt , ,:. " .j Sir Pln~ "jockeys" Owner,: tl C [ S__ 20904 DISTANT SHORE wa 115 1 1 l1 l . ll ll 1 .1 Loftna Oneck stable :: 1 1 4-5 oat 21 172 ALL SMILES wnllj 2 :, :. - » -y _..., Butwell R Kelly 1-2 9-6 3-2 1-2 out 21 1 US1 1.1IKA wn mt 1 :; v V ::- .;- :;- P Hopkins J P Adams :. tl 5 1-2 1-2 •.I 100- ll i: w 1 mh 5 j i 5 .-, |i |m.i McCaheyJ Pitsslmmons :; I BJ-ffl ut 2lil7 BLACKTHORN wit bi7 I J S* 2] 1 3 5 C Turner M A Colton 11 - • -u j B-S Time. 19*4, «,, 35-,. Vl%. 1:01. 1:19*4, 1:27- 141. Track last. Winner— Ch, k. by Tankei i.i,| Schorr trained by W. II Karriek. Went to posi -u 3:11. At post :; miiuiies. si.irt good and slow. Waa easily; Stroud and third driv Ing. DISTANT SHORE set the pace fnun the start and drew away in the stretch to win eaamaj no. AI I, SMILES bgiin slowly, but Ontsbed fast and easily dis|Ki-.-,| of ALHENA. The latter saved grouad "ii all urns. All v K A was b.idly out ime.-d. The winner was entered for .000; no bid. 2| O k /* THIRD RACE 5-3 Mile. 65431 B0 2 -120. Fourteeul irUuiTnlngCariaTsTe" Stakes. X OjUU Value 11,000. 2 year-olds. Se!,ing. Net value III Wl—IT 9973; secoad, 09; third, 9100, Index Horses A Wl IMSt ., ■■ j~ Str Iiu Jockeys Owners O II I S~~_ 21191 FEltNHOCK v. 107 2 _ 1- : l1.. iu C Turner A I ..-iiiii.nt 7-107-103-a out— 2a955*SCCCESS w in". :: . ;;■ _m -":: .1 McCaheyQuincy Stable r, 1 :, 1; ., _• , •llJI VAUIETY w.i 110 .7 1 ■!- ;;- :;i ji c Borel .1 Butler « 7 1; :; 1 1 1 20932 SHORT BALLOT waJ03 1 I , 1 u | -,; .-i--i, ■, . ■ Cochran :. k * 7 W ,"! IH * .VirT . iM." vTTT- ,/f 1 3 M Buxton .1 E Madden 8 la IS .. S-and Time. i02. Track fast. Winner ph. e. by Rock Sum! -Ferment trained bj s. C. Hildreth. Went t" 1" st at :::ln At post 2 minutes. Start g""d nnd slow. Won driving; secoad and third the slime. PERNROCK showed a .g""d burst of speed "in 0/ the chute, but came wide al the elbow and swerved to the Inside In the ftnal quarter, then had to be bard driven at the end to withstand SIICCKSS challenge. The bitter raa straight and, clestns up steadily under punisliment, .-i- wearinp the wiaaer down. V..K HTV tired badly after going a half. HELEN MARIE ran green. The winner was entered for 9] ,hk»; na bid. Scratched 21 101 Tea Caddy, K 7: 21301 Tlajan, !7: 2I1TS Startling, 105. Overwete hi- Helen M.-iri.-. 2 fniiK *ry t fT FOURTH KACE 1 Mile. 30370— l:38V-»—10«. 000 Added. 3-year olds and upward 2-1 IgZJ Iliiiiilii-.-ii. Net v.ilin- ii. w-iiii- » il*..-. sm- nil. t: third. . li:iie llorses A Wl IMSt A u, r, Sir Kin Jockeys Owners O il ll S •:io«8 I- n;iV w~4 lot i 2 l1 T T- 1- i- ~W War*toaG A Cochran ii :; 3 7 bout -;»J7»; 1 i;i ii.Y wa :: llo I :: _■ V -- :"■ -u M Buxton C .1 jiuim _ " .; 1 out 21MSl: /z. i wa X HO ! 1 I* !• V :;- :; .1 McCaherH L Pratt 31 31 if, r.i out 21128»TO II l wa S WB 3 4 4 4 1 I 4 • Turner A Belmont U 2 t3-57-Mout Time. 13 24. 3b:,. 47. 1:00, 1:13. 1:26%. 1:29%. Track last. Winiiei -B. e. by Disguise Homespun trained by V R. Mldgley. Weal i" post at 1:00. At post J minutes. Start g I and slow. Won eaateriag; second and thud drir- :ng. l-tciXNA it the pace under restrain! In the early running and. drawing away into a long lead while rounding tl* turn, won m a cantor. ROIA 1 in a game race, but tired in the linal drive. RAM! A NO made :i fast Iini.-: 1. TOI MAT mis badly outpaced early, bill lini~lii-d f.«-t . 4~J a *_ i t2 FIFTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. .-•i::7s 1:43% :: .»:. 1 00 Added, l-year-ohis and up- £ JL *y JuK wanl. Selling. .-t v.-ilm- to winner it: .Ml; -e HHI; third. ». ■ Index Ho r sis" AW I li""sT~ ■•, Sir I" in Jockeys Owners O II I S 21279 B AC wa 4 113 ! 1 ll I" 13 1- t- .1 Butwell A Miller H 1-7 1-8 out cjl ISO 1 l.l-: QUINCE w« 1 it, :; _• :■ •» 3« ■_■■ t* .1 McT«g*rtE Witte f i I 1 I 2 1 Id. KAY J LIGHT wn lint 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 A Nick la us J M Louche im 2G 2» :;o 11.,-Tim. -. 12. 23. 350. 47. 1:C0. 1;13--.. 1:40. 1:47. Track fast. Wiiinei h. g, by Cunard Bandello trained by A. .1. fddsborougb. Weal t -I ii .■.•. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won cantering; irioad and third driv in-. BAC easilj held the ra i- safe throughout. !i: Ql IM i: was hard urged :it the eighth post and waa eased up .-it tin end. UAV i.I.KillT was badly outpaced. Tlie winner .vns entered for ,090; no bid. Scratched 21-7.: iln rnbill. ll«; 21007 C. M. Miller, los; 20963 El liiod, KJ3. Overu eighls Ben Quince. 2 pounds. 4-| Q bk ft SIXTH RACE 5-8 Mile. .;l.-,l -SO— 2 120. 9400 Add. d. 2-yeur-otds. Maiaena. X O dsf xJ Fllllea and GeUings. Baecial Weights. .Net value to wtaaer $:;:;." ; aeeond, 0; third. *::it. lnde- lb-rs- - V WtiPSt v. i/_. % Str I-in .loekoys Owners O it C p S~ 21191-KKMINIST w il2 1 1 I 1- I1 1" W Wartoni; A Cochran 7-MH t , out - Il.lMKo w 112 I S i ::: :.■ 21 M Buxton il T Oxnard - 1 I E ! i « » n t 20022*EI ITH oI.CA w 112 ! i "- -. 2» V C F*bther N K B al I M I 2 1-! 21220 . •: ni:N GAIT: w 112 :: :; i- .", :, f. I Hoffman E 1 Whitney r, :hi :• ;, : 20997 -UAL B. w 112 S 2 l1 l» 1- 5 -I McTngrtW C Baxter S 10 S 2 3 i Time. 1:011s. Track fast. Winner Cli. f. by Voter Belle of Ashland trained bj W. R. Midgley . Win; to i.iisi nt 5:00. At post :: minutes. Sinn ru d and slow. Won ranterlac: in rond ani third driving, i KM IN 1ST raced mn a Im: lead In the stretch nnd won polling up. II PIKo brann nhrwly, but hnished n-i!ui |y and out fayed EDITH ol.i.A nt the end. The latter showed speed, but tired .is if short Seral-hed jil7.i:i-l.iidv 1 1 illiiigton. II-: 21 "--C llel-n Marie 111.