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1IHH RACE— 5-8 Mile. trosnTtlii Aliov.aiicco. 90207-3B— t— 101. BI.ACKIE DAW, blk. c. 2 108 Bv Transvaal— Mary Day J. Gpcnrer. 21261 I ii.ona 5-8 Fo-.iast : :; 1" 113 3 S 1 I] 21 C Gwi 1! John Jr., Bock Shot, Capt. R j .a l.alonia 5 S l:02%mud 13-5 110 1 2 2 ll l" C Gana 7 l*oppee, Thnrnwood, Disturlier ." i.iioiua :. n l:i! ,iasi 37-20 108 2 1 1 21 1" C Ganx 7 Canlinne. Disturber, Innovation 30125 I.. ■ t;t n 41 f 3,-, last 36-5 n* l 1 3h ::•.! Ganz 3 Cosmic, Kinney, Manfred 19099 N.Orlns 31 f 4."- hvy 7 ! Ii:i 3 1 li 1- C Dishmon 7 B. Cap. T.Hansante. Investment ini7 N.Orlns 8-8 3",r iast 11-3 117 2 1* V C Dishmon S Sal Fanity, Mary 11. . Cineinnati j 19024 N.Orlns 3 8 3C%nrad fi 111 4 -h 11 C Dishmon 7 Mary II.. Deliver. Investment 1X063 N.Orlns 3 8 3«:wfast 8-3 lo8 3 ■"■ ll C Dishmon 8 B.forScandal, S.DiainM, Cinnati I 188.1 N.Orlns 3S tlTfcfOlt 7-5 112 3 5 5J •" Dishmon S Cincinnati. K. Diamond. V.Mahcl I THE DECISION, b. e, 2 112 Bv Kin? James — Verdict J. E. Davis. ■ inn hill i 8 1:02 good 1" 112 I 1 I I* I T McTagt s Margai t N.. S. Ieagne, BelliLi I Churchill F f 65 slow 49-10 112 1 1 11 1" C Bgame J John Jr.. Stephen I:.. Granado .■ 1 Churchill 1-3 48%fast fi3 113 1 12 12 12" T McTagt 13 Dodge, EII!son, John V. Klein BUCK SHOT, b. c, 2 108 Bv Joe Carev — Sain Shot H. O. CornstockL . 21i*7 Latonia i-8 1"- la-t 14-6 108 1 1 2 "- 3*1 E Martin I . hn Jl . Bhtckl Daw, Capt.Rees • : 41 f 5l,0fust 213 112 3 l 1 V- i: Martin 12 1 M II., Amulet, Rochester INFIDEL II., h. K, 2 100 Bv Radford— Miss Matthews Gatewootl and Buckner. [.atonia •" 8 1:1 ! nud 11 10 102 E 8 1 41 Ill MurphJ K Disturber, Illuminator, Baby Cal i ■-■l.alonia r, v l :"i -.iivv i" 107 5 S 6 21 2* W J nF.ii 7 B.Bcanty. Ut.Bigger. Intention , Uttonla - ! ■"• fasl 13 5 110 3 l 1 I t" W .1 OBn 3 Tbornwo I, Asttar.Sam. Llt-Corc 20811 latonia 5 S i:C-.last 13 1 8 9 74 4 :: " .[ OBn !l U Hamilton, B.Coffee. Mediation 20M9 I oug1as 4J f 31. fast 16 1"» 2 2 21 2* V .1 OBnlS Buck Slot, Aanill. Rocbeslef ft Churchill 4. f 54Vkfast 19-6 109 3 S E 3!"W .1 OBn 6 Cane Run, Glenera, H. Gardner 3 . hurchill 1 2 4Sfast 18 MB 1 1" 81 7 .iV .1 0*B*n12 Dodge. Ellison. Jolm W. Klein j17fi Lexgton 3 8 1 .".;■., hvy 1-i 1" 5 2 2 -s - Vt .1 OBn i Distnrher, Granado. Imnnim- JLBBY. ch. c. 2 108 Bv Alvcscot — Lcvia G. J. Lone,. . Latonia l:00%fast ll HW S 11 11 7 6*1 B On II John Jr.. BtackieOaw. BuckShol i.., Ionia 5-8 1 :"■•■"■ fast 11 ll" 2 • E •! • , i .,«,.,. 7 .1. ODowd Cane Run 0606 Douglas ., s l. ■"■■. rood ■■. ill fi 8 8 t;- u : A. Pease S Boise. John Jr., Black Coffee 0964 Churchill 41 f 66 mud 43-10 109 1 1 4 4"J A Pease 4 M.Henry, P* master, H.Apnarenl 30313 Churchill 4: f 64%fast 17 3H3 1 1 l3 l,; A Pease !i Franklin. B.s first OoLVemtie LUCKY R., b. f. 2 1°" By Bex— Margaret Kent D. E. Mulholland. 1 - ■• T l.alonia ..■ i 1 ■! - ."rood :3 109 I 4 ■. ■ •■ |A Mot I i Cardoiue, II. Apparent C. Bun I. it. an. i 8 I:02V4mud 6 M 6 1 :: ",l 7" A Mott 7 BlackieDaw, Poppee, Thornwood I , . i.aionia 6-8 1:0] fast 23 WO t I ! 21 5«J A Mott 8 Doilge, Cardome. Harry Gardner 10 Churchill 1 i 4s iast 13 |]fi I 4 4i V A Mott 12 Lit. Sister. Margaret .v.. S. Star S0123 Lexgton 4 f 654andf**t Si 10 112 fi 4 V 14 A Mott 1J M .Ill n. Paulson, Southern Star 20063 Lexgton 1-2 EOKhry rid 113 fi 4 P "1 A Mott ll Important, S.I.,-i-n-. Miss u, u PBINCE HARRY, ch. c. 2 ITS Bv McGre— Whitp Ilnme ,L II. Stamper. Jr.. l.atonia I "fat St 1"-- 8 8 f, r, *.* l • 1 1 g.h,„. ii John Jr.. Blackh-Duw. BuckShol exgton 4J t 51 Fas 1" 113 6 E 6s " : Motl 7 M. Ifmv. J.W.Klein, Imptant : ■ ill Lexgton I] f 66%fast 17J 112 5 1 l1 1*1 R Goons 7 Ck. McGee, Immune, John Vila 1 •■: Orlns I - 48 jr""d : ill 2 10 61 ;T L Gaugi I 10 Test, Sou. Star, s. for Scandal I 11946 N.Orlns 1-2 ESftnat M 11013 11 ll1 W L Gauge] U SalVanlty., Irmraddf M0LA. b. f. 2 100 Bv My Boy II.— Trcmola J. Ballon. ■ Latonia, u S 1:01 fat fid lit M 12 12 12 12-- t Keogh 12 Jane Stroith, LoobteStcne, Triad 1