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FOURTH RACE — 7-8 Mile. Union Stakes. 3-year-olds. Selling:. 15139 — 1:21., :: -11!. i DOUBLFT br. g, 3 103 By Disguise — Fairy Slipper A. L. Kramer. •MI93 Jamaica 11 16 1:47 fast M loo 2 2 2 2 1*2" .1 McTagrt S Amalli. AUtcna, Grlin Kripp ,j, L | l s I ■:,.", r.last . loo 4 2 3 3 4,: 4s .1 Dreyer ." Ani:illi. Spearhead, V lenShoes Wtl liji Kk Al. 3 LL:-,tast 8-5 108 S S 7 E 4 l" D Da v port K Absconder, Star Gaae. Ben Dale Belmont 1 1:43 fast S i::i 5 4 3 2 Tt I] .1 Tucker 7 Virile. Spearhead. Ambrose ..|M l Imont 2 I si 1:12 mud io ill 5 6 5 Si rir M Luxton 7 Phosphor, Half Rock, Saratoga ,,,| ■ | .,,;., ., f 1 :Pii:.slop 4 5 1o7 7 6 4 41 21 .1 Butwell !l Iloteelor. A.N Akin. N. Simplex i."i Belmont 5-s"st 5n--fast s5 ill 1 4 5 :.3 ::•. . I Kederls 7 Srpsbooter. Sarsenet. Watertown ,, .,, Saratoga ■ f L»i" "I 103 1 21 1- .1 Kederis .» Moutroaa. Charter Maid, Quarts iratoga ■ f L.oT-1 .nm.1 11 5 108 1 2 1 I3 l1 .1 Kederls 11 Change. Broomleaf, Grecian :. i Saratoga 65 t IKVfcfast 3 109 7 7 5 3- 34 A Neylon !» Moutroaa, Itoyal Martyr. Penrock T ADY ROTHA b. f, 3 IOC Bv Golden Maxim or Fayette — Sandy Bar A. Miller. lamaica i 1 16 l:4C%fasl 8 W9 r. f. 7 7 7 7-:l Buxton 7 The Finn, Sharpshooter, Rt - rso Belmonl 1 1 30-fast 2 106 5 •". fi 3 3". 21 .1 Butwell •. Addle L. Comely. Charter Maid 11276 itinrchill 1 1-16 l:464good 19-3 112 4 3 3 2 3* ::• .1 Butwell 5 Waterblossom, one Step. s. Shell ..- rhurchill 1 l:38%fasl 47-20 llo tl 1 1 1 1 l1!. I Butwell none Step, Sea Shell. Stal. Helen 18438 H deGce 5-8 1:01%g Hi WHS 3 3 1 I P -l Butwell 4 Br.Flower. UamieK., LBarbarj l«i 8 Pimlico 3 1 IT4tas| 16-3 llo ti 5 tl 6* ii"2 M Luxton 7 Ilillux. Ktal.Helen, T l v .liny ;,, I ,.,„,,.! Gi f LOisfast 13 10 107 3 2 2 V 2J .1 Butwell 10 Bet Is. fhanteuse tittakt SHORE eh. K. 3 100 Bv Yankee — Lady Schorr Oneck Stable. ,nu,iu.i iiti fast 1 115 ill 1 Ill .1 Loftus 3 All Smiles. Aibena. Abara . .„, , i,, ,, ,, a • i 1-07 fast 1-4 MB 4 I 1 1 r P Lowder 6 Plantagenet. KIMabdl, S.ofVl.y . j , ■ iviniont 6." ri:20%fast 115 Ml 5 1 1 in 2 I" Lowder 9 Orotund, Blla Bryson. Beethoven Belmont 3 I 1:13 fast H-5 M6 1 f. E B14*1 I Lowder 7 Royal Martyr, Broomleaf, ttor/ •o.i..; Belmont 61 l l:204good ! 106 3 1113 l|fl Byrne fi Psnmption, Btboven, Astrology i! m! Belmont 61 f 1 o oo.l :» 10 lo", 2 1 1 34 3- G Byrne B Tinkle Bell. S.unSli.k. Fenmonse p, Belmont 2 I si 1:12 mud IS ill 2 2 I «5 4,33ii Sumter 7 PbaiLkor, Malt Bock. Saratoga WATFRTOWN br. e, 3 108 Bv Orsini — Bevotion A. J. Stafford. I .. im.-ii. t 1 I 16 l:46 f.isi 6 us 1 4 3 2 V 2* .1 McTagrt r. CliffPleld. V. Saratoga !llM.ii, , i i |fi i:47 low 15 lo:: 4 4 5 4 :■ i:i ■■ McTagrl •"« Van. Notions. Virile, BlneThistle ■ -,,,,,, . t i:ot,34fasl :.o 102 d . ■! -i-._-t • PI •■■ ■ ;• He Will Garterse ,.,,,, jj ,|.,; , .. r,i f i .,,x- good 10 Vl lo !i .i .. • • I oner 1i N i n. siini !•• . . Carl CI. Haven nil ii,i..i;-,,. .", M:09%mud 12 l"l 7 f. 6 4" T»*JG Byrne 7 Gaelic, Sarsenet. Hanson !v.,v [.imlico 3-4 1:14 fast 3-2 M:i fi 2 r. .; 6«« C Bgame 11 Hernt Temple. Volant. Carlone rt"7 II .1. ;.e 6-81:0l%slow 15 M7 7 7 7 7 :: Rbtmire 7 Coquette, B. Flower, Headmast 17073 Belmonl ■" f st 1 :o5 Cast 1 E HW 2 2 2 2- V M Nataan 4 Hanson, Trust Me, He Will rTlTAN ATT FN b. e 3 * 98 Bv Yankee — Ondurdis R. T. Wilson. Th? Im Ill fast ir.r,io4 1 IIP V 1 McCahey B Outlook. Dim i. Si as I .,,,,., Vim , i-i 3 I I i:! fast -i M:: -J. 11? :". .1 McCahey H Aibena, Ifodclw ,,,., r imonl 3 I 1*15 slow 21 loo 1 4 4 4 v, W I nil 7 RllaBryson, Minstrel, Chesterton :ir-s; Belmont ■■ I l:lfl lop 1 w !,s S :: 3 I** 4*| J McCahey 4 thirl. I*erthshtre, Chesterton 17 "I Wdbine 3 i 1:13 faal 13 lo MS 5 4 4 2* 21 R Neander fi Eln Del, Pepper Same, Caaaba hs" I hi. Loll r. f |o|i:slop 14 5 Ins fi 3 I 3 I It N.amler 6 Sir Edgar, Stal. Helen. Shyness cesi Ion-ht 3 4 1 IS hvy is 5 113 fi 1 1 l"k I1 R Neauider B stal. Helen. Redland. St. of Law* 16624 onghl 3 1 15 W7 I 4 3 2" 3" It Neander II Orniulu. Sir K.lar. Tie Lin SAHSFNFT br. e 3 98 By Ogden — Courtplaster R. T. Wilson. *nn I imii I. 34 1:13%rasl 12 WO S 4 fi :. :. Ural B Kewesaa. Mamie K.. Volant ,HI ll.l.ii.. :, I lo : fat 41 Ms 7 fi 7 I1 ■" .1 Mali. H r. It... Norse King, Lady Teresa ,„, ■■■ H , i. .i-v. ■ ". f 1 ex slow 21 K I 3 .". ::■ " I McCahey 7 V. Pltier, C. Field, Belamour ,„,,- n.i, .,;•,.,. ., x ;,:i-fa-t s ill 7 7 4 ::■ PI J McCahey 13 NorseKing, Protectr, N. Simplex ,.,., H, I ,■,, 53 f ] 07 fast 7 Ml 4 fi . B"k 7«"iJ McCahey 8 Hanson, Between Da, Stal. Helen 18437 ilnVGca .■ f ro..fasi 8 Ion 7 s x s l *|G Byrne s Boxer, Unison. Br. I.:in:ck IS!*1* li.hTo 3 1 Lit1., low 3 lofi 5 3 2 l"t :: A Schugr 5 Beadmast, Boxer, BrooatFlowei Bv Star Shoot Maribel Quincy Stable. t Ativ TFRFSA b f 3 101 — i v.ii.iui 3-4 1:14 fast 15 no fi 7 7 7 •;"• Bgame 7 Wanda PI tner. Etruscan. HeWill „ • h .,,.,„-, 11 16 1:49 last 4-5 96 2 4 2 3 ?. .1 McCahey .5.1. .1. lilli-. Hedge. Patrick S. , ;.., i. .,|., ,, i i -4 1 -• i ; i -1 17 io K ; :; Lost rider. .I McCahey 7 Runes, Cello. Volant :., ,,,s .1 i ,■•,,. 3 i ii33 Boodl7 M 96 t 4 1 I" l -I McCahey B P. Bleu. V Simplex, II. Temple :.., J! ,|.. ;, ,. 51 f, last 13 r. 103 1 7 fi 6 S*J B Ambrose K Celto. NorseKing. Her. Temple ,,.- ,| I ,,.,. • .1" iii IS :. lo , 5 fi r. si •.."■ i: I:; NorseKiBg. Protector, N.Sim pie J ,,..;. K;,. ,.,,.. -. r i -; . low :• KM 3 1 1 P n .1 McCahey 4 Gnat, Al Reeves, Ge*.Keeaek