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i i i i i 1 . - . * I I I ", 5 HAMILTON ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather cloudy: track fast. Ha, ing -In Is at 2:43 p. in. Chicago time. 1:15. Puns well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. Mi maidens. * Apprentice allowance. First Race — 5-8 Mile. Prince of Wales Purse. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Canadian foal,, I. Allowances. Trark record: 3208 5.i -. 2 llxi. I lad. Horse. Wi. Bee. A.Wt.Han. 21258- McBride 103 1:03% 110. .723 I 21005s Billv Prew 113 720 1 21052 Thiirncllffe IP; 715 212,0 Heclas Ilame 103 1:06% 110.. 713 2I2M; Wateedowa mi:: cm-. 115. .710 21221 Kathleen II 103 1:©4 I15..705 ! Dorothy Carlia, b. r, l, Ca Baj Taunt 115 Second Race — About 2 Miles. Mount Hope Steeple, base. 1 year-olds and upward. Selling. Track r nl: 10054 4:08% -0 102. t 20989 Humility 5 140X723 I I2»«M;_| Ii,., alhlon I 137X720 2Ki.-.o; Velslnl Mi 7 143X71.1 2122:; Jim 0. Ml 6 143. .71u Third Race — 3-4 Mile. -I ear-Oil IS ami upward. Selling. Track record: 98375 1:11 0 113. Jn::r., MARJ0RIE A Km 1:12 7 111 72.. 21157** Patience 1M 1 : ls. 4 103x715 , Ind. Horse. Wt. Dec. A.Wt.Han. 20382* Joe Finn 112 1:13% 5 103X710 212. r, i* Single 115 1:18% 4 101X710 21201 Astrologer KH 1:13% 0 113X705 21205 stellata 102 1:13% 4BMX705 212115* Hudas llrother ...1cs 1:13% 4 104X705 21217 Surpassing 102J1:I3% 4 108. .705 21031 Font 103 1:14% . 1ii7©7ii5 21200 cliff Kdse 110 1:13 0 108x700 21201* Van Bu 110 1:13% 7 1Mb.. 600 Fourth Race — 1 1-8 Miles. National Handicap. ,000 Added. o-vear olds and upward. Track record: 3226 — 1:50%. 5—116. 20938 Slnmlier II 125 1:53 4 126X733 2i2o.-, : Com monads lot 1:33% :: I05x7:w 20021 Water bam 100 1:52 4 116x730 1212:111 Tactics 113 1:53% 6 104X730 212:14 Fountain Pay ....103 1 53% 5 104. .730 2122.",; hnl, bine 06 1:34% 4 104x725 21225 Barnegat 104 1:51% 5 103x725 tH. J. Austin entry. Fifth Race— 3-4 Mile. o Tear old- and upward. Billies and MOres. Selling. track record: 06375 1:11 41 -113. 21292* Miss Cayle MM 1:13% 4 110X728 21261** Kate K .is 1:12% 0 no -720 21157** Patien.e I0 1:13s 4 110x715 21260** Lady London 110 1:12% 5 110 715 21208* Lady Spirltuelle ...lic.l 1:14% :: 103x710 21201 Reflection inn 1:14% :; 105X710 21201* Laura 104 1:13% 4 115X710 21157* Mama Johnson 05 1:13% 5 1 n;07IO 21280* Miss Waters KM* 1:15% 4 110x705 2120,11* Pamplnea 106 1:13% 5 MM. .703 21207* Lillian Kripp ".17 1:16% t 111.. 690 21068* Haversack ill 1:14% I 06X000 Sixth Hace — 5-8 Mile. 2-year old-. Maidens. Allowances. Track record: 3206 50% 2 100. 21250 Peep Sight 101 1:01 100.. 725 21221- llaria 112 1:02% 106X720 21027 ocean Prince Ms 1:02% 100 720 21o.-,:;i Tar Brush 110 1:03% 100X715 21201 Port- Light 103 1:07**! 102.. 7«5 asaaajhujiwn,- . lot W- 102..703 H B . - ki 1 ii2. Am ■/ AW ■/Xpplo 1:04 %a §"■ ■aTl ig in to ..•iiMpirvi.iiiig 105 21222 ""Mi I.elland 108 1:04% 102. .080 f lso eligible to start in order named should any .,f above lie -rati lied: 21221 Task Taaft 100 1:03% 10. .733 t Peilar. b. c. by Collar Petit Tor . . 112 ,J. Livingston entry. Seventh Race— 1 1-lfl Mile-, on Turf. Plamboro Purse. ..year olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 82982 -1:45% — 0 — KJT. 21207** Barwoed 3 !isx725 21001 Raincoat KiiMT. :: 100 -720 20H24 I.ulher 107 1:43% 5 112X715 21202* Ply Home 06 1:47% :: 104. .715 212H0* Fenroek DO 1:48% :: s.ix71o 21227- Joe Stein Kin 1:47 7 101X710 21227 ci. HoUoway 06 1:43% 6 10BX7O5 21238 Milan 1M1 :; 100. .880