Fifth Race [5th Hamilton, Daily Racing Form, 1915-07-01

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FIFTH RACE — 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Fillies and Mares. Selling. 6373— 1:11— S— 113. MISS GAYLE, b. f, 4 110 By The Commoner — Alpaca C. A. Crew. ! . Hamton 5] t l::..last fi 8St 5 3 4 44 i .1 Acton s Slipper Hay. Deposit, Vil.v 21261 Hamton 2 1 l:l::4,tast 7 loo 7 l i 2» lak T Pargton12 Brandy wine, KateK.. Hlk.iine l 06 Hamton 5 I l: »;.rast S 99 5 2 2 24 2" .1 Acton 11 Vilcv,.Pav Streak, New Haven 20963 BlueBon. ■■ 1 1 :ir.-.inud 5fi 102 lo lo S 71 ."."4. A Collins 10 Brandy wine. Dicks Pet. AKourt 20769 Dorval 5J t 1 7 5 Kmi 4 3 4 7 fi? L McAtce 11 Martrc. Bine .lav. Ortyx 20645 Dorval 51 t 1 : » 2 188 fi 11 2= fi V Coleman 12 Sleuth. Iiiioii.-ta. Laura 20424 Wdbine 3-4 19 MS 1 5 C 11» 14««fW Obert 1.*. Brandy wine, P.giiiom. Ida Claire 17.":::. Iouglas 3 4 1:13 fast 31 184.11 10 11 ll1 11" R Denny 12 DmU, Coy, Louise Paul KATE K.. b. m, 6 116 Bv Peep oDay — Wantage F. Staton. 2:261 Hamton 3-4 1:12. .fast 8 111 5 4 2 l«k 3J P Jackson 1 2 Mis* Gay le, Rrandywlne, B.Tinc L«0967 i.iionia 3 I l:16%hvy 19-10 pis. 9 9 9 s1 6»1 P. Qrttn H» Freensan. Sareget. Kalina 20S73 iitoiua :: 1 l:i-fast 19 16*19 9 9 9 8* H Critlin ■ ToryMaM, D.Larrick, Korfhase 19166 M Ilis 2 4 1:13 fast 1 1 Hi 1 1 1 H I3 V Warton 7 J.Basey, L. Marshall. KMeroseros 19136 N.Orlns 3 1 l:14%stow fi5 lofi l 2 2 Il 1« K Aminos.- s RLofSaroy, Ricbwood, M.Heclarr 19069 N.Orlns 7 s 1:28 Bast 8 186 12 4 I H 3*1 B Ambrose 7 RobertKay, Venghee, Ullarshall PATIENCE, b. f, 4 110 By Marathon— Miss Alert Mrs. J. Arthur. II :.; i.. ni-lil .".. f l: i!H good 1". M3 3 4 4 !•» J* J Acton 7 I.cialoha. .1. 11. Pair. M. Johnson • n Wdbine 3 I l •H1 .f:ist 8-5 105 3 5 4 4* 1 L McAtee 11 Pay sir.-ak. Bnrwood. The Ramp U0398 Wdbine :: I 1 : 1 1 good lo MS » ;, ;, |* 3*1 J Acton ll Utebwood, D. Pet. The Spirit "0297 Pimiico :: I 1:11- -i:ci 47 10 98 fi S 5 :: ::", .1 kteOahey S M. Casra, MootyFox, RlneMoose ,.r. Pimiico :: I l:13%fast :. M4 1 2 :: 1 4*1 R shilling 12 Pharaoh. HnniflUUoo, in.;: il32 H.deGce 3 1 Pll-.slow 41 M2 2 fi 7 8" •• It Shilling 12 Meaty Fox, Pharaob. Carlton G. W.V, H.deGce 3-4 1:1 P-.last 7 loo 9 E E 3 4 U" Ural I :t Ada Anne, Sherwood. G. Raaaell 19969 l:..v.i. 3 I 100 hiz 7 7 7 7 7""_S Woholm 7 Star Gift, P.iiai Path, Sqneeler I.ADY LONDON, br m. S - 11R Bv Hermis — Lida B. W. Smithl. i«i. Ham ion 3-4 1 8-5 105 9 ; 7 7*. 2? P Oootaci 12 BenaVI, M. Waters, J.H.Hghton 111:. on •■ht 3-4 1 : 1.". good t; .. lo.,v. 4 3 2 1- I ". I. llartwell » ilarih.-l. Lelaloba, King Radford 1030 Con ghl 51 r 1 il good 5 109 7 S S r.J 2* R llii.vncs S Colors. Rosemary, Reflection • i960 Uu.-Pon. 3-4 1:16 mud 4 los 7 E 6 7 i* B llayncs 1« GoldenPlnme. Cordon. BlneWing 20790 Dorval 1 1:43 fast 3 110 13 3 4 3 2» 11 llaui.s s The Ramp, Balfron. C.rranl •.-ll Dorval 51 f 1:88 fast 2 110 7 fi 4 32 1= K llayncs 12 M.Caneer. KhiconlL. V.Strome 2CS20 Wdbine :: I I :i:" fast fid Ml 12 7 S 71 2* T BRee 14 Voiicville. York Lad, Hcndel LADY SPIRITUELLE, br. f. 3 10S Bv Ildrim— Servila S. Louis. -... Hamton l I 8 l :.:-.fat 7 98 4 6 S 10 9= s~- I, McAtee 12 U George. ZodUc. J.H.Houghton 2115K Conghl lm20y 1 H .good 2 n i :: :: i i..t h I. McAtee S l.uckyGeorge, Weyanoke, Kihlav 0990 Gonghi I 1 hi 1:53 slow M 91 2 5 3 3 2 2«1 L McAtee II Redland, Dnqnesne, Ihirin i«45 BlueBon. 7-8 l:2S%asl fhl 94 7 lo S 9 81 9;i, McAtee IS Redland. Inunieta, Bnrwood -if. Dorval lm70j l:16 11 97 2 7. 7 7 7 .,.. i*i.ii .■ ii IKnire, .. o: i.....,-, CeieTiriiy 20550 Wdbine lin2ov 1 :4:.-.last 11 98 8 22 4 41 fiJT Piri toil H Star of Love, Sarolta. Celebrity ■ 08 Pimiico 1 l:42%fast 10 S3 3 3 3 3 2 V L McAfee 6 Ossaiy Maid. Tamerlane, Valas 20236 Pimiico 3 11:14 fast 12 93 4 7 S L.ridr.H McAt«e 10 G. Plume. Hermis Jr.. Thcshrcs REFLECTION, b. f. 3 10S Bv Star Shoot — Reflex Mrs. A. F. Dayton. 21261 Hamton 3 I 1:12*-. fast 12 M3 18 11 10 71 6«1 C Miller 12 Miss Gayle, Brandvwine, KateK. ; onght f.1 . I I ;o:i good:. loi 5 i; « s 4 C Millet S Colors, Lady London. Rosemary 20963 BlueBon. 3 t 1 :K. -.inud IS .*. 7 2 2 5- 7*1 T llaycs 111 Rrandywlne, Hicks Pet. AlCmirl li.Tfi.". Iiorval 2 I 1:14- fast 5 111 t 4 8 33 3*1 M Mlhews P A. N. Akin. Zin Del, Celebrity 20842 Dorval 3 I I:l4fast 3-2 mr 1 2 11* 1= M Mtlxws14 Schnapps, J..v Karate Jefferson 24036 Pimiico 3-4 1:13". -.good M MB I 5 5 fi2 il C Miller 9 P.iiaiPath. MrtlnCasca, Pharaoii LAURA, hr. f. 4 115 Bv Woolsthorpe — Incendiary H. G. Bedwell. i 61 Hamton 3 I 1:12 fa t M 1M 1 2 2 5j V"1V. Tmplkl IL Miss Cayle, Rrandywlne, KateK. 30863 BlueBon. 3 1 l:ll-.iast 22 1o7 1 3 3 .;. 9" K Taplin 1.: Broomsedge, TheSpirit. K.Worth 20749 Dorval :: I 1 :l 2 MS .". 3 4 fi 6«| A Claver 12 Anavri. Iii.|iiicla, Snhlers Best :«.i.r. Dorval 5j f lK»7%fast 8 189 4 4 4 fi" :.-. K Tnoliii 12 Sleuth, Inmileta. Al Court 8 i Pimiico 3 1 1 I 32 111 3 3 S 9 9" E Taplin ft Ricbn I. M. Slnruo.,,!. Alhena MAMA JOHNSON, ch. m. 5 10G By Cesanon— Over Clinton Stable. 21137 Conghl ■ t I : : . good 2 M8 2 1 1 11 4", L McAlee 7 Leisloha, Patlmee, J. H. Barr 20987 Con ghl 51 f I :!"•.,: low 5 96 4 1 2 4J !■ It McDottlo Venetia, A N. Akin. Ptpoall BlueBon. :. 1 1 1 1 ta-t .".1 1oo E 4 4 fi 4 M McDoltL: Briar Jath. Hicks Pet Sleuth 20821 BlueBon. :",. l 1 :o7 -■ .fast 220 MS 9 9 10 10s 9:M McDottll Zin Del. Kewessa, 20613 Dorval 3-4 lfl4%fast 6 lofi 3 2 2 1» f.7 R AmbroselS Pgniont. iri-h Heart, Mazurka 20520 Wdbine I l l l fast 51 188 5 4 2 21 7*1 A S.hugr 14 York vi He, I.. London. York Pad MISS WATERS, b. f, 4 110 By Lord Esterling— Lucrece F. J. Pons. I ■ Hamton 3 I 20 mo ll 9 9 fi V T Pargtonl2 Bendel. 1.. London. J.H.Houghton 21007 Conghl * I PIT slow 11 5 lo| t fi 7 7 8* J Connors K Miss t Chancer, .Mrs. Mc. Ilaloha 20862 BlueBon. :: 4 1 :1 H fast fid 102 i 5 9 fi". 5*1 F Murphy II The Busybody. VHey, CornBroom 12321 Latonia ."fl ; hvv 63 112 11 11 11 10* M»» Gross 12 HaVallc P.. sister. Brack. Belie 12258 Hat on la 3-4 1:18 mud 68 1 »7 9 9 9 7 7- II Woods 10 John Gnaid, Decathlon, Sq.Bill i 85 Latonia H f l:10*4hvy fiS 1 hi 4 4 fi 7 7-3 K H.m.lph 8 P.. Williams. Minds. Ida Laviala 10296 Fori Erie 51 t i:":o.,fast 40 MS 5 5 6 7 5*|W Obert 7 B.Williams. Itcquirani. Snperl PAMPINEA. ch. m. 5 IOC By Marta Santa. — Aida Dunn J. C. Fletcher. TW Hamton 2 4 11Hfast fin loo 7 10 10 9* 7«] W Stev sen 12 Bendel. I.advl.ou |,.n. MIssWaters ,.;,;., w .li. in. 3-4 1:14 rasl fhl m7 f, ll lo ll 12" » H Watts 13 T.Bnsybody. lUrksPet. Bwin? 17443 Wdbine 3-4 l:13%good 6 WO 9 9 7 H :.■_, J Metcalf 0 Birka. Bramlywine 17383 Wdbine 3 1 1:15 slop 14 Mi* 8 8 S 6* :" R Neander S Cbas Cj ll. Nlgadoo, P. Tail 173 Wdbine 3 1 i:i:fast 32 Mt; 8 3 fi . 6»J P Muipiiy 11 Supreme, Droll, J. II. Hoagbton 17219 l»oral 3 I PP.- rasl 12 M7 1 1 2 2- ::• It Acton 7 Armor, Sprlngmass, Pontefract 17M4 Dorval S-4 ".I MS 1 3 5 v.* S • J.I Ialiihan 9 Veneta Stroaae, Pom. Rnfa»rpe LILLIAN KRIPP, b. f. 4 111 By Beau Ormonde — Little Gun E. J. Crawford. ■l-o7 Hamton 1 1:40 fast 20 M3 0 4 5 fi .". 7"P Cooper S Sqneeler. ICneore. Bnrwood OT66 Dorval 1 l:43%fasl 12 M9 1113 3 .".«;.! Groth in Irishlleart, Bogsrt. LockyGeorge 207 I Dorval Im70y I:i8%rast 25 Mt 4 3 1 1 4 54i W Hlaphy P2 Darin, Penalty, l.u.kv George "o:,17 Electric l.. s l"-.Mov fi 110 5" W Man.hrs 7 Anavri. Phew, Deduction 0483 Electric Ah!i 8 1 : •"-, -lop 11" 7". A Pi. kens If. M i .if. Pass I Hi. M. Campbell 20083 H.deGce Im70yl:43 Tast 20 loo 2 12 3 2 7-L Mink 11 RtBlod. GoLCastle, Ulnaocence HAV1RSACK, hlk. f. 3 95 By Martinpt— Memories S. Ross. Conghl 6! I Pi .mo. 1 28 S3 4 s fi fi 5«J P. Porehd a Bird Man. Toddling. J«fferson ,., 1 Dorval 3-4 1 : IPMmm 5 97 7 5 la 13 12 • K KorehndH Reflection, Schnapps, Jos.Zarate ,,:,., abine 3 l l l. ii-t fhl 91 M 12 12 P." Il«l E Forehd H Vorkville I. London. Vtirk l.ol ,, -,■; pimli.-o 3 4 1:14%fast 490 99 7 fi7 V* 7«JE Forehd 8 Mar.Casca, Monty Fox, Patience ISIl" H deGce 5-S l:03%mnd 15 M 9 S S S K** E Forehd 9 B. Flower, J.B.IIarrell. Itefcfn 18009 I am- I r, sioi slop ::J Mu i r, s 7 7"» R Im -i-iid lo P.ria nloi u. P.Helen. J.B.IIarrell 17171 H.deGce .",. f I : s fa . t 7 M ■ 3 I V 8*1 H Sumter S phroicl.T.v, M.Mgniery. Proctor 17llo ii deGce E s I ■»«,jn t 12 MR 5 5 .". 4i 4- II Sumter 8 Cbantease, Vrrlraa. Rajeore

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