Second Race [2nd Latonia, Daily Racing Form, 1915-07-01

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SECOND RACE— 5-8 Mile. 2-year-ol.fs. Maidens. Selling. M0K 50 2 109. LOUISE STONE, b. f. 2 107 By Ha .tings— Ano J. S. Hawkins 1. 21209 Patonia f :.H:.f., t 21 ", 109 7 7, :.- 4" W -l 0B"n12 J .c. Weh-h Miss tkin Tract ton Uonia r. slail last Ifi.. Ill 2 2 2 B 21 V .1 DBnl2 Jane Strsilh, Triad i.,l Rlllotl ■i. latonia 5-8 1:02%hvy 8] llo 9 s 4 3 2* V J OBnlO MnrlelsPel B.J.s- NellieWelles 057.9 Douglas 5-8 l:03%mud 11 184 7, | 7, 7, 7.""P Pool 1; Poppee. Important B H.-iutv 20497 Douglas 7, s pot mu.l 33 5 M3 I 3 2 8* 8*4 K Pool s Intention. Mary II Investment 8829 Churchill E s pel" tfaat 29 Mfi * 3 I 4i« S"1WW T*lor 0 G. George. DMtnrber, lavestmt MARY ESTELLE. blk. f. 2 105 Bv Kilkerran— Estradia W. L. Lewis * 21182 Palonia 5-8 pel-. fast Mj 1"! 4 2 2 2- 3", K l.apaille 12 Cora II.. Polin a ChlvatOV Ionia 5-8 1:01 last ll no i r, 7 .-."■ 5 P Martin 12 Jane Slraitb, L, ui ,S|,,„.. Triad 20946 Palonia 5-8 l:02%hvy 30 110 7, y 5 gi ;.: Molt 10 Muriels Pet. I. Stone Busy Joe 20461 Douglas 41 f 54%fast lfii 112 10 10 11 11" A Molt ll Impressive. Bessie N MissAtktn ?0400 Douglas 4, f 7iir.iiiud C4 112 7. I fi fi-A Molt ; Br.Kate. B.Strtckland Cabirli 20311 Chuichill 44 f O.Ufaat 23 112 9 10 9l 98i A Mott 12 Beauty Shop C. Blair, si.Leagua INNOVATION, b. f, 2 100 By Hilarious — Common Sue J. L. Holland. - - ■.;i 5-S l:01_faat I! 12 1 2 I I1 4- M Uaraet V B. Daw, Cardonte. Disturber ! n Douslaa 1] f B rood 3S-6 MS S H • ■■ V M Darner 12 R, Strickland, B.Joe R. Juliette SOuM Douglas 41 f JT.-.nm.i 24-fi km; i 7 7. 771 M Qaraer l! Yertnak, Catvator, A. Ifanetel 304 Churchill 1-2 48J_cood 7 112 1 5 4- 4s B Martin 10 Itargaretlf., 1.. Sister. B. Beauty 20163 Lexgton n f GC%hvy 14J io» 3 n c: B Martin 11 Mary if.. Tbornwd, Investment aim Lexitoa 4i f SGiifast 21-20 10! 7 D S !JK Martin 11 Lynn. Little Cove, Vncle Will VELDT, br. f, X 105 By Tian.:vaal— Miss Doyle P. J. Watt. , ■;i •"• v I:02 ...slow X 101 :; 44 4. .V 1: Martin 7 NellieWelles, DoUna, Paymaster ISK4J Juarex 1-2 47%Caat 13 los: J 7 «.. V R Feeney 7 Bepton. Savino, Little Blues 19MM Juarex 1-J W%faat 10 101 5 r 6*1 i," «. W tarll ir. Patterson, Lit. Maes, l»la 19700 Juarex 1-2 48%fast 5 07 4 I .", 4" J Acton ,s Baviao, Tbelma Marie, Rubifax 19072 Juarex 1-2 nn-sow - 114 7 6 0- 4-3 J Loftus 7 Quiz. Brooks, I.ettvui 19633 Juarez 1-2 52%hvy 4 3 11 t 2 7 6*1 5" J McCahe 7 Little Bines, Brooks, Suvino 19672 Juarez 1-. G0%alow i Ml 7 5 3 2* B Martin !i LittleBicger, BoseJaariaa, Atnka 19421 Juarex S t Hfast 20. MS 6 Il C*l B Martin 10 T.Box. K. Patterson, llluininator SUN MAID, ch. f, 2 105 By Peep oDay— Lillie Tumor T. P. Hayes. 21182 Latonia . 8 l:"t-r.t;ist 83 10 149 1 7 :; •",- 5»1 L Gentry 1- Cora O., Dollua, Mary BsteBe 20854 Latonia 4 f and4_faat 39 145 1L 11 11 M !jH si earna 1l BrownVelret, BesaieN., Industry 20604 Douglas 41 f 66 kooc! 14 MS 9 3 7- 7* K LapaJUelS K. Strickland, B.Joe, It. Juliette 30178 Lexgton 4.. f K_hvy 61 i »2 2 4 4"- .1 Smyth s S.Vanitv. .•• r. SoaXeagne mn Lexgton 4i f B%f_st 21 112 2 12 lllll8 .1 McCahe IS Larky It.. Mar;;. Ellen. Iaulsou STUNNER, b. f, 2 105 Bv Marta Santa— Thrilled M. Young. • 1 itonia 1 f "•!, fast fid 10:110 7 s- g»| V Keogk 11 r.C.Welcb, Mias Atkln, Traction 1 Latonia 6-8 1HH last titi 110 3 G 3 71 V* W W TMorlS Jane Strait*. LoulseStone, Triad METHOD, ch. f, 2 105 By H.urst Park— La Josephine S. Pitcher. 21079 I. aio nia 3 ■ 1 :"-■.■slow 10 Jo:: 0 3 3 ; S"1D Stirling 7 Nellie Welles, DoUna, Paymaster 30Tu6 Douglas 41 f .",7:-.niiid -.» MM 7 1 ll 0*1 K Lapaille 11 Yertnak, CblTator, A. MancinI 20163 lexgton 41 i GCfehvy rid MO :; 2 P ■ ••■I Bntwell 11 MaryU., Tbornn 1. Innoration : xgton 1 t 651 last 20 112 1 : JMO"W l "nkli:iLJ Lucky K.. liarg.Ellea, Paalaon a0093 Lexgton li f 66%Caat fid WO 11 10 5- Sl J MeTagtll Lynn, Little Cove. Innovation ARGUMENT, ch. f. 2 107 Bv The Commoner— Argosy F. D. Weir. i:!_:in Latonia 6-8 1:04. mu l 13 LM 1 4 S 6* t7. F Keogh 8 Iaotooo, Gypsy Blair, Bernini 211S2 l.alonia 5 H !:"!- .-.I ;isi ISJ 109 7 lo 10 *.r- ,.l", I Stirling 12 Cora .. DoUaa, Mary BsteUe •y 8 i.atoni.i 5-8 1:01 last 40 noli j ti 8- 7° 1 Stirling 11 Jane Stratth, LonlseStone, Tria l 20946 Latonia 6-8 lS%hvy 3 ! lln I I :t 7i 7"M Stirling 10 Muriels Pet L. Stone, Busy Joe 20772 Douglas 6-8 l:ou last 70 Mi 3 7 7 7 7"",I Stirling 7 Rochester, Gypsy Blair, Eulojry MIKE MULLEN, h. c. 2 108 Bv Marta Santa— Reality J. Marklein. 20966 Latonia " 8 1 :".: hvy U 107 S 7 f. 71 71CV Meehan 8 Did Ckarter, Elk ton. Little Cove 10 J 1 1 Churchill 3 s l:01%fast r3 ]o7 I 12 12 12 12-"1K Goose 12 LajaaJ, latlur Kelly, Aunt Sal first start for the following: MtLJEN, b. c, 2 103 By Scmpronius — Glovino G. J. Long. OYVANA. b. 1, 2 105 By Dick Welles — Lass of Langden J. B. Respess. Mc ADAMS, ch. c. 2 1C8 . By What-er-lou— Xalissa L. Marion.

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Local Identifier: drf1915070101_5_7
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