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CLOSING DAY AT WINDSOR ■ GREAT CROWD CROSSES THE RIVER AND 18 ENTERTAINED WITH EXCELLENT RACING. * Fountain Fay Captures the Chief Rare of the Day — Back Bay Runs a Fast Race — P. Sheridan Scores a Double — Track Talk. Detroit. Mid,, July 21 The closing ,,f the Windsor ■ meeting brought a banner crowd b the track I across the river Racing conditions were perfect I and with a good card programmed Interesting sporl was provided. The Thorncliffe Stable furnished the winner of the feature, the I .V I . Stake:, tbe conditions of which called for ■ da -h ,.t one mile I with selling allowance . Fountain lay scored easily, coming from behind t , lent Schemer a couple of lengths, with the favorite. Water I. adv. in third place. Barnegat* chances were ruined when Actons lee, slipped -.lit of the still up iioiis bast as the start came. He was pulling Barnegat no all through the ttrsi sixteenth and the horse was never extended at any stage of the running. The I, g C. Stakes has proved an attractive acquisition to the stake offering* of the Windsor i Jockej " I ni ■ and exceptional! fast time has ] featured its running since its introdnctioo in 1912 J it biatorj follows. year. Winner. A Wt. Jockey. Val. Time. ] ci- Edda i his J. BatweU $ 915 l.::s 1913 Prince Ikmed 9 100 U Deroade. 1.155 1 :tsa PH4 it .t.t . Bradley t io;v Ctever.. 1.155 l:37 1915 Fountain Fay. ., 195 . Oarer. . 1,389 140 Some fa t sprinter* went to tbe post in the opener and Back Bay. after man] disappointment*, made good by leading all the way. Carbide waa ■econd and The Widow ii on third. Garner, who had tin-mount on Iron Mask, complained to the stewards after the race thai Met. alt hud grasped his bridle while rounding the far turn. Al all events. Iron Mask quit sii Idenh at that point and this was the excuse offered by his rider. Nothing developed over the complaint, although the mailer will be taken under investigation lo the oflteiais P. Sheridan made it ■ doable when his three-year obi Venetia won the aeeond r* *, bat aia vlit »rj was rather ,sti . The 8Uj wa* i .st,-d from ,000 to ,805 alter her rictory. Sain l-ouis carried hello . -, ir. then som Isider bid ,809, but Mr. Sheridan retained her. Tin- wonderful *aece*a of tbe mrrtlmr here and the tremendous amount of money handled la the mutueis has exceeded by far tbe fondest expectations of tbe well wishers of the Windsor Jockey club, it is understood that the capacity of tie-plain v i 11 be Increased before another year rolls around and thai several more machines will be added. John .1. Byaa of Missouri and .loi.n .1. Byaa or Canada, figured prominently in the selling races yesterday. The former look Vorkvilie out ,••, the fifth race on his bid of ,209, an advance of :o over his entered price. Both of the Ryaaa bid on I lie horse and each claimed that he had made the Baal bid. The matter had to be carried to the judges for settlement and they decided that "Mis I BOUri" Byaa waa the man to whom they had i I knocked tin- horse down, so he got It. "Canadian ; John J." was oat to to get a horse, so when he | did not secure Vorkvilie. be got busy after J. B. i Respess Cannonade, which was beaten in the seventh race, and claimed him for ,889, a pretty good figure for a plater. i .lames Robinson, trainer for . Hanlon. reports ; that Bichwood came out of the last race yeaterdnj i decidedly lame. The borse -truck his tendon during , the race and his trainer fears that he will be unable l lo get him lo the post again within the next few I weeks. Rolon-on will rein. On over al Windsor with i Rlchwood. i V. It. Bailee and Francis j. Poos have patched i up their difference* and iJallee is again iu charge I of the Pons lac!-. Ueorge Smith, owner of Crystal, came over from I Toronto thi- morning to see the tilly run. He is I the man for whom Edward MeBride named his , crack two-year-old and not the famous Pittsburgh I Phil, a had c -n reported. , The Rentucklans who are here, predict thai i George Smith will he taken into camp when Bulae i meets him ai Saratoga. , Ihe g 1 handicap horse. Kingly, is reported to • have taken i car lit in on,- of ins recent shipments I am! Buffered some minor injuries. , William McDaniel will remain al Windsor with Ihe tiers! horse* so as to gio them an opportunity ■ to freshen up. i Reports come that CoUoquy has a tine foal by Ivan ill,- Terrible, consequently a brother to Con i verse and that Lady Savoy has a colt at bet abac hv Ballot