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o . o I The small figure under "Str." shows the distance the horse was ahead of that next in the rae«. i I The small figure under "Fin.* — unless the horse won — shows the number of lengths the horse was behind the winner. Weight to be carried appears at top of column of weights in previous races. o — ■ — — 0 FIRST RACE— 5-8 Mile Straight. 2-year-olds. Selling. 69085 58 2—122. Index Conrsa Dlst TlmeTckOdds Wt St % % % Srr Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish BROOMVALE. b. g. 2 109 Bv Broomstick— Greenvale W. Linker. ik VqiK-ducI S-S 1: I I 111 2 2 1 ""■ V J Rutweli R Success. Moonstone. High Horse . i oi V iu dwcl 5-* 1 : 92 fast n M 112 1 11 1- 1 .1 Kntwell n Plnmooe, Dr.Cremer. Hiariillorxe 21 1S8 Jamaica : s 1 . n--fast 1 W7 :• 7 4 4- v - c rbther ! RdnaKenna, Ilumose, UttleAlta 2M19 Relmonl U I hI »2%fast S 91 I 3 S* 2J .1 kforys . S. Ballot, Kernrock, Stellarina Belmont S-8 si ! 2%fast 109 :i 2 :: 3. 4J c. Garner 7 Pleloae. Sun God, Kernrock .op»; Belmont 41 f at M muil B-3 107 1 2 1" VI 3 McCaliey 7 Fernro.k. Sun Cod ltlue R.»ek 203S8 Belmont 41 f st 63%fast «1 165 2 2 2J 3-JJ Groth 8 Grasp, White Hackle, Tea a.t.iv SMI H.deG li f 5:s%fast lfi-3 107 3 2 2 3 r- J Croih 3 George Smith. Kins Neptune SstBl H.deGce 1-2 48?tfast 2-5 Mt 2 1 1 1 l2 J Groth 7 Casco, Vermont. I.etleiti SAE VANITY, b. f, 2 108 By Salvation— La Reir.e Empress L. H. Baiter. 2:707 Bel 11 "• 1 -; I:07%fast I! :. 107 7. 3 2 l1 l1 W I.illev 7 Dr.Gremer. Beclnse. E.Ranmann 572 Bel onl 8 t i •- [ast W 101 4 t : _ V l.iii. ••. 7 LittleDlnper. Plumose Stel Vqueducl i-S 1 •: fast » IOC I 7 r, j- 4- w i.:i 8 Done Site, Flag Day, Little Alia 21529 Aqueduct •- 20 107 . 7 7 7 7". I Hanover h Varietr. Plumose, Cln.i Kenna 21264 Latonla 5-« ll%fast 67-10 ill 5 4 7 C1 l»J E Martin 12 Little Bigger, Bessie V. Dolina 216X4 Latonia 4; ; SC%mud rid ill S E J- lh V Murphy in Increase, A. Ansttn, Inrestntent 20587 Douglas 5-8 l:"i hvy Sl-10 167 1 2 3 4 4W- E Martin 4 B.Kate. H.Gardner, Margaret N 20464 Douglas " - l:02%niud 13 109 5 4 4 4" « • E Martin li Bered Kate. Ellison. S Leacw 20357 Churchill 4*1 51%slow 8 10 WS 1 I a ■:■■ 1; Martin 5 USlster, Kathleen. Margaret M 2024" lmrchill 1-2 4 fast 41-4 115 4 7 S ".I Smyth 12 Lit. Sister. MargaretX.. LnckrB .•• R Churchill 4-. f 54%faat 24 146 t 1 lh :: V. Martin 8 Cosmic, GipseyGecrge, Dlstorber 26178 Lexgtaoi 41 f M%hvy 27-j Pi9 1 1 li l« E -Martn 8 Sun Maid, South.Star, B.Leagm DOCTOR GREMER. b. g. 2 104 Bv Isidor— Mavfield J. J. T: avers. -1 :.•:--1 : -1 6 112 1 2 :: 3| 2« T McTagt 7 SalVanity. Becluse. E.Baumann ■1 Vqueduct 5-8 1:62 fast 18 17 3 2 2 I- : 1. All. n G Broomrale, Plumose, High Horse lainaica 5-S l:01%fast 4-3 103 2 ill-! V Lllley i Galeswintlie, ; Gate, Tatiana 21071 Jamaica a 8 l:01%fast 7 Pi7 :: 2 2 21 V .1 McTacrt n r.. — lira. Q. oi Paradise G.Gati 20377 Jamaica 5-8 1 ".-.last v~ p. 7 fi | 1 7:. .., J Morys 11 tuka. BessUen. Uttle Alts ...;h, Belmoal 5-8 si 51 fast M KB l 3 4 4 !• p Lowder 5 SteUarina, D. Dolly, High Cbab BOB REDFIELD. b. g. 2 109 By Mohawk II.— Toplash J. M. Zimmer. V.|ueilu«l 1 • ! 1 1 ;; i ■■ Turner S 1: n-a. Tyraph] H of the Kn W0.T3 H.deGce I - 48%fas1 K 108 :: 7 7 5«J C Turner 7 Peskr. Tiajan. Resslien -■".■ 11 ■!• ic- 1-2 I7%fast 11-5 111 1 8 S» 7»JT McTagtlS ientiewan. Mlearenn E.OIxa IffiNW Bowie 4, t Ma-t 6 |o» 3 1 1 1 1, t McTagl 7 K..v.. Water, AUka. Peaaace 18948 1 12 ttlfcfaat 40 i"7 3 7 7j ; : .1 McTagl • Serria, Greetings, cim i.mati A. MANCINI, ch. c, 2 112 By Hastings— Josie Cahar. A. J. Schneider. . 01 la - i a t I a N.i 1 n 7 Bam al. Veruiak, Li nn Douglas 5-8 l:01%fasl S] 107 3 111" I1 A Neyloti 10 B. Beauty. Investment N.Wells : 57%mud :l 114 11 5 •"■ 3 II Kederli 11 Termak, Chlrator, Muriel- Pel LITTLE AETA. b. f. 2 109 Bv Golden Maxim — Personal Mrs. J. McLaughlin. .|i.. .u. 1 " - 1 ■•: fa-t "" : i 1 1 r :: T McTagl R Biiiie Site Il.r- ! .;. Sal Vanitv 21528 5-8 l: r2%fast :• I" I 2 3 31 1*1 J McTagrl S Variei« Pluniow Kiina Keiui.i 2118S J : . 1 .333 2 3 .1 McTagrl 11 Btlna Kenna. Plnmose l.vnn 21644 Jamaica : n 1 :oi-.f;ist 7 :■ ; 2 5 G 6* 5T| P l..d.r 7 IJlj Heavens. Tralee Plumose 24*77 Jamaica ■■ - ; ••! .0 108 3 1 2 3« J*» J McTajTrrTl Ataki. ntsawHea. SH4iai-*ua 20826 Belmont IJ f st 51 fa*-t 15 168 I 8 . .1 8™ M Buxton :i Lit. Dipper, M. Pnxxle Feminisf 26319 Pimlico 4 f ;" s mud :!i 112 4 22 3J 7r; M Buxton 8 Cincinnati, BddieT., fypogranbr M M Pimlico 4| f M Past :7 Ml 1 I I 7 I" .1 Dreyer :i Ataka, ltlizzi. Havana Piml 0 4 f .". : bud 51 MS t 3 3 4 4" M Buxton ."• ulraa. Ilarta. Little Gink ttOW|e 1-2 MftfMt • -■ 3 4 4 "J J llunv. II t Ilcioue. Irrautully, T.Dun«ante - BLUE ROCK, b. c. 2 112 Bv Trap Rock— Sly Nun R. T. Wilson. 21672 Belmont G 8 st 1:69 fast 12 102 3 7 4 4.. 5=i.I P Ryan 7 Lit. Dipper. Sal Vanity. Piuseo 1 21246 Aqueduct 5-8 t*l%faat i Ml . ."■ I 7- 7i I. Allen ;. Plumose, Hiu-h Horse, Triboki 2M66 Jamaica 5 B 1 :oi~iast 31, 161 2 14 2 2J J McCahey 7j Dune Site. Hisli Horse, llacliay 26877 Jamaica 5-8 1 :ol%fast 7 115 13 14 14 14 14--?.G Corey 14 Ataka. Resslien. Little -Mta 26832 Belmonl V. t St -"::--.last 3 11. 1 2 3 2 1" J McCahey J I. Dolly. Caleswintlie. G. Gate Belmont 5-8 st l:01%good 12 M4 G « I «:! r.ri .1 McCahey 8 Trlbolo, High Horse, Stellarisa Imont 4| 1 st 54 mud 41. M6 5 1 I- V- W Iral 7 Feraroek. Broomrale. Sua God 26236 Pimlico 4] I 51 fast 2S 5 167 2 13 4"i 4:i W Cral 8 Ataka. Iflizi. Havana BESSLIEN, b. f, 2 109 By Orsini— Rose of China H. L. Pratt. 21672 Helm 5-8 st 1:68 hut 1". !»:i 7 G 7 6 i.;-I McKver 7 Lit. Dipper, SalVanity. Plum « 21608 Aqueduct 5-8 ! :o2 last 8 M 5 I 7 P I* .1 McCabej :i Dune Site, Flag Day, Little Alta 21528 Aqueduct 5-8 l:02%fast 15 161 ; 1 5 I1 «;? I McKver S Variety. Plamose. li.lna kinn.i 21408 Aqueduct 5-8 l:01*islow lo 100 6 8 9 9 9:c J McKver :• Pkamose, Dune sue. Ataka 21240 Aqueduct 5-8 1 :"D.-,i"ast S 165 4 4 3 31. 62 W Lilley !i Ptemose, Hiuli Horse, Trihetn 21071 Jamaica 5 I 11-10 107 1 11 l| 1- J Mctaliev i Dr.lJr.tner. Q.ofParadbie C.Catc 30877 Jamaica G-S l:01%fast 7 104 4 3 1 1* 2 J McCahey 14 Ataka. Little Alia. Stellurina 20472 Belmont 4J f st 54 slow 3J 103 7 7 4 3=1 J McCahey S HighHorse, L. Heavens. JerryJr. 2 -l91 Pimlico 5 8 l:02*cfast 67-20 104 1 3 1 * aJ J McCahey S Tralee. TribOtO, Eddie T. 88243 Pimlico 4i f 0G%fast 9-G 112 2 2 1 lh 2° C Turner ! Tralee. Ataka. Rose Water MURPHY, b. c. 2 107 By McGee— Intrigue S. Lewis. 21610 Aqueduct 5-8 liOOfast 3 112 2 1 3 4 ."• T McTagt 5 Startling, Becoay, Sasia 21361 Aqueduct 5-8 1 : ■ .p 2 112 1 224- :.-■ T McTagt 5 M. Puasle, Success, Dad. Choice 21485 Aqueduct 5-8 l:02%good 3 113 1 111 1- T McTagt H Trumpator, PastMster. Ilalntirt 847 Belmonl 5-8 st 68 last 10 Hi 2 22 1* 4*1 J Dreyer S P. of Como. Lib.Sands, Plaint In* 20779 Belmonl 5-8 st 58%faat 3 113 2 2 2 :. :: ■ J Dreyer 6 Tea Caddy, Ilaintiff. Old Koenig 20725 Belmonl 5-8 si 58%faat 12 107 3 3 3 3 :T J Dreyer 3 Friar Bock, Prince of Oasaa 20653 Belmont 5-8stl:08 fast 4 IM I 4 I I* 3* J Dreyer 4 Dassrosch, Hands Off, M. Quince 26585 Belmont 4] t st 63 Cast 18 U4 1 3 3- 3*1 J Dreyer 6 Lata C, naads Mf. Tea Caddy EDITH OLGA. b. f, 2 104 By Glorifier— Puritan Girl J. H. Shreve. 131 Belm pi 5-8 I 1 . fast 2 112 3 ! I 1. , .c Il.tii.i 10 Hidden star. Boyallst, Oorad 21631 Belmonl 51 f st l:07*ifast W 183 6 4 2 36 2 G Corey 10 G.Cmmsel, TaeCarmet. Marrbens 21689 Aqueduct 5-8 l:02Vfcfast 5 168 3 I I P 2 T McTagt 8 B.BfleM, lyrapliy. H.ol Mi.-Ku 21468 Aqueduct 5-8 l:01*4slow 20 169 7 7 7 V 715 C Flrther !i Plumose, Dune Site, Ataka 21328 Aqueduct 5-8 1:01 %t ast 8 112 4 3 2 2 3s. c Flither 5 Feminist, lldik... GeMea Gate 26622 H.deGce 1-2 47%fast 12 113 3 3 3- 3:J C Fhtherl2 Oeotlewan, L.Heavens, O.Hesd 19909 Howie 45 f D«75fast 25 M4J I 4 2 3-J .1 McTagt 7 PhUDagar, MargaretO., MARCHENA. ch. c. 2 104 Bv Isidor— Amstel J. Sanford. 1651 Belmonl 5 f st 1 :07%fast M Ml 3 5 4 i 4] J McTagrtIO G. Coaaset, EdltkOlga, T.Csnael BELLE OF THE KITCHEN, ch. f, 2 104 By Hurst Park— Isbell Hermence M. J. Leonard 1. 21586 Aqueduct 5-8 l:02%fast 20 168 5 s s ;- 4: C 8 B. Re.lli.ld. 17. Olga, Typography 21344 Aqueduct 5-8 1:04 hvy 26 162 8 7 7 r.2 5r.. F Hopkins s Sun God. Nolli. Maifoa 21220 Jamaica 5-8 l:01%fast 15 108 6 I 6 i 6" C Fbtlier 6 Dr.Gremer, Galeswinthe. G.Gate 21188 Jamaica .". s ! :oi--iast 4o 88 6 8 1 I 9-" J McKver 6 BdnaKesma, Plamose, Lit tleAlt a 21671 Jamaica 5-8 l:01*4fast 12 167 I fi E 61 8" C Ft/ther 6 Besslien, D.Greater, Q.orPadiss 20977 Jamaica 6-8 l:01H*ast 20 M 10 ii 5 6j 8i W Lillev 1t Ataka. Bessliea, Little Alta 20880 Jamaica 5-8 llfcfast 36 112 2 7 7 V Bl» c Fbiher 7 Variety, Manbasset, Q.ofPdise 26624 H.deGce 1-2 48%fast 25 168 4 6 68 8*1 C FM/ther 7 Blame, Shaban, Casco 28013 H.deGce 1-2 48%fast 40 »; 3 8 9 9" P Louder 9 Greetings, Golden List. Diyan EMILY R.. b. f. 2 104 Bv Miller— Senta P. J. Millett. :1767 Belmont 61 f st l:07%fas 38 OJ fi G C G» 6= C Hunt 7 Sal Vanity, Dr.Gremer, Recluse 21458 Latonia 511:68 good «o lo7 y 7 5 Gl 4S E Martin 11 Lou iseS tone, Capt.Rees, Manfred 21298 Latonia 6-8 1:64 mud 21 110 7 7 7 6° 610,.E Martin S Paatooa, Cvpsv Blair, I.rrnini 2946 Latonia 5-8 l:02%hvy 79 li3 1« 7 8 6h 610 C Hunt 1 i Muriels Pet. L. Slone. Busy Joe 20288 Churchill 4i f 51%fast fid 10.7 3 11 10 11" F: Martin VJ. Illuminator. Oaota, Tbornwood 18823 Juarez 1-2 4fl25fast 4 112 9 8 7J CJ A Mott ll Brooks, Maccaboe, J. D. Sues 18771 Juares 1-2 49/5fast 2J 103 1 5 3 J 2n J Acton 7 Rapids. Oveta, Maccabee 19764 Juarei 1-2 4S20fast 8 107 5 3 3nk 4"J J Acton 10 F.Patterson. Lit. Blues, A. Austin CORFU, br. f, 2 104 By Watercress— Ogalala C. J. Quinn. :7::i i: Imont S § Si 1:80 fast 8 112 8 1" M 8* ti1 D si. war.; HI Hidden Star. Boyallst. Dora.l.- 20987 Jamaica 5-8 1 : i2"-.-.siov 6 110 fi 3 -:: 3.1. 4U M Buxton 7 Miss Pnsale, Feminist, Rae B 201S1 Pimlico 1-2 56%mnd 39-20 M fi 4 6l. S» M Huxton 11 K.Tu-can. BlueKock. F.Delphia