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FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile. 3-year-olds. Selling. UB76— l:3ff%— 3— 117. ALL SMILES, b. c, 3 112 By Fair Play— Simper R. Kellv. I.i.t Vqueducl 1 1:45 slop 9-5 no .", r. .", 2 1" !- .1 Batwell ." Saratoga, Lady Teresa, Grumpy 21496 Atiueducl I l:41%good 1 110 7 fi .". 3 I" 9* J Batwell . Yodeles, Vladimir, Urnmpy 21325 Aqueduct l 1 II last 3-2 11- S S 4 2 :". 2 .1 Hutwoll :. I i-:nit Shore, Alliena. Ali.ira 2H7« Jamaica 1 I 16 1 : is.-.last 7 10 107 :: 2 2 11- ll C P*btber •• Coin. Yodeles. Mis- McGisnrfc Di7!» II ileUce 51 f l.". fast *;o ioi s 7 I I I K Shi 1 1 ins s Haaaoa, Between Is. Stal.lleiea 18206 i.aurei | I |:tt fast 22 5 113 l 4 5 4. B1 .1 Batwell 12 Min-iicl. Miss Kraaces, Voiaai 17592 Laurel 51 t l:97%fast l 2 111 1 I I V ::R M Baxtoa 10 Ninety Simplex. Per. Vaza 17236 Belmont 3-4 st l:14%fas1 26 113 5 5 7 fi" 1»«|T BaTtea 7 Bonco. Slnmnerer, Maryland 41111 HMS Belmont 51 fat l os-fast 40 m 9 9 9 71 71 M Baxtoa » 8haaaaater, It. Martyr. Gleaariaa LADY TERESA, b. f. 3 108 Bv Star Shoot— Maribel Quincy Stable. 21686 Belmonl I l:39%fast 8-5 M fi 5 4 1 V- I* .1 MeKrer ti OM Ben. BookerBlll, Stonehcnge 21514 Aqueduct 1 1:45 slop H-S Ml Z 1 1 1 . :: ■, I McKver ."■ All Smiles. Saratoga. Grasspy 21236 Aqueduct 3-4 1:14 fast l"- DO « 7 7 7 6M,C BltasM 7 Wanda Pit aer. Etruscan. I low ill 20973 Jamaica 1 1 16 1:49 fast 4-6 9fi 2 4 2 3 V 2. .1 McCabey :. .1. .1 I.illis. Hedire. Patrick S. •Clfi IiniliO 1 1 :H-.-.lasi 17 10 91 7 3 Lost rider. .1 McCabey 7 Raaes, Celto. V.dant -oils n deGce 3 4 !:13%eoodl7 lo 91 4 4 4 4" 41. .1 McCabey B P. Bleu. N. Kirapiex. II. Temple 29937 H.deGce 61 f l:06%fast 13-6 193 1 7 fi fi in E Ambrose 8 Celto. NorseKias;. Her. Tempi. " mii7 H.deGce 5-8 ""-.last is o ME E fi 6 S! ■•■•■ K Ambrosel3 NnrjcKinr. Protector. N.BImple] 16S05 Empire oi t l:07%slow 2J lot 3 3 3 2J 1 J MeCahey 4 Gnat. Al Keeves. Ceo.Koesch YODELFS. b. c, 3 110 By Rochamoton — Yodeler CH. Underberel. I.;17 Belmont i l l« I K-.iaM 10 KB 1 :: I E V -• 3 McCabey ". Virile, old Bea, Hedge 21496 i I l:41%s;ood] c ] p» 17 7 4 2 l " .1 Mc-tahey 7 All Smiles, Vladimir, •Grumpy 2J274 Aqueduct I l:4«%faat 10 9ii 5 E S ■ 1 1 I McCaheylO Stonehenge, T.Bell. Beetiioven 21172 Jamaica 1 1 16 l:48%faat 6 HB 1 fi .", I ::.:;■ .1 McK v r 6 All Smiles. Coin, M;- McGIrkU •1040 Jamaica 3-4 l:14%faat 66 MX :: fi 4 61 4I,,J McKref B Chesterton, Ethan Alien. Allien;, 4937 Jamaica S-4 l:15%faat M0 115 7 7 I 6 ■■ I McKver 7 HanoTUi. Fussy W ussy, s. Marsh is 10 Latin I S f I :-i«%fast 317 106 fi « fi fi fi-3 W Doyle B Botro. Stal.Helea. BroomPlowei 1B992 Laurel 51 f l: J7%fast fid DO 8 13 12 12 12--?.V Doyle 1" Dervish. Carl. me. I nnin ALHEKA, b. g, 3 105 By Star Shoot — Belle of Glendale 3. F. Adams. ■p;s»; Belmonl i l 39%fast I 99 2 I : 4 V t I -I M ahey i LadyTereaa, old Bea, Beak. Kill Llfio:. Aqueduct l 1:39 fast 7 :»i .",42 2 :■■ |*J .j McKver 7 Saratoga, Ella Brysoa, Dryad • Aqueduct 1 1:49 fast A M s s :; 4 I" ".:; J McKver 13 Amain. OSnlUvan, Stonebeagc "•1325 Aqueduct 1 1:41 fast 5 104 3 I I 3 2- t»l ]■ Hopkins !S I i-t. til All Smiles, Ahata 21193 Jamaica 11 M 1:47 fast 41 S7 1 1 1 1 2- 1 E Campbell.7! Amain. Doublet. Orlin Kripp 21040 Jamaica 3-4 l:14%fast lJ-W 169 7 7 1 1* n« Byrne s Chesterton. RtaaaABea. Tadele* 29993 laniaica 3 I 1:16 slow 2.1, ]n7 4 I I D 1* C Flither f» Superhuman. Minstrel. Coy 20875 Jamaica 3-4 l:13V»fast 12 192 13 13 11 D- X. .1 MeCahey 13 Dinah Do, Outlook. Tinkle Hell 29324 Pimlico 3-4 l:I5%mud 43-20 166 "j r, 3 35 1*1 C Turner 9 CornBroom, Baabyllead, Mimico 2C283 Pimlico 3-4 l:l5%slow 5 07 1 111" l| .1 McCabey 0 Brandywiae, Isatora, Nellie C. REGULAR, br. f, 3 99 By Bryn Kawr — Consistent B. Eorsey. ■,,K-.r, Mlioro "■ f 1:19 fast 3 !■•; i;-;. w Doyle 8 S.Moon, NarnocJ.V.Jr.. Remble "i«09 Mboro 7 s Djo grood 4 mi i . 11 ChappeU 7 Monty Fox. Pharaoh, In. Qaeen :o737 Mboro ; i 1:23 s"od 4 Id 1 w Doyle • Peacock, Moncreif, Hoffman ■0676 Prospect Ab5-8 lKarKfast 102 1- W Doyle 7 NellieC., M. of Honor, P.Tromp "Ofifil Prospect Ab5 8 l:02ftfaat S-5 M-j 1 | w Doyle 7 It. Orme, J. Hanover. G.aQaeen "o4s4 Kliti. l:02%slop S M7 4T W Doyle 9 l"_. w i it ,-. Onar. B.B.aadTacker :oi"», Kh-etri. 5-8 1:01 slow 4 MS 9U H CbappelllO M.ofHonor, Ool.Randell. Rnryab ",;;-.; pimlico 3 1 1 ::;.-.s;ood 97 M I 9 ■ :• -"H-I Dreyei 9 BriarPatb, ITrttaCaaca, Pharaoh WATERTOWN. br. g, 3 109 By Orsini— Devotion A. J. Stafford. ;hj67 Belmont 11:41 fast 10 114 7 7 s r, :. :,■» .1 McTagrt 9 Dlst.Shore, Hedge. WoodeuShoei 21809 Vqueducl I 1:38 fast 13 Ml 1 I I 4 .", 6* J McTag-rt ." Moatresor, Holy. Harry Shaw ..J531 iqueducl 3 I 1 II last 6 104 1 6 fi fi E -I McTagVrt ; Y. Notions, I. Rotba. Moatresor -i:i7 Aqueduct 7 8 1:31 hvy 18-6 Ms 2 2 2 2 1- l .! McTaarrt :: Lady Botha, Bthaa Allen 1130 Jamaica 1 1 16 l:4644fast fi 98 14 3 2 V 2* .1 McTas?rt 5 Cliff PieM, W. Shoes, Sarataaa "•009:. Jamaica 1 1 IK llTC-low 15 103 14 5 1 1 -Cl McTajfTt S Yaa.Notions. Virile. Blue Thistle 1,9115 Jamaica 7.J f l:06%fast 30 102 u I i". P .1 McTaa/rt ft Phosphor. He Will, Garbage 1X440 H.deGce 5J f 1 :08%good 10 107 10 S 1 ".: fi" C Turner 12 Mn. Simplex. Carbwe, CL Harea 1X41-5 H.deCce 5ifl:09%mud 12 104 . fi 7*|G Byrne 7 Gaelic. Sarsenet, Hanson iv:.s 1 lien 3-4 1:14 fast 3-2 W9 6 I I V I »C fteam 31 Herb* t Temple, Volant. Carlone 171T7 II detlee " 8 l:01%slow 15 M7 7 7 7 7 ::". V Rhtmire 7 Ooi|nette, B. Flower. Headiuast 17073 Belmonl 51 f st I.", last 4.7 M7 2 2 2 -- 3*| M Nathan 1 Haaaoa, Trust Me. He W1U COMMAURETTA, blk. f. 3 96 By The Commoner — Annie Lauretta W. J. Weber ■]7Pi Relmonl 1 l:D-.ia-t ■" 98 13 IS 15 II :- :• ■ . Hunt 17 Dr sd. Napier. Tinkle Bell .,,,■. Belt it 1 l.l" :■" ss 4 4 4 4 4- P c Hunt • Bha- Thistle. Bae. Sort hi brill 21463 Iatonia 1 1-8 l:52%fast 1". 89 :» IM 11 I .•" C Hunt D Transit. L. Panehita. Pellowraan :!i-i 1 1 1 7- • s ] r.i.mud 21 lHi , r, ., . M darner 7 Byriaa, ABedo, Waterproof ro-»2 Latonia 1 1 16 1:50 slop 7 lo |4£ 3 :: 1 -;i -• M Garner 7 Miolus, Knee let, Santa Bole :T12 latonia lm70j I ti.tast Mr. us 7 8 8 7 6 -L M Gamer S INsilbwion, Daadreary. Martiaoa "•1095 i-itonia l 1 16 1:48 good .- b M9 E i E 4 l»l i,; M Gamer 5 Martinos. PWjret. ABedo 21038 Latonia 1 3-16 2 HB mud 3 2 93 3 11 1 2 • 2j M Garner "• Any Port, Gholns, Consoler ;f»is ,.,1 tda lm70 1 19 hvy 121 s"i s ,; : * M fi:l; c Hunt 8 ratberRiley, Mallard. Disillusion 20670 La mia 1 1 11 l:46%fast 1C nt :• 5 j 6 4l 4U c Hunt ■ P*ee Enaene. S.Actress, IT.Woei JESSE JR.. b. g. 3 109 By The Commoner — Bessie McCarthy J. W. Hed- rick. Jr. . mn Belmonl 11 • • " 33 4 J 7 7*» W J O Bn 7 Harry Shaw, Lazuli, Bea Qaiure "ifiir: Belmont 1 1:41 taat M M, 3 S 7 I I : - W .1 OB-a 9 Dlst.Sbore Hedge. Woodenh 20100 H.deGce 3-4 1:1 %faat 51 92 - S 6* 4 J Gartner 7 Star Gift, Belamonr, ;iint 20059 H deGce lm70yl:45 fast 40 M " 4 3 •; I l»«|J Gartner 8 CllffPieid. ProKTessire, Locbiel 20041 H.deGce 3 I i:. 7 MS E I" J Butwell 9 Pair Helen. Elwah, Alheaa 10018 D deGce E] f l 12 110 2 7 7 7* 7"» J Gartner 1" Corsican. Pair Helen, Videt 19821 Havana _■ 1 12 slow 2 94 t E I 11 Gartner 8 A.N.Akln Saerwuod. Vol. Byes 19716 D: vana c"1 : 1:1 Sfchvy 12 31 4 "I Gartner 8 /ali. Brave Cunarder, Manasseh 19612 Havana 3-4 l:13%fast s 100 fi 7 8 8 |J Dreyer 8 Eoaer. Gem. BriarPath. Clark M D 47 Pimlico 4i f 5.", fast fi3 10 M!» r, 4 3 3 r .1 Butwell B Sir Rdsar, ScorpU, Sorreata 14189 Pimlico 1-2 4S"ifast 13 10 11.7 1 1 V : ■. .1 MeCahey S Hiker, BIslllnsion. Pair Helen 11077 11 deGca 4J f 64 4fast 1-2 Mf 4 5 4 31 2" « KnlgHt •" SorgeoB. Tie Pin. Kthan Allen 14915 H ileCV-o 4| f nr fast 6 Ml 1 I I 9 l| I MeCahev ! Sir K.lcrnr. Peviltrv Tnrran DEVIL FISH. br. c. 3 103 By Robert le Biable — Water Nvmnh E. H.erz. iys |:. |.. .nt 3-4 st 1:1: Ml 3 IS I as Steel, linimpv. D.oflHiidtar I57S Nli duct - ..... p in, .; n ;. 7 7 IT McTajjl K Cn t* V lariiis. Vadopeep «. fast l"l 102 ■- 5 6 I .1 Dreyer ; IMsisiilHir, II. will. Carhaa 134 Doug:as IiiiTOj 1 M hvy 31 ill 6 6 7 • i P Keoah 7 Roj MI. B.andStars. ITneleBryn MexPk.lKng ► 6-8 - rood JM i I Is K Whtley 12 Iteynella. I..i.j Report. IVlano I ,. .,.., i I.i:. i — bard II IK 1" E Whtlej i-" Polystomc. Seenrltv. I 1Bter Eng ~ — hard :: 121 | i: Whtlej II Benerol W.Slper. C.bySt.De I i...|, Ens ■ ■ ■ a»rd E 1 191 - B Whtley 11 Aneailbi. Dnessa. Kilearla a BRIAN BORU, ch. e. 3 106 Bv Celt— Ellerslie iJ. Long. 1 • 1710 Bel t 1,fast 40 MB 11 16 16 16 II 1 r • J MeKrer 17 l»r ad. Napii linkl 11 I B Vqueducl 1 1:40 last vi M I l" S ■" . P Lowder v" ill »Sullivan. St«»nel •VilO Aqueduct • I 1 l6Vfcslop 10 h:r, r 18 7 fi M McTaa/rl 9 lairose, Plaatageaet. S.ofValley ; Aqueduct : 11:18 fast 40 Ml I 11 11 M1 P]ll M thews 14 PalanqulBv Hiker, Saa V*m Mboro ■" 11" fa«t i 1"! 1"- A Pi. -kens 9 Dedoctbm. E1U Crane E. Blue* Mboro 13 104 8*1 A Pickens l» Col Raudelt. Larcjo. Woodsle . prosiiecl Mi. fasi 102 6« " Doyle • LAirlon. Dxer. Rliarper Ku-ht ,6gl prosiiecl Al." s l:01,good i p.-j i | w Diwle . Breakers. Deductkai SartUnMtre |..,ii Bowie in. " : :ifi" .fa ■■; 12 l"l 2 2 3 3 I |«a j m i ,.- s i..!ii i .o,- Da: Toa llaa«uek