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KING EDWARD PARK FORM CHART. MONTREAL. QUE., July 14. 1915. Fourth .lay. King Bdwaid Jockey Clubs lirst meeting ,,| 7 da . Weather clear. Presiding Judge. Sberidaa Clark. Starter, lames MM 1 1 on. 21673 First Baee 8 1 Mile. Parse 8899. 2-year- obis. Selling. Net vain,- t,, winner 25; secoad, 9; laird, fS. .J"1- lb. rsc Wl. Fin. Jockey. dp. CI 21633-Coluin. Lady 107 1- .1 Domlnick I 21616 stubborn 194 _.■ A Pickens ; •; 8198$ Energetic 107 :.- K Moore .; 1 21540 Dr. aim KKi 4". C Knight I 1 2638H-uity 99 5« SWolstenholin 21616 Single-toe 107 «- R BStep ;■• 21355Miss Fne-es 114 71 .1 Pendereast 21382 Petit Blea 97 8 C WhymSrk :" 30 Time, 1:15V4. Track fast. Winner -It. P. Dodsoal Ilk. f. 3. bv Midlight trained by W". Ix wis,. Start good. Won easily; second aad third driving. 21674 Beeoad Race-:; 4 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 25: secoad, 9; third, 5. ind. Hone wt. Fin. Jockey. Op. CI 21423Jollv Tar 115 1= M Crin.r 4 t 21539 Miss Jeau 111 . C Knight 21637 Nila 111 J»k A Pickens 10 «: 21616 Freda Jnson 111 4"k - Manders c • 21655-f;allant Koy 113 .7nk J Domlnick lo I" 21617 Leialoha 10« « J Dodd 21538 Hire! Man lie. 7- VV Young 2 3 20572 Little Hirdie HM; S C Wlivmark 6 10 T 1:16%. Track fast. Winner -W. H. Cooper"* b. g. 5. by Miz/.en Submarine 1 trained by W. H. Cissina 1. Start good. Won easily; second ami third chiving. 21675 Third Race- About 5 s Mi[.. Pane " » 2-.M-ar-olds. Allow antes. Net value to winner 25; second. 9; third. 5. ind. II.-is,-. wt. Fin. Jockey! tip. CI. 81834 Lyndon 100 1 ": • Knigbt 81818* Little Uinh 1 1 » 2» J Domlnick :: 21634 Lewis Opper K 4 :;.. w Young ., ; 21634-P.arka KM V. sWolst, nholtn :; i 21618 rtti/zi 107 r.- Pickens I 1 21618 Garden 101 ;• c Palling-r • l» 21448 Lillian May 10b 7J J Howard in 12 21376 Grey Lady 194 s .1 Montour Time. 59«5. Track fast. Winner— W. F. Kings |,. r. bv Hastings Vilhie trained by W. F. King. Start good. Won easily: see olid aiiel third diiving. 21676 Fourth Race 1 1 Ki Miles, pane 99. 1- .M-arobls and upward. Selling. Net value to winner |225; second, 9; third. 5. lid. Borne. wt. Fin. Jockey. Op. :. 21619 Tony Koch 100 1- c Knight 1 3 21635 Minda 104 2" W Young I G 21619 Hurin .is B J Dodd I ; 21637 I.ord Wells lop « v Pickens - - 21638 I ir. S. P. Tate 100 r,- W Manders -, -j, 18789 Mast,.,- Jim 101 1,7 SWolstenbolm 1.1 S» 21658 Water Ins 7- K LaMasters lo ir, 21615 Mtiiisseau 100 V M Simmons •; ,; 21636 Calb-v Slave lb; Ii M drill- r 21614 Caraooet 99 10 c Whymark la lo Tisae, 1:57. Track fast. Winner a. Berrys hr. g, s. i,v si. Avoaicus -Screenwell Lake trained by A. Berry. Start gocMl. Won easily; second and third driving. 21677 rntli Race tboat 5-8 Mile, parse . :; year-olds and upward. Selling. N.-t ralUC to winner 225: si-c 1, 850; third.,. Ind. Hone Wt. Fin. Jockey Op CI. 21636 Muv r.uens 117 l" v Pickens 21614 l.ainb-s Tail 117 l. c Knight 10 I 21637 Kl.v tBrien 111 :■ ■„ yIH, u 1. 1., 21619 s, Herndon n« tj c Whymark lo 13 21653 L.des tognets 111 :,- VV Man, bis r, s j 21635 Mis. Mc 107 6» J Ioij,| M A 21654 SkeeU 114 7 J Bauer l-i l.i Time. 5925. Track fast. Winner - M. Breechers b. c, 4. bv Kiiss 11] itiaini-d bv T. I.ynni. Start poor. Won handily; second and third driving. 21678 sixth Baee About 1 7 s Mile, pane 00. •".-year odds and upward. Selling. Net ralue to winner 25; s,e .mi. 859; third. .1. lad. Hone. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Op. CL 21633 The Lark 109 l SWolstenholm 21613 l otn M ran lo:, .j j Dominick 6 S 21633 l-sv s,.,,.n; 404 :, -a- ivuva 1 j 21633 Royal Blue 107 4 v Maadcca Zl 21613-Kij. Kir liH c Whymark * • -1613 Brvnavi . 1 1 1 «. 1 Baw r Ml IS 21630 Riiiij 1 1... ,, | ks li Cst.p R |i 21541 Phil t ..-,,,, .,- lit H Labell M 1 i Time. 58,. Track last. Winner Varrow Brae Stables br. 1". •".. by Pick Welles — Winter trained by W. short 1. Start good. Won ,;isil : second and third driving.