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I I j I ■ j I I I GAL0PIN AND ST0CKV. ELI, CONTRASTED The July issue ol Ihe w II known "ipiiilerly." "The Bloodstock Breeders Review," is well no to its usual high Standard. One of tbe most Interesting of the various contributions is that on "The Best stavers iu tic World." in which an old friend. Mr. Sydney 11. Pardon of cricket reporting tame, breaks out iu a fresh place. He strongly champions tbe can-,- of Qalepia as the foamier of the best staying family. Anpareiilly Mr. Bard.m has ben roused lo the occasion by reading "day after day of the staying power of the [Bonomy. the Hampton, and. above all. the Musket blood." "•Seldom imbed." lie ad. Is. "is titling tribute paid to the stamina of the descendants of Galopin." in order to make it clear that it is the Galopin* to which we are chiefly indebted for our stayers. Mr. Pardon his nias-ed together evidence on the point which he claims to he overwhelming, and he has certainly made eat a strong i ase. Imprimis he points out thai member* of the Galopin tribe bare won niae Derby*, the Oaks on eleven oceaaloaa, ami ten St. I.egers. all gained in the twentv -siv seasons from lssp io 1914 inclusive, with the exception of the Derby won bv Galopin himself. Mr. Pardon alan deal* with other big weignt-for age races, ami has much to *ay in praise of Persimmon and William the Third, and also of tin- unite Knight. In connection with the las! named he quote* his feat in carrying c:s pounds in tin Cesarewltch, when he gave 4, pounds i Demure and ran her to three-quarter* of a length, and thi* the author regards as fully equal to the much-belauded victory of Barcaldine In Ihe Northumberland Plate under 138 pounds. He give- comparative tables of great bone* sired by Stock well and St. Simon, and also a list of ten brilliant grandchildren of St. Simon. In this connection he asks, can Stock well show ten grandchildren equaUy brilliant V Much depends on the opinion of Individuals as to the brilUaacy of horses, aud it would not be difficult lo slack up a list taken from Stock* ells grandchildren which would take some beating. In regard to the success of male line descendants of StockweU in. the three chief classic-, they have ceitainl fatted rather unaccountably in Ihe Oaks, for I can only find four as against eleven success,- of descendants of St. Simon. Iu the Derby ami st l.cger. however, the Storkwells altogether outnumber Ihe Gah pins, having; sixteen Derbyn and sixteen St. beger* to their credit against respective Iv nine and t-u in the part of the Oalooius In all the StockweU* have won thirty six races for the Derby, itaks and Si. Leger, and the Galoplm ouly thirty. Personalis I agree with much that Mr. Par-i don has written concerning the line of Oalopln. and hi* .uieie is eminently readable mid interesting — "Vigilant ." iu London Sportaman.