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, 1 : I i REMARKABLE SUCCESS OF BROOMSTICK AS A LEADING AMERICAN STALLION 4, 4. There lia- been no more Striking thing in American tin rooghbred breeding developinents of Ihe last ten years than the eminent success of Broomstick in the stud. Still a young none in stud life, it has fallen to I. it. j to make a distinct impression in England as well as in the land of his nativity. There Sweeper II. and Whisk Broom raced brilliantly, the former landing no leas a prize than the- Two Thousand Ouineas among his triumphs. Kempiea, too. won Bereral s;ak - race* in England and. being aent to India, was oat of tlie leading horses racing last j ear in that far away land. Whisk Broom, after many successes in Bag-bind, came home to become Whisk Broom II. and added lo his laurels by gaining the farther distinction of being the only winner of the Metropolitan. Brooklyn and Suburban handicaps, to say nothing ot his re markahle feat Of running a mile ami a quarter in 2: H» with the staggering impost of 139 pounds in the saddle. In this country Broomstick has two Kentucky Derby winners in Meridian ami Begret, ami in the various races of these two stars, together with tno I Leoebares, Buckhorn, Winning Witch, Night Stick, Hani, tat. Housemaid. Princess Callaway. Tart* and other swift ones, ka* at one lime ami another aci ipliahed the winning of a majority of the events worth winning in America* racing. Thai he beaded tin- American si;.- list last year and the year before is convincing evidence of the unimpaired virility of the splendid Bon i ic Scotland line he represent*. He has now a chance second to none of carrying ofl the premiership again tliis- year. If In- succeeds in gaining this high fame for three years in succession it will be the test ease of i] kind since Hanover was the ruler with his record of leading in llu- lour aucceaalve w-nis of 1895, 1890, ivi? and 1898. lb- i* really a wonderfully bred borse, as his pedigree shows. Iu view of ins success Dallj Kacing form here presents his pedigree and a tabulation of the money winnings of Ins progeny in this -country and over hi England, the account being to the end ot 1914: lam j Don John f Bonnie Scollaad. . . I ateamnil J Queen Mary $ Sla*Hto, .. IW..-.M, ■ tuo" - * D. or Pleii tent lary If f Australia* West Australian L lay Leaf I Emilia. / Iu Ilower 1 Lexington N Leamington 5 I iinli a-BaUagh „- f Re for in Daagh. ol Paatalooa g l_ ,,, /stolen Kisses j The Knight ot Kara l|« Rrseville j » 1 fwif*m Hoa g5 Alarm j Eclipse H - L Albia afaaj 21 j / Elastic 5 Kentucky 5 « 1 * Blue Ribbon g*1 I Vedette I Voltlgear 5 u rdalopin i Mrs. Kidgway ■i Living Iiuchess. . . . j Flying Hiitchtiian S f GallaUd l Merope ■ f ,, . Macaroni i Sweetmeat 5 [ Mavis 1 Jocose I. Tlf J Merlette The Baron I Cuckoo Doncaster j Stockwell It r Rend Or J | Marigold ylvahdle I iHongoBose JandSTSand Kingley Vale J Nuthourne 1st. Editha j Bannerdale Iuly Alice i Chanticleer l Agawa Won by His Progeny in America. Horse. A2P. Dam. Wa. 1st. 2d. 3d. Cup. Won. Buckhorn 5 Thirty-third « ■" 27 is 7 l.i 9,800 Meridian fi Sue Smith «"««i - • !-" 1" 21 20.491 Leocharea 4 Leayoaara W -"■» iv 11 Bl J4.-J47 Barnegat 4 Jersev Lightning !»l 13 17 l!s :.:. 18.467 Begret 2 Jersey Lightning •" •"• " » " 17,390 Housemaid tj Ethel Pace 41 IS 1.1 ."• s 15.832 Winning Witch .% Sue Smith *.0 it; 1.: ii L.". lLMUi Dnqueane 7 Interna 127 21 13 M 7r. M.42 i Feather Duster ti Ascot Belle J-!2 29 IS 1*1 t! I 11,057 Princes* Callaway 7 Plaeariine •"» W 14 in 41 lo.sii Night Stick 4 Handspun -4 ■ 7 0 :. 10.440 Whisk Broom II 7 Audience •! •" •» « ».«25 Tarts 4 Queen of Hearts 4 » 17 !i B !» !t.f Hl Bonanza 0 Ophirdale *3 16 H II ".o 7.170 Deduction 5 Inference • ; S3 14 1". 14 ;.b7 i Irince llenrv 2 Sallic of Navarre 4 I 1 0 2 i.." 7o Kcorpia 7 Ida Cord 20 r. 8 I In 4. ..70 Holiday : Leisure 42 7 II 4 28 4.565 I rsuia Bmma 5 Admittance ta; 10 13 12 81 4.189 Black Broom 3 Black Venus 26 I 5 :: 10 3.850 Bachelor cirl . Wayward Lass ::7 6 I I 27 ::. 47 1 Ueneata 4 LAlouette 27 .". I f. 12 3.290 l!u s r, Shrine 91 II •• • 32 3.184 Broom Flower 2 Kildeer 14 :: 4 :: 4 2. 185 Aviator 0 Lizzie T 75 s s s r.l 2.::s:t Trade Mark 3 Bepute 24 7 4 2 II 2.21C. Pair Helen 2 Belle of Troy 2.s .". I ". In 2.190 Patrnehe •" nana PareU ii ■!» 2 II it I". 2.110 Aanagh r» Ethel Lee :« : : :: -I 1.705 Uockanar : Semper Vietoire 44 ." 5 ."« ::i 1.986 TJ roe 4 Ethel Pa ce 21 :: :: 2 13 I ,.v.4 flower Girl ." Betaiaed l : •". 2 :: 8 1.435 Knstpan o Performance -!7 4 r i; 22 1.303 Maid ti Ksteem 12 I » :: s 1.255 True as Steel :: Loyal 10 2 5 2 10 1.240 I.rnslibrooiu 7 Senorita 2" r: 2 t 18 I . I ." 0 Beethoven 4 Sans IVnr 20 2 :: 1 It King Broomstick •" Bateem 13 2 I 1 :i Ms Broomaedge •: Sister Mary 23 2 2 o i;i 77.1 Broomleaf 2 Delay T 12 I 0 4 7 680 faithful 4 Loyal 12 I I 0 |o pul Harlem Lass t; Semper VIvum 12 I 2 1 s 4s."i Blackthorn 2 Margeriipie 17 o 4 2 II 470 Bob Vernon 1: Bun of Luck 4 I o o :: 450 Roberta T 8 Mariain 13 » I 8 1l- 92 War Lord 4 .Miss Hamburg 7 •• 2 8 .". 91 Sanctuary :t Vespers .r 0 11 2 :: 88 Katie . ■ La Calera :: • I 0 2 7."i Totals AS 1.S2.". :i.".;t :Ht» 2tiC .Vjtl 82,725 Won by His Progeny in England. Horse. Age. Ham. Sis. |sf. ;.d. :;,|. Inp. Won. Sw,.|„r IT :. Ravello II 11 :: .". 1 2 3,035 Whisk Broom 7 Audience .-. 22 7 7 I 7 28.390 K.iiipion ." lloearliue It! f 2 I S 10,415 Chestnut borse 7 Sallic of Navarre o Z o 2 2 .s..!2."i Mis ip 4 Hurley Barley 4.". 4 s • 27 6,150 New York 4 Hearts Deaire lo 7 4 t; 23 5.986 The Siren 7 Belle of Trov 29 4 2 2 12 .",200 Creak oDay 4 Bose ,.i Dawa l:: 2 2 l 8 1,580 Albany Beef :: Xda is 2 2 1 19 1,480 Hi • Blew :: Jersey Lightning 14 2 4 2 0 1.420 Sandman : Sandiia 24 1 2 s 13 j ,205 Chestnut tillv :: I riinia 19 2 I :. ll 1,090 Dandy Braab 4 DaJay 1" i« l 2 7 1,000 Tears ami Smiles : Whimsical 28 1 I 5 21 980 Single Stick .! Jinks 28 I 2 :: II 77" Short Skirt 2 Celt boat 9 ■► o I H 50 Crinoline ;; 1-elti, ai 12 8 I I l l old Broom 2 Bene of Dawa 12 o 1 1 10 Totals tlS 338 11 M 58 198 04,970 ■ * ■ I I I i ] J ] I i I ; | i i ; i , l I i i i I I I , I , i i , • I , ■ i i