Windsor Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1915-07-22


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WINDSOR FORM CHART. WINDSOR, 0NT.. WEDNESDAY. JULY 21. 1915. Seventh and last day. Winds.,, Joekej Club. Plml Kuauuer Meeting ••! 7 days. Weather clear. Presiding Steward, Charles I. Price. Presiding Jndge, Praneis Kelson. Starter, A. B. Dade. Racing • er 1. 11 •, . Walter O. Parmer. Racing st;:1|s at 2:30 p. n. Chicago time 1 "• p. m.. W btdlral k whip, s spurs, R blinkers. 1 iu ii s ,,, parenthesea following the distance ol each rare indicate mdei nuuber, track record, a - of borne and weight carried. • Indira ten appreatice ailowanee. ty -| rrOQ FIRST RACE 3-4 ■Oe. i2l ;22 l:ll% ri—llJCl Pnrse pma.,|s and up iJ 1 O Ks uanl. Allowances. X. i ralne lo winner 50* second, 00; third. 0. index Horses AWiiTSt , % sir Kin Jockeys Owners BOjUlV. Odds sti-t -. Hi- -i- HACK CAV m 7 MR I 1 is* I t»| ll J MetcaK P Sheridan llo-l n» 2 16«2 CARBIDE wslIM I 2 "■ ::■• -- V P Cooper .1 S Tyree IU3-10H 2i;orTIIi: Win MOON w 5 MS 4 1 «« 4- V i: McDottKeysUme Stable -.mmi-i Umi 2ltig FIRST DEJGREE WB 4 106 ! G 5« »• 5« 4:; A Mott K McFarland 7843-100 • 1022* IRON MASK nTMI •" " -" 21 4 ■- M Carn.r .1 Mvillgston Kin IICI 21590 TORY MAID « I M 1 I I I i I L McAtee S M Henderson 2780-UMJ Time, 2325. 46*s. 1:12. Track fast. rnutuels paid. Back Bay, .80 straight, .00 place, 2.."ii» show: Carbide, $::.::o place, .80 show; The Widow Moon. S4.."» sh.iw. Kqnivalent looking odd — Back Bay, 14» to 1 mi straight, :: to lo.» place. 25 to i«m» show; Carbide, S3 lo l«ri place. 4n to 100 show: The Widow Moon. 125 lo MM show. Winner B. g, hj Rubicon Qenna trained by P. Sheridan. Went to | Ml 2:32 At post 4 nil, lutes. Start good and si,,w. , n easily: see 1 and third driving. BACK BAY look Ha- lead at once and. showing great speed all the way. easily disposed i» IRON MASK while rounding the far tarn and won easing up. CARBIDE was a forward contender all the way ami ran to bis lust lorm. THE WIDOW MOON moved tip fast after entering the. I icstretch and finished gamely. IRON MASK forced the pace for three-eighths, then quit when BACK DAYS rider waved his v.ltip in front of his head. Overweights- -Carbide, ■" pounds. rT A /". si: ond KAci: 5 1-2 Furlongs. 10511- 1:05% 2—103. Pnrae 00, 2-year-olda. 2-s J_ | rXiJ SdUng. Net value to wbmei 75; nffonn. .s7.".: third. 0. adei Boraea AWtPPSI », % sit- rin jockeys owners Bqntv. Odda 8rr*t i f 1 083 1 *VEN"ETIA »i: i »s io l I* 1»J l« l« F Cooper P Sheridan 403-100 i ir 70 1 •IKiii.Y U a M 7 ! 2» V -- : V- MeDottK I. Bresler .-,jf,:,-liiii • l«83- MIKI.KKA % h 11 1 7 l 7 ,J ■ H Stearns P Fine 3485-100 2I5»7*»L.ANGHORNE wn 109 I I tii "."- 1 4*1 W Ural SM Henderson lta»5-100 21826*WHITE CROWN wb M x "• 6J C •■ S» M Gamer .1 Livingston roO-100 1 200 1«3 EAGLE WB MO -i 4"k 4i :: c- L McAtei A G Weston 173-100 •*|-l» STONEWOOD wn M 5 I 8] Mf 1- .1 CallahanJ l Stevens 23.W0-1O0 1 ~ i:Wi CRYSTAL sr Mi 1 C I 7«1 8J W W TMorii Smith :M3-100 812g#*JOSEFINA 2ARATEWB ft i I 9* v • K LapailleH S Newman 11,;.", loo , 2108S SEPTEMBER MORNwn Wl » 1" M 1" M H A Motl .1 C Calm l:,s7.".-liti 1 Time. 2325- 47;,5. 1:06. Track fast. 83 mntnels paid, Vent tla, 11 30 straight, .40 place, si. .mi sbon ; Peggj I... 3.00 place, show; Meelicka, 0.30 show. l.quivai, hi hocking odds — Venetla, in.", to dhi straight, I7i to l«n place, 12*. to 100 show; Peggy I... iTMi io Kmi place. 050 t » umi show: Meelicka, 41". t. iimi »bow. Winner B. f. I 3 Solitaire 11. -- SalvatrK trained i P. Sherblan. ,ni ... n -l al "■ "s Ai post :: minutes. Start .nid ami slow. Woo easily; second and lliinl driving VENETIA diew awaj Into an easy lead in the nrsl eighth and Increasetl her advantage in tbe las! iinarter i" wia in i canter. Ii:i;i;v 1. raced in cloei : nnrsait, ImI tired la tbe homestretch and had lo be I,.. ,,l ridden i Itstay MEELICKA. The latter Mip| ed throitgh on lite lnsld and linish ,1 last. I.AM; HoBXK racetl well and w:i- ,,n the outside all the way. KAG1.E showed speed, hut tired as If short. The , r entered for ,000, was led up to ,003 and hongbl In. Scratched 21«HWIScrntineer, 105; 2ios:; Argent, 81; 2i;:7i Trulane, lu2: 212K:DI lgnity, 02; 21 1:i2 Ella .1 nnings, sii: 21000 Kim. 17. Overweights Meelicka, 1 pound. . / -_ -• rT /I "I THIRD Vm: 5-8 Mile. 101537 lam ■_ MR. Pnrae 1915.sh00. 2-year-olds. Belling. J X | 4:1 v t mine to winner 30; aecond, »; third. 0. - Indes Harsas AWtPPSI , ■■ , sir Fia Jockeys Owners Boniv. Odda Str*l • H«l*BONEROS FIRST w MM i 3 :- - II IJ J Kederia I .1 l*ons 24O-I00 M«45*MATRIX v. MM ! 7 6 ■"• I1 - P Cooper O I- Blackford ,10*0-100 :l-,t»t*ilCCV OBRIEN w MM 12 1 !- ll 2* ■■" A Collins i W Scot! 103-UKI ,.,:,-, VTAKA a l"s II 2 «• «■ V I] .1 M. trail U A Alexandra IOS3-1O0 Mtj« YEKMAK w MS I 5 W W TlorCloher .V Keeno 03ii MSI • IC8**M-RGARET R w M0 7 1" M- KM t;1 li Stearns N 1 Borteli 210-100 1 "• i |-,0*i././l w MS ■ 11 ■ 8 ■ 7 M Garner W Gersl ::in lint "VjnS BERNINI tv in", ■ I "- 4H 71 » .1 Smyth W A Reld K74O-1O0 • HAS M WMK W. w 10.7 in s s : S3 ■ _ Kelsay C R Campbell ■;o- /"I/." wn MB ". E I" 7 In- 1" V Murphv E B Klkins II TOO 100 ••ISO I GREENWOOD W MM B S 11s II4 II* U 1 Connelly «i K Mai I Ion 1 • I:,0I AKI*AWN BELLE wb 105 3 12 12 12 12 12 W it W Straus | " ; lnlin I Held. Time. 24, 48*.,, 141%. Track last. miiiiieis paid. Bnneros First, straight, -20 pfaice, .•■:, ;i show; Matrix, Held, 0.20 place, s| s,i shi.w Peggj OBrhB, *:;.. to show. Bqnival at tssdclng ndds Booeros First. 2lu to lmi straight. IH to 1«« plsce. 83 lo Km show; Matrix, ii. Id Tin to lH» place, lin to lixi si„,u: Peggy OBrien, 03 to 1 « -how . Wl i Rr. f. U ronj B ro— Merces trained i W. K. Sail.,,. to pest at ;;:42. .,i i»i-i :: miniiti s Start pots and slow. Won easily; second and third drii ;M BONRROS FIRST wore PEGGY OBRIEN down while rounding the last lure ami eaall outstayed I MATRIX through th- lasi eighth. MATRIX began slowly, hui gained steadUy an I nnishetl with a rush. I , ii;V ORRIEN showed the ni.-t early «peed ami -.-i a fast pace, inn tired ami is troNhhsl with s,„-,. •b as AlAK a rai-ed no the isitskle all he wsj ami anished fast and close up. VEKMAK si„,u,,i speetl, i. lit tired I"" wittuei was , -in. -red for 1915.sh00; BO hid. Sei itch" d 21045 lllnmmal, r, 111. 1 1 ■ a w.-;i;ht.- Mairiv. I pound- : Tr"" /• O FOI Kill RAPE 1 Mile. 1 15730 l :.".7:. I lie. , I lh Running D. and C. Stakes. *A _ fj 41: dm v " Added. S-year-oWs and upwanl. Selling. Set same to winner .530; sec ond. O0; third, M.m. |h,l", liors.s AWtPPSI i y. % Sir Fia Jockeys Owners Runiv. Oddn Strt I - ■icsl ROCNTA1N FAT w u !••"• I C ■ I : ! A Ilaver Thorn, lilt,. Stabh I OHO-1 00 • i«o«» --•IIIMI l: : 7 " I - " v Collin . Uaefarlane 5013-100 1 C1M«* WATER I.ADV wr.l » I i 2* L McAtee Mrs J Arthur MIO-100 » M- H» BENDEL at 4 lot 7 I I .", • " • I F Cooper -I 4 I iiiimerinan ::.V.u MSI • ..,:,.. BKtsiGN w 3 MM 3 3 ::- I l i; I. Oentrj .1 H Respees 473-100 1 r*H25*STALWT HELNn " 9 ■ •■ T Ha es 1. Weiss ::iiriliii 1 ,.7-„i- i: m:P.i; AT wn 5 M4 $ 8 S 77 7 j -. 1 kcton R E Watkins 080-100 1 5i«ni5*PROGRESSIVE wb 3 94 s ? ;i. s s s r McDottMrs T. Fnneis ;• Collided iii betting Time, 24, 43:i.-,. l:13-».. 1:40. Track last- $• lmitiiels paid. Fount a la Fay. 3.Bo straight, :1.70 pi n ,. .50 -how; Schemer, 1.10 place, IT io -how: Mr-. .1. Arthui and Mrs. T. Fmnew i-ntry, .70 show. hoiking odds FonnUin Fay. 1000 to 100 straight. 1085 to nm place, 17.". to Iihi show; St-hemer, 1455 to nm plaee, 255 to IM. show; Mrs. J, Arthur and Mrs. p. Fmncis entry, 35 i" 100 Vinner — Ch. b. h* MeOee— White Plame trained by II. McDaniel. Went to post at 1:14 AI post 1 minute. Start k I and slow. W »»lly: second and third • Iriviii" FOlNTAIN FAY. after being outrun for the lirst half, moved up steadily while rounding i he last turn and. Onlsbing fast, drew Bwaj Into an i :- lead in tbe la-i eighth, SCHEMER showed ll,,. ,,,,,-! early speed »nd, petting ■ good pace, hung on well for even-eighths before tiring WATER m ,|,v |i|s«] unexpectedh after Bloving up rapidlj on the tare ont of the haekstretcli and ran below m. true form. BENDEL dnished last and aim. -i got up tor third plai-e. Itlsicv showed speed. TtARNEOATS rider lost both srirrnpa at the start. Tho winner was entered tot ,200; ao bM. Scratched -21701 Crombnn. !»«. n.-rweigllts Belllel. 2 pounds. W~rr~A Q FIFTH HACK 5 1-2 Furlonjs. 105U— 1HK % 2 I0S.1 Parse 00. 2 ear.,|,|-£ 2" J 4jfc O ,.| value lo w inn. r 50; -eeoml. 00; third 0 laalex Homes AWtPPSI, M i Btr Phi Jockeys o.wmr- Kipiiv. Mds Strt . t • MnMKING NEPTUNE w IM 1 2 «• :;J I" P Cooper .1 S Tyree 125-100 ,, ..-",-; ioLITE BrnMO :: I "• - •» " - Smyth K It Si. II, Hoioo ,1 2l|?5»MILB8TONE vmi Ml I i Q. V V P .1 Kndnrhl ■ J Austin 27o loti o ■Mt|: RESERVE wn MH 2 . :.- ■ . H I* M Garner Keystone sialde 1188100 ••tool ii ,, TELICS wb I"", 17 7 ■ w Kelsaj c R Iaiuubell 1190 100 •iti-n DICE WILLIAMS a MM •• « ■ » Motl l» I, lnlhol1snd 23*10-10" 21020 PAN HAMi E w ii l »i 7 5 ■■• ■■ i c RobinsnW Gersl s|-, |,m I no. . 231,. 47-,, 1:00.,. 1 :0ii -, . Track last. muimi- pad. Kru Neptune, -*0 straight, .50 pl.i. ••. .50 show; lolitc, .30 place, .70 show; Milestone, .00 show . Equivalent i king i mis Klug Neptune, 12." to l « straight, 7.", to 1 » place, 2.". I« KM show; Hit,-. 27." to 100 place, 83 to 100 -how; Milestone. :;n to |im show. Winner Br. g, bj Sea Kinu Toots i trained b] B. B, l.arrieki. Weal to posi at 4:47. At post 1 ininnte. Start -nod ami slow. Won easily; aecond and third drivn.. KINO MMIim: followed the leaders ontll entering tbe homestretch, when- he was forced ki come urhl*, I ni dnished with a rush and w:is going awaj al the ii». IOLITE aei H srlj pace ami. haagiag " tamely, outstayed the tiring MILESTONE. The latter showed nmeh eartj -p.-d and raeeil int.. the lead ad the la-i turn, lu, i gave waj Bear Ihe ead. PAN HANDLE was -p, ,i. tail tailed lo slay. RESERVE tin i la ,i close an. Overweights Col. GnteHns, 11 pounds. 7 A A S,XI11 *ACE -1 Milp. 15730 1:3714 I 105 I Pane 00. 3-year-oMs and upward. 21 JL | TCTb Selling. Net ralne i winner *K.i: sec i. 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSI »t _■ :;, 8tr Fha Jockeys Owners Bom v. Olds Strt 1685 ■ i;iKKA wn 4 M0 7 3 l- i l- l l- .1 Qarner .1 Lowenstehi 230-100 21528 Miss WAT Kits w 4 101 I 5 ::.. - V - -I Kederia FJ Pons ,1315-lOti 2131**CLIFF STREAM wb « 101 4 8 C ,;- c .- :: ■ F Cooper N Macfarlgnc :;iiL i-HM 21557*SUN QUEEN w 4 101 2 . 7*| 4" U 4 I I. McAtee UaUaber Bros ;;im»-Iiki J170.- PATIENCE wn 4 104 11 10 10* » " !C •".- •"■ ; R McDottMrs J Arthur IC. list 21705*KOPJE wsb 3 ss N G :". B iL V l|A Collins I J Elward 1480-100 21321 CLIFF EDGE wn 9 111 " 7 |i| gsk 8 7:! A Neylon R B Watkins S7V-HMI 21385 MORDECA1 a I 107 5 C 4 7"-7. « I .1 Smyth W P Fine 0400-lnil •; I «; s 4 zai.I u t in I t ::«k _,,;. :,- :n a- d ConnellyA L Taylor 21532 IiiMiMAl wn5 103 I 1 11 n li l"". H Stearns F Mnsante 5503-100 21333*COL. RANDELL wb 3 1 :. II M s io in 11 H Griffith B J Creighton II2OO-1O0 vMiitm I lield. Time. 24%, 49V5, 1:14%. 1:40%. Track fast. mntnels paid. Blrka, .00 straight, s.;.7i place, ."..ihi show; Mis- praters, ih-ld. ifO.on place, 33.30 1 i w : lilt Stream, 0.20 s|„,vx. Rejnivalenl hooking odd- Blrka. 2:;it to ion straight, 85 to Khi place, .". lo Km show: Miss Waters, la hi, 380 to liiti plaee, 105 to 100 - ion ; Cliff Stream, 410 to Umi show. Winie i Br. f, by Solitaire II. Lily Holding trained bj M. Lowenstein. W, lit lo post al ~.:17. I post ■: iirnites. Start «ihm1 and slew. Won easily: second anil third driving. B1RKA went to the front quickly and, ilrawlag away Into a long lead on the hackstretcb, was eased i, I at the finish. MISS WATERS ran well and. coming fast in the last sixteenth, outstayed CLIFF STREAM. Tbe latter was Inckj in saving •.round on tbe turns, but finished gamely BUN QUEEN ran raitlj well. PATIENCE close, I a gap. ZAI.l quit. The winner was entered for .*4iMi; no bid Scratched Cogs, 105; 21519 Spindle, 108; 2U;7:» Ovstien, Ki4: 21885 Laird oKlrkcakiy. MM. rr M m SEVENTH RACE 1 1-8 Miles. 38331 1:51%— 3— 105. Pane 3330. :: year olds and 21 JL I 4JbO upward. Belling. Nei value to winner 50; second. 33; third. *.",n. Ind I Horses AWtITSt% : % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Rqoiv. Odds Strt tl733IBURWOOD wn 3 »7 7 :, l»| V l 1* 1 -I CnlUhnnA Tnrnoy MO-TOO 2l705»Gi;iDE IdST wn 5 M6 J 3 H 8 $ 1 V V A .Mott P. Rosenthal 235-133 •I 1700 11 XIUIKAKV wb 3 N 3 3 31 P 2 3* K LnpailleWIUianis Jc Stickney 1083-MM 21085 M H. HOUGHTON w 3 M4 8 7 3* 4". 4 4i 41 F Cooper G W Scott 750-103 •.l«8." FIRST STAR at I MK1 4 4s N s 7- •:,- W Kelsay T Bggers ::ii.i Mf 21783*CORDIE F. wn 5 !t I I nJ :- V L V I. McAtee P .1 Miles 3790-100 21720-1. 1CKY GEORGE W C Ml 5 ■ U 5* is* V Ti . Acton C B Marlimin 85O-I.D0 21703*PRINCE EUGENE w 5 103 t 8 7* ,- 7J 8 8 M Qarner -I Livingston 535-100 Time. 24%. 49, 1:14%, 1:40%. 1:53%. Track fast. s2 mntnels paid. Bnrwood, straight, S4.4 place, .00 snow; Guide Post, -00 place, .40 show.; Dundresry, ,811 show. i:.|inal, in I UiiiL. odds Bnrwood, 380 to 100 straight, 120 to Khi place, khi to loo show: Gnlde Post, Khi to i«n» place, 7" to khi show; Dundreary, 190 to Khi show. Winner B. e, by Transvaal — Miss Mcl-anghlia trained by W. M. Martini. Wein lo post al 5:58. At post 2 minute-. S-.ii good and slow. Won easily; second and third dri log BURWOOl trail the others from Ihe st;,rt and was in a canter through tin lasi eighth. GIIIIK I ist di ■■.;. •.■ i back while golac to tin- tii-si tuin. hni responded well to pualshmenl and uatgs I DUN I BEAR to, second place. The hitter was :i forward contender all the amy, but tired in the stretch. .1. II. IKMOHTON ran well. 1THST STAR closed a hi- gap. The winner was entered for 00; no hid. Overweights J. II. Houghton, 5 pounds: First Star. 1J.

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Local Identifier: drf1915072201_3_2
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