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The American Racing Manual for 1915 hn Excellent and Low -Priced Book of 416 Pages It Holds Information for People Interested in Racing Contained in No Other Publication It Is Simply a Mine of Records AMONG ITS FEATURES ARE: Mil bed for Calculating Pari-Mutuel Prices American Racing Records at All Dis- The Leading Winning Two-Tear-Olds If inner* of Important 111 1 1 III ITlllMi. • with Examples, tames. Since 1S70. France and Australia. Record for lJH of Kvery nurse that Canadian Racing Records. RetmirkaMc Teats of Jockey-ship. The English Retting Rales. Raced in North America During the bgliafc Ra- ing Records. Leading American Sire- Sin- • 1S70. The lint, StOOPd and Third H TW . Year. Australian Racing Records. Twenty Leading Sires of 1914, Jockeys, Weights, Values and Tiiu-.j Becord Prices in the PaTi Mutuels. Tabulation of Winning Two-Year-Olds Table of Coniparath e Speed, of the of American Stakes. Lnglish Racing Records to Date. of 1914 Arranged Under Their Re- Tra. Us at Various Distances, Winners of All Stakes of 1914. Three Handicap Systems with Example*. BpectiTe Sires. The Scales of Weights of the Jockey stadag Statist tea of 1!»14. Records of All Distances of the Tracks Officials and luxation of Racing Orgai.i- Club. Kentucky state Racing Co;n- Hones Disqualified in 1914. of the United States, Canada auj Battens of the United States, Canada mission, Westers Jockey Club, Pa- Dead Heats in 1914. Mexico. and Mexico. die Jockey Club. Canadian Racing Horses Which Died in 1914. American Yearling Sales in 1914. List of Horses That Have Sold for Great Association*. Jockey Club Juarez, Horses Bid Up in 1914. The Great Money Winners of the Ameri- Prices. American Turf Association, Mexican Records of Miles Run in 1:38 or Letter, can and English Turf. Tables of Speed of All Tracks. Jockey Club, and of England. Lie, Kte. "i WITH THIS EMINENTLY HANDY BOOK IN HIS POCKET ANY ADMIRER OT RACING CAN READILY ANSWER ALMOST ANY QUERY THAT MAY COME UP CONCERNING FACTS OF RACING IN THE PAST. ITS EQUAL HAS NEVER BEEN PRINTED. AND, CONSIDERING THE TOPICS IT COVERS, IT IS AN EXTREMELY LOW-PRICED EOOK OF 416 PAGES V —J f "*" " "* " "**""" """■ . LEATHER BOUND ... 75 CENTS Si!f T ill CCS J an extra charge of ten cents for registration. • • • • • • j PAPER BOUND 50 CENTS Not resP°nsiM° *•* tooks sent as regular mail Daily Racing form Publishing Co., 447 gS?SS K : : : EU?JFr