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1 1 , 1 . - 1 1 I : I - 1 » • 1 1 1 ;• t . ,, ,1 o BELMONT PARK FORM CHART. NEW Y0KK, WEDNESDAY. JULY 21. 1915. -Seventh day. Empire Cltj Racing Association. Bummer Meeting ol Id ,la.s iin days it Bnlmonl Park and ii days al Aqnedncit. Weather threatening. Presiding Stewanl, W 8. Vonbnrgh. Presiding Judge, c. II. Petttngill. Starter, Mars Caasidy. Raehsg Sei.eiary. . I".. Schanmbnrg. Racing starts al 2:;;i p. n. tThicaasi time 1:30 p. m.. W iadicates whip, s spurs, i: Mhskeva. Fig lures in parentheses following tbe distance of each rao Indicate Index somber, track record, ax - of ii. : -,» : ml sfeighl carried. Imiieaies apprentice allowance. 1 17 40 FIRST RACE 1 Mile. 13870 lM% ■■ HT. s..hi Added. 3-year-«dda and upward. 2 JL I TcO BeBlng. Net vain,, to nlswi 80; second. ; third. .$.". . Index Horses AWtPPSt i H "4 Slrlin Jockeys Owners 0 II C P S 21609HAKi:v SHAW we. I 112 I J 1- I l* l 1 M Buxton O W Parry S-S 9-2*1-1 owe- 21562-1. A/.ll. I w : 108 4 5 4- $• i" :- : X McTagtJ F Adams s 8 8 1-5 2-3 21603 BEN QUINCE WB 1 7 1 3« B I I" 3 .1 McTagrtE Witt, u 13 Q 3 I 5 21667 olio II Mi w 4 !«» 3 I ". : V 4- 4« 4- W Lllley R O Miller M 20 21 4 7-3 20059 LITTLE NEARER w t; Hi 4 7 7 7 $" .;s ",- C Pbther C II Robbins 1". ::■ M • : 21686-*iii.ii BEN w 4 nil 1 8 $" 8 | ".! I ■ •■■ I. Allen C .1 Brockmiller l » K I 7 h 31337 JESSE JR. a 3 105 S 3 3" 4. 7 7 7 W -I 0B*nJ W Hedriek Jr M •"." 50 12 4 Tine. 12, 21%, 36%, 48. 1:00%, 1:13. 1:26. 1:39. Track fast. Winner— B. c. by Sain Hand Bell trained by 8. M. Odoml. Went to ]mis| at li:;,. Al pi. si 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Win eased up; second and third lriv lug. HARRY SHAW displayed a bigh Bight of speed all the way and won easing up. LAZULI wore BEN QUINCE down while rounding the last turn and liui h ,1 gmnely. r.l.N QUINCE si,,, wed imieh speed-, hut tired in the nnal eighth and was abort. OROTUND saved cronnd oa ill nuns. LITTLE NEARER was noi ni-eii in the early running and closed up ground resolutely in the -ir-t.-h. The winnet was en li red for ,300; no hid. Scratched— 21KS0Lsdy Teresa. Kit: 21217 Talecarrler, 112: 21534 Ray oLigbt, 101; 2K.12 Carlton »:.. l"ii: oi,-,.js sjl. Denrab, 100: 21105 Col. Ashmeade, ! 7. Overweights- Laanll, IJ pounds: old Pen. .;. sr.coM RACE 5-8 Mile Straight. 03085 56 2 -122.1 30 Added 2 y. sir -.Ms. 217/17 JL | tat I Allowances. ,i value io winner 30; second, 00; third, -•?.". . Index Horses AWtPPSt M M % Str 1 in Jockeys Ivvners 0 H P S 19835 WHIMSY we. 104 - 1 -"• V - i" -I McTagrt Cleveland Stable i 8 7 s:, out 21711 sivY PILOT w K 7 :: - 4 V i -"• .1 McCnheyQnincy Staid.- s 7 7 -, out 21G32 LORD ROCK VALE w 107 I I 1" 1" 1 $•! C Turner A Belmont 2-5 ll-301-2ont— 21711 MUSTARD w UJ. I 3 31 4 4 I T Dnvies Shoshone Stnble C I 5 1 out Iiisi.iialilieil for fonl. Time, 1:002,. Track fast. Winner Ch. c, by Star Shoot— Prances Hind trained by J. Pitssimmonsl. Weni to post at 2:58. At pool :; aainutes. Start ■_-• ..d and stow. Won driving; second ami third the same. WHIMSY ran well and nhished gamely, hui bored to tbe ,.nisi,le steadily from Ihe start and. interfering with SKY PII.ot. was disqualified. sky PILOT was repeated]* forced to pull iin. hut cam, la-1 in the final eighth .nil Just railed to uct tip. LORD BOCK V.l.i: -howed the nest speed lor tie first half, hut ipiil hadl v. Ii.-u rhalleaged and had BO mishaps. MIS TARD lost Biaeh groantd by bolting to the inside rail. 17 4 Q THIRD RACE 3-4 Mile Main Course. I2072C 1:11--. 7 125. 08 Added. 2-yeat 21 1 I TlO "l«!s and upward. PRlies and Mines. Belling, Net value to winner 3430; 11 nmd. 1 in third, 3. Index Barnes AWtPPSt 4 M % Sir Kin Jockeys Owners T Ti C P s~ C1C87 1 i:nm»h si: w 3 MO 1 l ;:- 1.. 1- 1 J C Tamer A Belmont 2-5 t-2-2-6 out 21169 IHNA1I l»o vv :; KM! 4 4 «■* ::- f _" I- HopktnsJ o T.iiiioti n s :. i :. 1 i 21306*1.01 HI. 1 1: wn 3 mi; f, ■". :. 4; 1- ::. w Lille 11 McDonald Bfl KM HH 20 ■"• 21043 A/.YIAUi: w t; 111 :; 3 1. ."k :; v .1 But well H C Hallenlieck 3 •■ • .. 1 I 21652 AMANS WB 3 KKl 2 I 21 :, .". .", .1 McCaheyMilltown Stabh- m I". 12 i- 7 W Time. 12V-. 24/5, 36. 48, 1:01. 1:13*5. Track fast. Winner P.. f. by Rock Sam! FlittermoBSe trained by S. c. nildreth. Wein lo pool ii 5:28. At post 2 minutes. Start u I and -low. Weil easily: second and third .Iris Ing. PENMOUSE, umh 1 stool restraint, raced In dose pursuit u the leaders for Ihe lirst quarter. Hun look the lead and drew away to win with speed in reserve. DINAH l»o raced on the nntsMe of the lei.l.i-; li the way and. finishing gamelj through tbe stretch, eaailj held aecond place. 1.01 BLUE respond.-, I gamely when called on ami outstayed AZYIADE. The hitter set tbe early pace, hui ipiii hadlv in the final eighth. AMANS was eased up sit the end. The winm-i was enlerid f * 00; no hid. s.-ratehed — 21578sYadopeep, 111; 21208 Cbarmense, 114; 21574 Peaceful, ill. Overweights Lou Blue, I pounds. £ T 7/1 O lorl1" RACE— 1 Mile. 13870—1:38% 3—117. Gramataa Selling Handicap 00 M 1 / Tt/ A, hied. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 05; second, . k : third, 8. index Horses AWtPPSt , K % Str Pili Jockeys owners o Ti C P s~~ , , . . 21709 tiiokmiii.L wb 4 118 2 I :- :- i« 1: l C Turner I.I Lean :: I is Ml l.i,, u" 21647 ILILi: wn 5 130 :: 3 I 1 I" !• V T McTngtGreentree StnMe C-5 7-5 S-6 1-3 out ■21627Poi. ARMS wb :: K 7 I 4 ;: $ 2] J" :;-■• c pbther l» Qideon 4 :. :: 1 out 21667 -Woom-IN SHOES w 1: 4 1 K I l 1- 1" 4 4 1 .1 McCaheyQnincj Stable 4 .". 5 7-5 out lime. 12V5. 2425. 3635. 49. 1*1%, 1:13%, 1:26. 1:39. Track fast. Winner th. e, by Hastings White Thorn trained by 1». .1. Leary. Went to post at 3:55. Al post 1 minute. Btart no.,,1 and slow. .Won ridden ont; nrrimil and third driving. THORN HILL raced Into :i long lead before entering the homestretch, hut had to be hard ridden rear Ibe finish to withstand VI RILES challenge. The latter was outpaced in tbe early running and closed an with a belated rush in the final eighth. POLAR IUS raced under stout restraint tor the first three ipisr-lers and hnng oa well to tbe linish. WOODEN SHOES tired and was ,«*,•, 1 up in the final quartet after betting the early pace. The winner, entered for ,800, was hid np to Ss:t. tin:, a aid bought In. Overweights Polarius, - pound--. 6k -| rr £Z FIFTH RACE About 2 Miles. 13383 -1:03—3—153.1 Second BBBBU Eastview aa4 JL I tv Stccplchase Handicap. ,333 Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value lo wanner 88H5; s,., 1. 03; third. 03. In lev Horses AWtPPSt 3 li !l 1 Pin Jockeys On mis 11 H C 1 s ■ — -— : 20800 t iiMll.lMLNT W 1 133 ti 4 4- 2» 2 ii l« T Tnckey .1 K Widener 11-53! ::. hB5 out 21472SHNNoN RIVER ws 7 130 I 3 li 1 1! :• :" W Alien R Parr • :! 18-53! 6-5 out 21671 ELECTION BET a 1 133 E 3 9 $] 4 4 : W Booth Shoshone Stable H 12 10 3 1 21690, i:l.i. Yl.AY a 5 14.". 4 .", .; 5 :i .- 1 1- Willma R Parr 3 18-63! 6-5 out i20622Mls Ki. w « 152 :; 1 2»1 4 I". 11. B Haynes A Belmont 7-5 8-5 8-5 1-2 out 21671 CABARET w •" 14- t 2 Han out. V Powers Qreentree Staid,- I I ::. -S oul [Added starter. ■:, aipled in betting: n, separate place or rhon betting. Time. 4:13. Track fast. Winner— Ch. g, by o;i Wells -Adeek trained by J. II. Lewis,. Went to post ai 4:l"j. At poet 1 minute. Btart good and slow. Won eastty: second and third drivin- COMPLIMENT was sar ,1 tor the first mile ami a half and closed up resolute] when called on lo win easing up. SHANNON RIVBR tired in the last eighth after setting the pace. ELECTION BET closed up gamely in tbe stretch and disposed of BALLYBAT in tbe final eighth. The latter quit MISSION was m ., contending position when she feU sit tl ighth Jump. CABARET ran oul on the tirsi turn Scratched 21090*Sklbbereen, 144. fj K -| SIXTH i:CK 5 1-2 Furlongs Straight. ii:;i-, J in;., 8333 Added 2-year 2-1 X. I O A. aids, s.-llim:. Net vstluo to w nun 1 30; second, 00; third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt Vt H % Sh 1 in Jachrya Owners o u c 1 is 21629 TKAl.Li: w 134 1 1 l«l 2» :s I1 J M • ale R T Wilson 1-J 1-- 1-4 out — 21672STLl I.AIUNA WB 101 2 ! 2«1 1* l »«» W Lilley Mizsp.-ih Stnble 3! 16-52-5 out KAVIUATOR w Ki7 I I :: 3J :: :;: .1 McKverQuincj Stable 8 0 26 1 out VENTURE 101 1 4 4 1 1 1 M Buxton C .1 Qnlnn s 1:, 1., ■ ,,,,, Time. 1:05 Vs. Track fast. Winner ch. f. by Celt — Snnci 1 trained by T. J, Ilea My. Went to posi at 1:30. At i» st 1 minute. Start g I aial slow. Won driving: nt rsnil and third Ihe saaae. TRAIdCE set tbe early pace, tbe a was saved in close pursuit and respondim: gamely wlien .ailed mi. oiMtstayed SIT.I.I.AKI N A ;n the closing strides. The bitter raced under 1 .re-Viire ti-oin the start ami tired when the linal ,liie ,.inie NAVIOATOR, a splemlhl Ltoker - 1 wired speed and tired In the final eighth. VENTURE raa green and swerved ant in the nnal uaartei it,- witiiu-r was entered for .".im; bo bid.