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I ] I : ; * — -*t THIRTY LEADING AMERICAN MONEY-WINNING OWNERS OF 1915 * 4. The stable winnings of I,. S. Thompson so greatly exceed those of any competing turfman that he is iKUind to go into the records of the turf as the principal winning American owner of 1015. Of course it is . well understood that this money really belongs to II. 1". Whitney, with the exception of such part of it as was won hy Mr. Tlainipaons own colt. Bromo. It is not Mr. Whitneys first similar experience. In 1!M»4, iieeause of the death of his father, William C. Whitney, his horses raced in ihe name of II. B. Duryea, and. with the total earnings of 00,107, formed the leading stable of that year. H. !. Bedwell is doing well, as usual, and is well intrenched in second place, with A. Belmont a good third. At present the table accounts of our thirty leading owners arc: l Won iu Leading Winner Won iu Leading Winner i FJ14. Owners. Iu 1914. 1st. lid. M. MU. in 1015. tnjKB L. S. Thompson Regret 45 :0 20 ?10.V!oi; Borrow ."»0.4si 11. O. Bedwell Sir Kdgar 102 111 84 46.H35 Joblen List I TT.ISIt A. BeltiuHit Stroinboli 4ti 41 ::* 4.1,00 Stromboli 4J».U«» . K. T. Wilson Amain 4S r.7 ."4 US Tartar 17.2.a» .1. Livingston Bob Henslcy .Si _7 M 27.002 Royal II. • 22.S40 T. C. McDowell Star Jasmine 2!. 11 l.» 27,1. 10 Waterblossom 17.::; II. C. Hallenbeck Harry Junior S3 12 10 M.IM The Finn .-..220 W. J. Weber Furlong is 22 11 21,«»r. Hodge .".4. Si».-, A. Miller Roainer If. It :; 21,;«X Roamer ; S5.:2« J. W. Schorr Luke MeLnke ::2 ::.". 2tj 20.fWH» Uoldcrest B iv r..2S i J. Arthur Water Lad v "51 IS IS 20,245 Water Ladv ir.,:«5 K. McBride Stiuecler 21 II 7 10,525 George Smith : 7,882 W.H.Bak.-r Sleeth M 2: 17 1S.117 Sleeth 7U.12H J. Butler ..Comely 22 17 27 18.005I Paddy Whack 5.5!»5 O. A. Ioclirau Royal Martyr 2:; 2:: 10 17,010 Fleione 8,77i» J. S. Tyree Carbide 24 :i2 23 10,815 King Neptune 20.H45 guiiu-v Stable ..Trojan 20 1ft is 10,420 Andrew 22,021 I. K. Bradhv Brigs Sister 10 20 10 10,247 Bradleys Choice 13.125 L. W. Gartt Jim Cotton 27 21 20 15.800 Kxton 12.»7i Crecntr.c Stable Cherry Malottc 10 M 14 15,:!55 Cainer in,::45 Tliorncliffe Stable tuljrarv is 2S 17 15.1X5 Fountain Fay :M».51s r. F. Carman Lady Barbarv is 2t 24 14.4!*: Achievement 11.805 J. S. Ilcndrie Privet Petal 10 ft ft 14.05O Slipper Day 15,ft.tft J. K. MHddcii Charter Maid 14 tl is 13.MB Cillies 10.405 S. L. Parsons Sharpshooter 15 S 8 J".450 Phosphor 1 H» C. Millar Tartarean S :t s 13,420 Tartarean 5,.".r.1 It. J. Austin Indolence IS M 11 F5.1G4 Commonadn 1.1.044 ;. M. Ilcndrie tireat Britain 14 7 ft 12,745 Rancher 2,070 K. B. Stelle Orrard ...24 14 25 11,900 BInme 19,:H5l F. D. Weir ttrover Hughes 25 22 24 11,083 Mex