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HILLCREST PARK FORM CHART. TORONTO. ONT.. Tuesday, October 5. 1915— Hillcrest Park. Seventh and last day. Toronto Driving Clubs Second Meeting of 7 days. 12 b.ioks on. 1 Weather cloudy. Presiding Judge. Ed Cole. Starter. F. McGinity. Racing Secretary. W. R. Norvell. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time. 1:30. 23456 First Raci — About M Mile. Purse $.» 0. % year olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 10; second #titi: third. t. lnd. Horse. Wt.Fiu. Jockey. Op. CI. PI. 2336a King Chilton MB 1" H Watts 1 -1 1 23431 G. W. Kisker 107 1" A Claver It I 1 23336 =»Goggety UK. 3» E Cullen 1 -i 1 234C6 Sg of Rocks 10!» 4* JDominick 4 " 2 23386 Gcrthelma 103 5- N Burger S 8 3 23431 Carburetor 113 6- V Adams o ."• ! 23385 K. of PythislOT 7« W Hinphy 6 6 2 23406 Spirella 10! S« W Dovle U 12 4 23389 Sir Galahad 10! :• X Foden 15 20 S Time. 1:03. Track heavy. Show odds— King Chilton. 1-2: G. W. Kisker. 2: Goggety. 2-5: Song of Rocks, evens: Gertheima, 3-2: Carburetor, evens: Knight of Pythias, evens; Spirella. 2: Sir Galahad. 4. Winner— C. W. Ross b. g, 4. by Chilton -Aunt Belle drained hy F. Prior. Went to | ost at 2:29. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily: second aud third driving. Scratched -23300 Daylight. 100. Overweights — Goggety. 5 pounds. 23457 Second Rac« — Aliout 5 S Mile. Purse $•» •». 3-year olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner *21i: second. *«i: third. 0. , . , lnd. Horse. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. I. PI. 23406 Abdul 113 1° TMcCullh 2 -5 1 23410;Klla Jennings 107 2J JDominick « B 2 23410-oxer 112 :?. A Pickens : :i 1 23389Tankard 113 4i W Doyle :! IMH 23406 *C 1. R.-imlell M 5* 9 Jenkins 10 7 Li 23406*Brown Prince 103 «3 E Cullen 4 r 2 23436-M. Bradlev 102 7" 1 Cruise ■ 20 7 23389 Ravencourt 106 S W Hinphy 20 15 7 Time. l:02»i. Track heavy. Show odds — Abdul. 1-2: Ella Jennings, evens: Oxer. 1-2: Tankard. 3-5: Col. Rundell. 65: Br.iwu Prince, evens: Maiden Bradley. 3: Ravencourt. 3. Winner — W. Mannas ch. g. 6. by Olympian— Phllma Paxton trained by W. Hannai. Went to |K st at 2:50. At post 2 minutes Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third in* Scratched— 23406 Fawn. 104: 1 23429 1 Double Bass. 109. Overweights — Brown Prince. .". pounds. 23458 Third Race— About 5-S Mile. Purse 00. It-year olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 10. second. 0: third. 0. lnd. Dorse. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. I. P!. 23428 Amazement :13 lJ H Watts S s :t 23434* Pom Moraa 102 2 9 J. nkins 8 10 3 23483Excalibur il3 3* W Doyle 2J 3 3-2 83483 l:ro Straw HO l- JLUtininick 10 T 2J 88438-Field Flower lis :,- o Peak «i-i :*-*. 3-i i!8433*Muy Kucua 111 i- K Cullen « and 4 £8483 Daisv Stevens 107 V TMcCuUh 3 .J 1 Time. 1:04. Trick heavy. Show odds — Amazement. 3-2: Doui Morau. 3-2; Kxcalibur. 2-3: Rye straw, 6-5; Field Hower. out; Muy Ruena. 2: Daisv Stevens. 1-2. V Inner— J. Kevnoiis ch. £. •»• bv Ogdeu— l"u-:«rwk tr:.,ii.d l.y J. V. McGuei. W-ut to post at 3:13. At post 2 minutes. Stan Mad. and slow. Wou drivinu: neeond and third the same. Scratched 23433 I ucle Fits. MB: 23I.33 Little lVte. HO; 23438 Sati. 113. Overweights — Daisy Stevens. 5 pounds. 2."459 Konrtli Hare- 1 1-1 ; Miles. Purse 00. 4- war-olds and upward. Selling. DECLARED OFF. 23400 Fiftli Race— AIniiii 5-s Mile, Purse 00. ST year olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 1ti; second. W0: third. 0. lud. Horse. Wt.Fin. Jockev. Op. CI. PI. 23430-Mama JohusonlLt ]• II Watts 3-2 3-2 3-5 433901u.hl Cross 113 2» TMeCuilh B :". 2 23414 LMy Pender 113 J*| W Hinphy M JO 4 23436 Frosty Face lo7 F A Pickens "1 4 2 23434= Van Bu 1M F V Dovle I • I 2836* Sarolta 113 «- M Foden IS H 23390 Johunv Wise 113 71" JDominick lo 1- 4 J??86a Cap Nelson 11:: I K Watts U M 4 23370 »R. R. Miller 100 L.rid.ECull. n 21 3 1 Time. 1:02VS. Track heavy. show odds— Mama Johnson. 1-3: odd Cross, evens: Ijdy Pender. :2: Frostv Face, evens: Van Ru. ovens; Sarolta. c.r»: J .hunv Wise. 2: Cap Nelson. 2: Kay K. Miller. l-l». Winaer — Clinton Stable s eh. in. 5. l y Cesarion over trained by It. I.. Cole. Went to |M st at 3:37. At |« st 2 minutes. Siarl good and slow. Won driving: second and third tin* same. Seratehod— 234:2: Brookcress. 102. 23401 Sixth Uae — 0 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3 year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 1o: second. 1915.sh0: third. 0. lud. Horse. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. Ct PI. 23371 Little Jake 113 l" TMeCuilh t " ■• 553370 Jolly Tar 113 2= M Grlner 1 1 2-3 23336 MeCliatork 113 3 TCumnCgs 5 .". 2 23428 Hlmj; Poser 1«.7 4 F Jenkins 12 1- 1 " 23431rKyle 113 5 K Carter I 7 -1 23337 ICnisKeau |t3 F C Peak 3 4 2 83434Eddie Mott His , H Watts 12 12 4 23390 Comma.!.. 113 S A Piekens 0 ti 2 Time. 1:29. Track heavy. Show .idds— Little Jake. 32: Jolly Tar. 1-4: Mc- lintoek. 6-5: Blooming Posey. 2: Kyle. 3 2: Kuis-sean. evens: Eddie Mott. 2: Coiiitnack. eveus. Winner — Adams and Durkins ch. g. •"•• by Krntsch Stella Perkins trained l v J. Durkini. Went to | at 4:00. At ixist 1 minute. Start -• ««l and slow. Won easily: sccnd and third driving. Scratched— 2342!» Jnna. KI2: 23-28l Hes u«-. 1 I2. 23462 Seventh i:a .— : 1-2 1 ■ iirloiiss. NMfM 3 * vear-oldM and upward. Spiling. Net alne u 2 winner 10; se.-oud. $« »: third. . * lml Horse Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. 11. Pi. 23412Coreopsls 113 1« W Hinphy M S-0 2-3 t23371 Pnrlor IV..V U3 2» A Pickens :: a « ;, $ 28412 Tactless 11« * M Uriner 3| U-fiS-3 23391-oiiiuar Lad 1W * ■ Cnrter I :tj T-5 C 23328Miss j.-.ui W8 E TMcCulFh 0 V 2 Time. 1:26«». Track heavy. Show odds — Coreopsis. I-4- Farlor Boy. 2 .".; Inct- • " less. 1-3: driniar I.a.l. 2-.".: Miss Jean 1-2. Winner— 11 P tSorin s eh. i:. r.. by Ornament — 1 Ollie Kelle itrained •» K. II. rtoiii. I Went to post at 4:24. At post 3 minutes. Start ShkI and --low Won easly: second and third I I driving. The winner, entered Tor »30U. was bi l up = to STO.-, and iK.uuht in. , ■ SeratelK-d "•!412 C-unmensia. 1 »4: .„..-, 2...«lJNiKad o. ,v- t 1H»: 2243.-. I.eTaloha. 105: 23337 Or mead. 10.1: 23342 -■lack Nuniially. H.». 23463 Kishth Kace--7 S Mile. Purse ISM. 4- * vear obis and upward. SelliiiK. Net value to ■ winner 10: sei-oml. #«»: third. #30. ~ lud. Horse. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. PI. 2340SKelina 11:: £ -v Pickens 2 No 2-3 23436 Martre UJ g C Peak 3 ■ 1 23392 Otteed l",-» ■• M «ri"r « •- - 23435-.lessup P.uru 113 P V Jenkins 14 2 23411-Little Kp 113 • J* Foden 12 I 3 I 23434 "Pat GUNMMi 113 0- TMcCullh 10 12 I 23387Kose Oueil 113 7 . W Doyle 10 12 4 23328 Belfast Mt W Hinphy f. t; 2 l Tiim-. 1:36. Track heavy. Show odds— Ielina. out: Martre, 1-3: Quecd. evens: Jessup Hum. 2 3: Little Ep. 3-2: Pat Can mm. 2: Hose oncii. 2: Belfast. «-Y Winner— M. W. P.mkV b. f. 4. by Sir lluon— J Heria trained bv J. HnK»ks. Went to BMt at 4..VI. At [ - st 2 »ninut s. Start N ckkI an l slow. Won easily: second and third driv- I. J. in;.. Scratched— 2343S Charley McFerran. 104; 2340S . Captain Klliott. 113. 23464 Ninth ltaee- About i* Mile. 1urse *300. 3-vear-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 10: second. * o: third. 0. Ind. Horse. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. PI. 1 23412 Sempsilla »•" li W Hinphy 4 2 4-G 23413 Black Chief 100 2- A 1iekens ;". ■ 2 23341 Buniee 11" 51 W Doyle I ,r. 2 23285 General lit 4 C Peak 3-2 t-S 3-8 23412 Miss Oa-ic 111 o" K Carter « S 4 23391 Bine Wii«K H" •" TMcCuUli S I I 23414-«Toison d»r IM r- F Jenkins 4 6 2 21638 Old Gotch 111 I B Watts 20 20 I Time. 1:02. Track heavy. Show odds— Sempsilla. 13; Black Chief. C -." : . Bnniee. evens; Cen-ral. 1-3: Miss tJayle. 2: Blue Witijr. 3-2: Toison ilOr. 0-." : Old Goteh. 4. Winner— ;. Caywoods ch. k. •• by Semprjnius — Cbmsilln trained bv W. Cay wood. i Went to ] ost at 3:20. At post 2 minutes. Start S :;ood and slow. Wou easily: second and third i .irivinjr. i Scratched— 2341 2 -Keflectiou. 106. !