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1500S 1500S Latonia Latonia 3-4 3-4 l:ll%fast l:ll%fast 29 29 IM D 7 I 4 4 7 7 7 7 7"*.F 7"JF Tei-han Teahan s S Hawthorn. liawiuom. IS. is. Belle. i.ene. r lVell.-nnis .Ilermis FOURTH RACE— 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. 98433— 1:.T7%— 3— ftft. 1 ED CRTTMP, ch. c. 3 105 By Peep oDay— Evaline J. W. Schorr. 28845 Churchl 1 l:38%good21-20 BM 111 1 2* r .1 Kc!.-ris 7 L.Rotha. D.Larrick. Commo lada 23299 Douglas 3-4 l:12%good 6-5 MB i 4 5 4" 4« J Kederis C, P. Ilermis. Dr.Larrick. R.Coose 23110 Douglas 1 1:39 good I 104 6 2 2 3 1 Is J Kederis ft Dr.Larrick. F.Riley. Brin-hurst 22043 Saratoga 3-4 l:18%mud 6-5 116 3 3 3 3 3- .T Ked. ris :S DNtant Sh. re. Capra 20607 Douglas 3-4 1:12 goodl3-10 110 7 7 6 62 6;; P Keogh 7 B.sChoice. Chalmers. IronMask 20378 Churchl 1 1-16 l:46%good 7-5 106 3 3 4 3 M l2 J Kederis 5 tM Skolny. Ringling. G. Hughes 20227 Churchl 1 1-4 2:05%fast 6 117 4 4 5 4 10X 10»»R Goose 1C Regret. Pebbles, Sharpshooter 1S329 Latonia ll:38%fast 29-45 116 13 3 3 5- 53 R Goose 7 Solly. Pif Jr.. Leo Ray CONVERSE, b. c. 8 105 By Ivan the Terrible— Colloquy W. Gerst. 28428 Churchl 3-4 1:13 mud 23-20 105 2 1 1 1 l2 V Robins n 4 Dr.Larrick. TheGradcr. C. Tower 23346 Churchl 3-4 l:13%good 29-C 9912 Lost rider. F Robins nil Pce Hermis. Vogue. Pan Zareta 23273 Douglas 3-4 l:ll%fast 28 101 1 2 2 3i 2 F Kobinsn 7 Bringhurst. TheGradcr. B. Toney 21431 Latonia 3-4 l:16%mud 4 108 2 2 2 24 In F Robinsn 3 B.andStars, Lindenthal. Un.Bryn 21319 Latonia 3-4 1:15 hvy 1 105 1 2 2 2* l1 F Kobinsn 6 Fleetabelle, Amazon. Booker Bill 21183 Latonia 3-4 l:12%fast 11-10 107 1 12 24 21 R Goose 0 Un. Bryn. MarsCassidy, Grumpy 21061 Latonia 3-4 l:13%hvy 41 92 1 1 2 2* 2» K Lapaille 4 Dr. Larrick. D.Craig. Bs. Choice 21002 Latonia 3-4 l:12%fast 21 113 8 4 3 31 31 F RobinsnlO U. Bryn. M.Cassidy, Fleetabelle DR. SAMUEL, br. g. 4 105 By Bryn Mawr— Lardella R. L. Baker. ■J is:: Douglas lm70v l:42%fast 27-10 MB 4 4 4 4 5 :.« A Mott 5 Ringling. L. Rotha. Dr. Larrick 23107 Douglas 1 1-16 l:45%fast 12 105 5 8 6 10 10s 10"J D C.mnellyll Hodge. John Gund. Ringling 22876 Lexgton lm70vl:42%fast 3-2 1061 5 3 3 3 31 2"" R Goose ■ G. Hughes. Ringling. W. Witch 22812 Lexgton 1*1:39 fast 91-10 107 13 3 2 2" 44 K Goose 5 The Grader. S. Jasmine. Ringling 20254 Churchill 1 1-16 1:43 fast 5 109 5 5 5 5 5 54 W W Tlor 3 P.Hermis, S.Jasmine. G. Hughes 20151 Lexgton 1 1-4 2:03%fast 17-10 112 4 6 5 7 7* 75 W W TlorlO Indolence, R. Bradley. Io Rav 2O076 Lexgton lm70yl:43%fast 41-5 111 1 4 4 4 3» 4*3 W W Tlor 7 Indolence, Br.Choke, S. Jasmine BRONZE WING. ch. f, 4 105 Bv Stalwart— Miss Dolly A. P. Humphrey Jr.. 21460 Latonia 1 3-16 l:57%fast 39-5 105 9 9 8 9 Sl 74 F Murphy 11 Pce Hermis. II. ODay. Cnville 21340 Latonia 1 1-S l:53%good 34-5 105 15 4 2 24 24 F Murphy 7 Hodge. GcrcstBoy. WaterWitch 20651 Douglas 1 1-16 l:45%fast 11-5 106 4 5 4 4 2"» 2" E Pool 5 Bay. Candle. D.Craig, J.Hughes 20495 Douglas 1 1-16 l:48%mud 1-2 108 2 2 2 2 2 24 J McCabe J. David Craig 20275 Churchill 3-4 l:12%slow 35 107 4 4 4 4 3«1 R Goose 4 Leochares. n. Noon, H. Barbee 14808 Latonia 1 1-2 2:30%fast 5-4 117 5 5 5 5 4» 44 F Keogh 5 John Gnnd. Constant. Dr. Samuel 14236 Churchl 1 1-16 l:45%fast 4-5 117 10 10 8 6 24 l" W Obert 10 Casuarita. Brack. Belle, L.Errant 0RMUL17, ch. f, S 108 By Fair Play— Orient*. J. A. Thomson. 22359 Churchl 3-4 1:13%mud 14 ]0c". 4 6 5 4 :$"• C VaiiOun 7 Ed Howard. Ohetto Cirl. Lake 23110 Douglas 1 1:39 good 24 1021 8 7 7 6 B* S91 C Vanl.un . BM Crump. Dr. Larrick. F. Riley 12943 Lexgton 3-4 l:12%fast 32-5 107 7 6 6 5* 4J C VanDun 8 Vogue. Hanovia. Fleetaltelle 22514 Lexgton 3-4 l:13%fast HI 105 6 6 4 24 1" C VanDun 7 Vogue. Fleetabelle. Hanovia 22451 Windsor 3-4 l:l5%tnud 11 96 3 4 4 4 3° T Hayes 4 Sir Edgar. Ed Howard. Othello 21925 Hamton 61 f 1:07 hvy 12 99 5 5 5 5 52U Acton 5 Carbide, TheW.Moon, B.llensley 20767 Dorval 1 1-16 1:47 fast 15 100 6 4 3 4 41 54 C VanDun 0 Kingly, Brave Cunarder. Celto FIRST DEGREE, br. g. 4 105 By Kilkerran— Talpa W. L. Lewis. 25259 Douglas 1 1-8 l:52%fast 17-10 109 4 4 4 I 41 4" J Acton 5 Sleeth. Olga Star. Beulah S. 23185 Douglas 1 1-16 l:4f.%fast 24-5 106 3 4 3 3 22 1*1 J Acton 4 McAdoo. Delilah S.. LittleString 22944 Lexgton 1 1-16 l:45%fast 8 107 6 6 5 6 61 6T J Acton 7 Beulah S.. LadyPanebita. Sleeth 22515 Lexgton lm70yl:44%last 27-10 106 7 6 5 5 7» 4*J J Acton 8 Miss Thorpe. Guide Post. Sleeth 22433 Windsor 11:40 fast 12 107 7 6 5 8 62 65| F Keogh S Dr. Larrick, F. Fay. Cannonade 22193 FortErie lm70yl:44 fast 51 109 8 6 6 5 62 64 F Keogh 8 Bushy Head. PrivetPetal. Bendel 21739 Windsor 3-4 1:12 fast 78 106 5 5 5 5* 44 A Mott b BackBay. Carbide, The W. Moon 3ARD BALL. br. o. 4 108 By Golf Ball— Nanine Noland J. N. Monnce. 23382 Churchl 1 1-4 2:11 mud 11-3 BM 5 11 1 2s 2»t K Lapaille 7 W.sWonder. Consoler. AnvP. rt 23320 Douglas 1 3-16 2:02%mud 31 107 8 6 4 5 6s 6° T Henry 8 Reno. W.s Wonder. Anv Port 23272 Douglas 1 1-16 1:43 fast 24-3 106 8 7 6 5 4 4B1 K Lapaille 8 McAdoo. Jessie Ionise. Bonanza 23214 Douglas lm70y l:43%fast 3 107 5 4 2 2 21 2l K Lapaille B Jus. Goebel. Edith . BankBill 23075 Lexgton 1 1-8 1 :57%mud 59-10 107 6 11 1 lj l2 K Lapaille 0 Tnsportation. AnvPort, LaMode 22912 Lexgton 1 1-16 l:46%fast fid 107 11 9 4 2 11 11 K Lapaillel". Cmauretta. Fellowman, Wander