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Laurel Park Eitries ail Past Pciiormances for Wednesday, October 6. WEATHER CLOUDY. TRACK HEAVY. Picing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time. 1:30. xRuns well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. Ml maidens. •Apprentice allowance. First Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3-vear-olds and upward. Sellng. Track record: 1W201 1:4.*.-. — »— 1 «.. U Horse. Wt. Ree. A.Wt.IIan. ••- Watertown M 1:47% 3 104X725 r.-.:r-;i fterglo« 97 1:45V, B 1MXT98 "■•■■: ,;-■* Tom Hancck ...104 1:45-. 4 14KX728 :---j-. lainl «-" Kirk.aldv.107 1 :4li. 4 IMX7183 :-:l*;.« liillic B.tkei I«S 1:48*4 8 105x710 ".;.!;. Bryn ". 104 X 705 "••""♦4 Cotton Top M. ..!«»1:47 :i 104. AZH* ~ ~£U -risk .m; 1 :47 •". «♦ . .KXi r:T«;s mK Clara M» ... I Btt. JM ja.klet. b. c. by Jack Point -hye- i,.t 3 104 If Witert.wn can run back to his races of early seSM.n over heavy track she should win easily. Second Race — 3-4 Mile. •• rear-olds. Maidens. Selling. .Track record: 17383— 1 :1 2— «— 114.1 zuwmSm •"". 112 ITMri MjXflj 23350* Haudfnll v-T- 2274W Letfctti ,SX«i -MM* Bobolink T.. :..-., b ,. | 1 e of the -" Kitchen 109X700 112. .«80 ••t.vt iw turner "ir chivator 82 1:13% ItWXIJBO "■- !. * Ve.lad.. 104.. 0U0 ■"■ "I- TatUina 1«2 1 :™*. MM- ••• :; w.ihS. k«m:i7% 112 .wn l:::-.o Elrfe B..ihto 10ti No Corn has ruu some g.K d races iu mud and ■•a nttle Xu beat. Third Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yardj. "-vear-ohls and upward. Selling. Track record: 88881— 1 :43%— 4— 10ft. | Hat, Horse. Wt. Uec. A.Wt.IIan. S341S** Mabel DnlwelKT ..ttfl:4tjfc :*. !KX72r. :.::::i::= Can to lOfi 1:4«"-. 4 I1SX72B 88888 111 1:44% 7 110x720 iXtOS* Itevelrv James •"! 88X713 23984* Menlo" Park MM|1 :47r. :: 01IX71O 23KM carl 4 113x705 28374 Son- „f Vallev 07 1 :471-. 4 110X705 21383* Miss Cavanagh 102 1:51--. 4 107 in»0 28384 Page White 8841:48 3 14M4and8M 2X248* star Bird Ml ■ !K».«!»0 231S3* Rargeon 1011:48% :: 89x673 Mabel lMilwchcr ran n promising race Monday and is evidently K" mI. She runs well in mud. Fourth Race — 1 1-16 Miles. 3-vear-olds and Howard. Selling. Track record: 178*3— 1:43*-*— I1T.1 23333 BAQLfl .. 3 105x730 234151* Ml Smiles 107 1:4SU .5 100x720 23888* P.-llv H 183 1:48 4 100x720 23354* liristoiiiiiiie 112 1:40"-. 4 108X715 2:::!!tSj» Carlton O «« 1:«* 8 103©7H 2S2W Kins Box" 105 1:40 5 185x710 ! 22808** Manhaa 100 1:47 .. 1000710 2.:417 Videt 3 103X705 23415 Yodele I« !«Ha 1 MM. -705 23888* Patty Kean 1 13 1 :47 4 100 X 700 , Facie has been showing smart form of late. Fifth Race — 6 1-2 Furlongs. " year-olds. Selling Handicap. Track rec.rd: 1«27 ! -1 :05V. -2-11S. I " -rear-olds. Selling Handicap. 23373. Golden List 110 1:0s-- 107x725 i •iXW- Sky Pilot 1*1 =08% 104 X720 1 J 1 Iii.l. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.IIan. 2.U7.15 IliiinoM- 105 1 :OS-i. jo" x 720 •_:::rr:i Greetlnga loi 1 :12sv 88x715 23282 l.ilv Heavens 1o» 1 :0S4- r: 705 23277 MMe 188 1:0fif. 107x710 iol.len List is Mat runs well in mud and has recently beaten inincipal outenders except Sky Pilot. Siztb Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling Track record: 99201—1:43-. — 4 — 106 23IKC-* Luther 10* 1 :43% | 105X725 In.l. Horse. Wt. Bee. A.Wt.IIan. 23179-* Kasciuatins UK. 1:43-. 4 105X720 23334 Kris Kiin.le 838 1:45-. ::10C.Y715 •j.!175: Singh t«M 188 1:4841 3 383X713 2S4B8 Karl of Savvy 1o5U:44 3 110X710 23848* Dartwortli MB l:44r, 7 107X710 23317* Lady Innocence ...loo 1:47 4 107X71O 23211** Sigma Allipa 81 1:33*5. 5 103x710 Luther appears t have regained his go«Ml form with a change of stables. He has little to lieat aside from Fascinating.