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CHURCHILL DOWNS FORM CHART. LOUISVILLE. KY.. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 5, 1915.— Churchill Downs. Sixth day. New Louisville Jockey Clnh. Autumn Meeting of S days. Weather clear. Stewards. Charles F. Price. F. C. Hoppei and John T. Ireland. Presidium Judge. W. H. Shelley. /tarter. Harry Morrisscy. Haein S H-retary. Waller II. Pearce. KaeiiiK starts at 2:15 p. m Chicago time 2:15 p. in. i. W indicate- whip. S spurs. B blinkers Fis-i:.vs in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate index number, track record, age of horse : :• nil weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. I ±__J_ /_ _ _ FIHST HACK— 3-4 Mile. llPJS— 1 :11— 2— 105. i Pn.-eSiMlO. 3-y ear-obis and upward. £j_l*±*±j Selling. Net value to winier S4.VI; s.-eond. SfKtO: tliird. 0. Index Horses AWtPPStU % *i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqnlv. Odito Strt 23380- lH. CAHMKN M ". 107i I 1 _% l_ _ 1" • gjja L Phelps 10T.-10- 23380 MISS THOHPK w • l«r.i s | 3 i 2- V 2- ■ Pool A B Lowe J5"3 mm ■! lit llllll mm 3 «..4 4 S 4i VI 4- 3 K IjujailleM A I olton J3",S 23215 HO VAL INTrJHKST *3 1«JI 2 1" »l B 1*1 F HaM B F Ojttri. Id;-100 , 23104 MAN ASSEH wi: 0 104 2 7 7 J«l _ S_ C anDu n E Rogers Sr t~Tt 21439 STVH VITBESS w ."• 107 :: 4 v; s- cii «b A Mott P M Civill 2S5-M0 232«9*i l»l ntiP wr. 4 Ki7 1 ■ ■ - • " Ti H Stearns Dudley Sc Lawrence 1010-HH ; 23314 CHAimKH w I S 7 M * f» %* W J O-BnSpirt * Powers OMH ; 23289 MISS 1TKLUKH wb 3 102 1 ! i* §• 7 9" B Marco !■ D AVeir -.470-100 ; 17S60*W iTHlN wis 3 lifll J» !♦ lo 10 10 ]■ F Fuerst F Rnebelkamp l. -".*9and-HX» • Time. 23*4. 48*i. l:li. Track heavy. • mutiiels i«id. I»r. Carmen. #4.10 stiaight. S3.30 jdace. .50 show: Miss Thorpe. $«..» place. *.,.S0 show; Blackthorn. . m.i show. .... , . Kgiiivalent lK« king odds -Or. Carmen. 105 to 100 straight. Co to loo place, n- 2o to ,.u. 100 s1m w i ; -,,■ Miss Thorpe. 385 to loo place, on to UK show: Blackthorn. 130 to HKI show. Winner — Ch c bv Bo«nerg Ladv KniuhthotHl trained by J. H. Bakeri. .... fair and slow. Won easily: second ami third dnv-js Went to it •IS t ixwt 5 minutes. Start - DB CVHMFN given a t «»l ii le and much the i«-*t. drew out in Ike stretch as his rider pleased. VlTss TlioHPL raced well up ami finished g.-um ly. BI.ACKTHOHN tini-died last. HOYAL IXTKRFST set the early pace and tired. CIIAHTIKH ebsed ■ g.n«l gap. I NliAlNTKU quit. The winner was en teretl for t": ii" bid. • I Scratched 23401 Can ie Olii.e. 07. . _. Overweights -Hi. Carmen. 3j |s.m»N: _____ Interoi. 2;: h-irtier. _: Watheii. 1L.. __*_ M m__-_ KBOOXD HACK-3-4 Mile. 1212S 1:11— 2 -MS. •«N. Added. 2-year olds. Mai.lens. _QJty MmWm. Net value lo winner -S.j15; second. S14.V. third. . n,d.s Horses AWtPPStU % si Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt mamaWtwm or " w 100 7 :. :•" 3 li l- n Goose P J Milieu „775":4jn laiosMNiVrsiHY w S i i ** g g P SF 11"«ilK;1. V nd «tS 4MMV 4.. .h ■•" T Henry r J Long •y»9fi« inn IV4 w 104 2 4 -1 . !|o V ■ !,Ys w 1O0 K 7 7- •:■- 5b 4iJ A, Ion M Quinn S233-1JK" MH- «;1:FT F w 104 5 !• s* 7. 7" Ck H Sl-arns X V Dortch »T«ANKW:iVING »MKW !•• S* 8 » U I onne-lyS M Henderson 113M-1M __-__ 1 tm» m_ , BOSS W MB M I 8« 2- 4" * L Gu»Uj IBBfW _*- » 5aS« VkIuVvi Vs VM wi: UN 1 2 2" 41. ««■ s- A Mott Milam Ai U vy l..:i,-100 2M ii|iv MIFK1K u 1 «-- • - ■" 1" ■• * " Murphy M B Grul er 4115-100 Bgrln-r 23358MIKL Ml Ml 1 MM* I IN v 12 i I B F KN E Pool J J Marklein U30-1M fime. 24*5. 49H. 1:16. Track heatry. $ muliiels pai.l. Vebli. S17.3. straighi. t«23f place. M.r.0 show: Industry. S20.30 place. 1.40 show: "rouivaMit ti! liking mm* -Veldt. 775 to V* straight. 2tt to KB ■*«•. 125 lo 100 show : Industry. »10 l . M0 idicc 470 to MM show : Battua. 113 to 10*1 show. Winner —Br 1. bv Transvaal— Mi« I .vle trained by K. Speiicei. and slow. Won eaaUy : s.-cond and third driving. Went to nost .: •■to M Dual 1 minute Start toou Ml l»T raced tm ardl v to the last turn, then drew out into a vood lead and won easing up. INDl STIO la-i HOI.1NA stiK.d a bard drive gamely through V.we.l He earlv v|k-:-,I. but tire.l in the eightl;. ! t 1,h I is el-sed a uap after celt** away in a tM«te. HKD CHOSS and ASI-AHAGFS SAM • red -liter soiug well t..r the lii-st half mile. The winner was t_tW_ _* t**- »" "v. ., ■ tm , . Seratehed -«33M Sayonana. BJfi: 2:::.!« Mleleu Thompson. 10-.I; 2320S Anna LU. i 4.: BKB llculate. jf.l;2:;;S«» Qtleen of the Mist. IOC. __ £_ _, m* _ Till HO HAiK 3-4 Mile, i 1212s 1:11- 2— 105. Purse 00. .•.-year-olds and upwar.!. •#C.J rillie.- and Mans. Alb-wane, . Net lain- to winner $.-..-. i; seeond. -SlOO: third. o. ~___ norses " AWtPPSt U % ?i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt ? K. ib-ris 11 S HllMI .10-110 1 4 1 1- !* I* o. yiTTV wn wi. ". 110 « * -I jBjBFgANgABETA •; | M Garner Gallaher Bros .10-100 » 223tStV»i,v l . II Y w 3 13 I S 2. 2« :.« F E Pool W H Harris 9JMM I Sffiffi HLl H» cVll CBM- w i: 3 05 : 4 3* Ft 1 .1 Morys Ceriigan and McKii.ney BUN 23359-«. time. 24Vs. 48. 1:14. Track heavy. . . .. strai"lit S2 1 nlac-e; Vosue .2 place: no show mutuels sold. ■ u i« in v.i.ii *•: ini %ss*t i%**7+£%*3* "•«-! _f___ *?*£,* -r : v --io ui m • - .. Went t.. p.. i .ii « - _,_yt ,,, front of the s.-m after the start and. forcing them .lining. 1 AN /• i- - i v •• j eanter. VOG1 K suffer.! most at the start and closed Ul tSr """CBTMI* | hut tired in the last eighth. GHETTO GIHLran p.Kirly tVtofSand-333K On.- Step. MB iiv.Twe:al-t -Ladv .Ian- «ir.y. ■■ poinvls. strt. m mm __ roCHTll HACK— 1 1-16 Miles. 0S3.c,--1 -.44-.-. -5--10.Y • Heury Watterson Hotel I Vrt4-05 " Handicap. Purs. m». 3 yeai .Ids ami upward. Net value to winner 30; see-* . o„d. QO: third. 0. ~ — TTTl"" WtPPSt H - -* Sir Fin Jockeys Owners E«uiv. Odds Strt Index riorses ZZ__ . .... ... v.- :: «..:: 1 2 •_■ 2= 1" P-Ll" K LapailleM A oUon 740-l - 23403 „ "-VV.-i* 2* 2*1 2* M Garn.r W I Young 4W-M0 or ; :: 3 ivi-n-H w- m03=WA LK Y.V . ; ;» : • |, ,„ | ,3 ., ,K.deris J W Schorr M0-1M I HSSiVuVvK o oi - ovv » « - Withdrawn. D _% *»____ m ____***» »"» , 23270 ILNK . 49»i. l:14*i. 1:40. l:47 i. Track heavy. . B«|NJI straight. S5.20 pla.e: Water Witch. .80 place: no show mutuels *•• niutu. I- p:iil. *WBquiralcnt hookiiis .«Ws-Hanovia, 740 lo 100 straight. Hio to 100 place: Water Witch. 140 to 100 1 1,|:0- . rkr-WH Hanover trained by K. T. Colton. • I..- . ____ _. ,-,, . I. w _ ■ mu.r "I ... luillu„.:, mjtmtt .MHi :111,i ,,„„. won driving: lltwi and third the WtVJ»Ci "ba-di i.ll.h ill Hie "ax and. ***** | I Ni finished -amdy but was lucky to , VI V was .me. "i/p,1 «•.",-, i »■ The ™ latter lost much ground by U-ius forced to go around the others when , . ■« o,,fnay B A I K f™,1 ,,„t ,.,„,,, „.„ „,.; ,,„ USBCNTHAL set the early pace, but . ; in = f**_ ,..,. nvNK OPVY lest his ri.l.r an.l tmm awav three and one tpiartcr miles bclorc .uit and ran » l"r • " "r.I-bod-r.l-ITHi.- llermi-. 113: BBW Imlolenee. 103. - ■ mrVm FIFTM H VF. -3-4 Mile. 1 1212s 1 :11 • -2-105. i **M Added. 2-year olds. Selling. iOixJ ■■: value in -villi:, r 70: s-y,-.i,|. sils; thiid. :2. " TwtiPSti V- =i Str Fin Jockevs Owners Equiv. Odds Strt j Index Horses 2 - : —1 77 . ; -—7—7:. vv no • 1 i" !• -" 1" -I Kederta H 8 Newman -. ■-- 23383 FAK AWA1 ,Vi:113 3 S : l1 -s EG....,.- VH Baker It": 23158 IEBBV 1 r, -, -. |i :;. :;- ::- K LapailleJ L Holland JK2 I 233WINTKM .«» "J 07 i I I * 1 I I. Cettry A L Kiiby MMM 8 23358 INS1 WJEXT nuU F »* 5= .1 Hanoverliiee and Kurtz " 23319 EMI WT B. _ . „,-,- _ j •_!. 4 .; Hunt J J OMall.y Hh-lw 0 23347 FATULL KL l-i- t*mf. m%%. *m%. lM%. Track heavy. ____ , . , |i.ii i. ■ Far ■• -» uav *%*• straigM. BLW place. -s2.7o show; Jerry. 80.00 place. N2..X1 show. S2 iiUlt"cls Intentloii. ?2-4t show- _ .. ]ft0 Mlais,n_ t,, 10, ll_«.. 3.-, to Km show: Jerry. Equivalent iwmfciii,. |u,ontion. 20 to 100 Aw. SO to 1 K» F* ... ".»,, vi«- Frank— Burnie Bui.-n trained bv K. FoneotH. Winner-* h. S- »• a™ , lrtluutt:. Start Md ;,„d stow. W on driving: second an. ,.,-,,, I third the «*«V5 __* VwY «..-"hard rid*, tm the entire way and. having gained steadily. ■wWJftOJn s,,ne. FAH A;-V1 ,kkRV h»wf-.l the most speed, but tired right at the end. INILNTION ra:i ID C,e clo-.n? *"I,d2tl-1-.T- ,.,Vl.d a ge-.d gap. FATHFH KELLY qtUt in IhC stretch. Rw winner was t irlv well. *£** Jii hM . • ,-..fed for .FWLno - ~mr 2 SIXTH I VCL-3-4 MUe. 1 1212S— 1 :11-2— 105. 1 IBK BKB :;-y ear-olds and upward. I. QOl 4: Selling. Net value to winner 50; s-, 00: hird. ". r~ — .WtPPSt U T; *• Str Fin Jockeys Owners Fnui v. Odds Strt . ;T7rTll7 w ft « « I IM* 1* 1~ri-.pailhS M Hen.lerston M04M o ... •S2»7PT«»HN BAin j w Schorr 330- « 0 BMfMABff .-Vutv w 8 103 3 1 • «l 5» 3* T H. nry J Vw****** «**" 1 PANlllli-v 23404 *I.AP * 2 * $ C • " 1 I I I = ■ t * ■ ~ I l J N I. J. . 23349 WILH1TE wb » 108 2 | **V* * 4" F Murphy W G Yanke 350-100 22455=«YOHKVILLE wb I 110 i :: 2-i 2s 3» 5" H Stearns J M Young 2 110 100 U3401 FlKLONG l»Iaf 1 | 1; G « « J Acton W J Weber 2MFM lime. 23«i, 47%, 1:18%. Track slow. mutuels | aid. Tory Maid. .20 straight, .30 place, .50 show; Mm Cassidy, .70 place. .00 show: lady Panchlta. 83. 00 show. Equivalent booking odds — Tory Maid 1C0 to 100 straight. 05 t ICo place. 25 to 100 show: Mars Cussldy. v.7 to 100 pluce. 30 to 100 show: Lady Panchita. 50 la 100 show. Winner — Ch. f, by Yankee — Lady Bedford trained by S. M. Henderson. Went to po*t at 4:35. At i»ost 1 minute. Start good and Plow. Won easily: second and tliird iiiving. TOHY MAID, showing high s| ec.l moved awav trom the others with the utmost ease and won as her rider pleased. MAHS CA8BIBY was hard ridden and finished gamely. LADY PANCHITA lost much ground by racing wide on the turns. YOBKVILL8 ipiit. It HLoNG sulked. W1LHITE tiiiished well. The winner was entered for : no bid. Scratched — 23401 -Amazon. IOC,; 23215 Huntress, 1"7: 23257 ilse. -it. I0S: 2:Vi7 I.ackrose. lo7: 221 .58 roll, liiii. OQ/I PiPt SEVENTH HACK— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 2000— 1 :42-.— 3— H7. 1 $«00 Added. 3-year-mmttJfJtJ olds. Silling. Net value to winner :tO: second. 30: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 23349 HKSICN wr. 108 I 2 1H 1«1 1 I1 li L Gentry J B ltespess ".1 -1W 23266-*lMSILLFSION w 100 7 4 i*~ F 4" 2l 2* K LapailleW Woodard 333-108 23349 LITlLE STK1NG w 110 s 7 H H ii 4l 3" R Goose W H Raker :"-» 23363P.HOOM FLOWER w 104 1 1 p 4- 2 F 4i H Stearns J H Stamper Jr ;HsVioo 23363-1 MANIOC w 1: 103 4 S T- 7° F «•• ~h * Mott R L Raker BBV4M 23212 FLY HOME w 103 | 3 ;* j1?- r h a* 6«fc E Pool W Martin 2BS-M 23405*COMMAi;KETTA wi: OS r. i 21 F| " 3" 7s 72 C Hunt W J Weber 383 M0 23382*FK1.S w lis 1; ii s 8 and I I J Morys W Covington BHN Time. 24. 48«i. 1:14%, 1:41, 1:45%. Track slow. mutuels paid. Hesign. .80 straight. .40 place. .30 show: Disillusion. .1»» place. W.Oo show; Little String, . H» show. Equivalent booking odds — Hesign. 100 to 100 straight. 7o to 100 place. 63 to 10O show; Disillusion, HXi ti KB place. M to 10O show: Little String. 100 to 101 show. % Winner— Ch. c. by Transvaal — Kesignation trained by J. B. Kespessi. Went to Jiost at 5:oo. At |iost 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third diiv-iiig. HESIGN rawed into the lead soon after the start and easily held sway for the entire way. DISIL-I iSION raced forwardlv all the wav and finished gamelv. LITTLE STHING ran well and might have von but for being forced wide on the stretch turn by " COM MAI HETTA. BHOOM FLOWER showed speed. ut tired. FLY HOME was going fast at the end. FELS was badly outpaced. The winner was entered tot 00: no bid. Scratched— 2:2Xr2i tlalabar. 1Q4: Mexican. 10.".. ___________