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FOURTH RACE— 1 1 16 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 1TM8 1ITX T ITT EAGLE, b. g. 3 10S By Yankee— Miss Kearney E. H.erz. ::::t3:! H.d« ice lm7t»yl :U.sfast 2 ::; 7 4:: 2 2 I* P liwder B Ambrose. Ben Qninee, Jawbone 3801 H.deGce lm70yl:44 fast 5 99 3 2 .! 1 21 2- J McTagrt !» ltepuhlicnn. Squeeler, Jesse Jr. 23305 H.deGce 5» f 1 :07 fast 8 M S 9 5 3« VI L. McAtee 24 Forum, Fuzzv Wuzzv. Jesse Jr. 2.039 H.deGce lm70yl:46«ifast 3 Will 1 ;: 3 L McAtee 11 Republican. Borax, Jesse Jr. 229% H.deGce lm70yl :44 fast 4 Mi 5 2 3 2 I* f K Cooper .S E. Ten sa, Anialti. D. Macdonald SMI Saratoga 1 1 :40%fast 2| 97 1 1 3 1 2 21 A Collins 5 Shyness. D. Macdonald. E star 22487 Saratoga 3-4 l:15%slow 6 92 6 5 5 4 31 L McAtee S W. Witch. H.Prynne. L.Barbary ALL SMILES, b. e. 3 100 By Fair Play— Simper P. Musgrave. :::4I5 1-aur.l lni70y IMTjfti a «l*l 20 lex 4 7 7 I 21 1- W I.illey S Main lDuIweher. Borax. DayDay SfMj H.deGce lm70yl:44 fast 4 105 7 7 7 7 S » V C Turner !» Republican. Eagle. Squeeler 23087 H.deGce Im70yl:45 fast G-5 109 4 4 4 4 2s 21 J Butwell 1 1 Jawbone, Tow. Field. Stal.Helen 22754 Belmont 1 1-16 l:45%fast 30 106 5 5 7 7 7 7- M Garner 8 T.bvjnrv. Sharpshooter. T. Finn 22692 Belmont ll:10%fast 13-5 114 6 6 4 4 3= 3=1 J Butwell 0 Lady Teresa. Borgo, D.ofDunbar 22096 Saratoga 11:44 hvy 8-5 116 4 5 4 4 4 0 4" J Butwell B Con. Tower. Corsiean. Book. Bill 21756 Belmont 1 l:41%slow 4-5 112 4 3 3 1 VI l1 J Butwell S BrianBoru. Commaretta, Alhena 21064 Aqueduct 1 1:45 slop 9-5 110 0 5 5 2 1» l5 J Butwell 5 Saratoga, Lady Teresa, Grumpy POLLY H.. h. f. 4 100 By Heando— Polly W. CahiU. 23096 WUbine 1 1-16 l:47«£fast 22-5 im 2 I C 5 6i55«S J Callahan 4. Baa Around. Rediand. Martian 22S «.t BlucBon. 1 1-j; 15*fcslow 5-4 107 6 5 4 3 2U 21 E Ambrose 7 Valas. Marshon. Egnwnt SIM Blue Bon. 1 1-8 l:53%fast 23-20 107 2 5 5 4 4= 4-v A Sehugr •; Buzz Around. Egmont. S.andCap 22491 Saratoga 1 1-S l:57H»ow 3| 1«4 3 4 4 4 4-* 3=J J McTagrt B Lahore. Shvness, W.s Wonder 22267 Saratoga 1 1-8 1:57 slow 8-5 W 3 3 3 2 2s 3= J McTagrt C Lahore, Amain, Marshon 22097 Saratoga 1 1-8 1 :59%hvy 8-5 105 1 1 1 1 l5 1= J McTagrt • Anialfi. Marshon. Easter Star ZMt Aouedct 1 1-16 l:45%tast 10 97 a o 5 5 5 51* J McTagrt B Bayl erryCandle, Transit, Lahore CHRISTOPHIKE. br. f . 4 100 By Plaudit— Emma TraunmUler CS. VeUleri. 33M H.deGce lm7fyl:45 fast 11 107 12 12 12 s !• 2" I. .Mill!: 12 Armaiuiit. Dgerlield. K.Kringl;-239M H.deGce l l-w l:47%last 12 lo51 s 9 9 9 71 7 J J Bui well 9 Amain. Stonehenge. tl-.iv Flsh-r 230*.7 H.deGce lm7«yl:45 fast 12 113 111111 9 9 S1" L Hartwelll i Jawbone. All Smiles, Tow. Field 2»37 H.deGce lm7vyl :45%fast 6 lor. 17 9 9 S1 9;= L Hnrtwellld Borgo. Daingertield. Hi Nibs MOT Pimlico 1 1 16 1:49 good 26-5 106 7 6 G 5 2h 21 L Hartwell 7 »rperth, P.uzz Around. Al Bloch LidSS Pimlico lmGOyl:30 hvy 4.-20 106 9 9 8 6 I* Il L Hartwell 0 Balfron Bea. Belle, Uermis Jr. LOWS H.deGce lm70yl:46Viscod 4 105 4 5 0 4 4 » 4"1 L Hartwell S OrliuKripp. Orotuud, Dr.Duenr CARLTON G., «h. h. 8 105 By Carlton Grange— Resignation J. 8. Ownber SMjj Laurel 1 1 16 l:"5hy J9-5 MO 12 2 2 11 Is W I.illey li Yodeling. I.ouiseTravers. Snnada XB ;ce lni7o l:45Sfast 41 106 S 9 8 M 11* M«V Cajjrr 1.: Hedge. Earl of Savov. Borax 23172 H.deGce lm7oyl:45 good I MS I 7 I 5 4J 3* W I.illey H Ben Quince. Alhena." K. Kringle 23083 H.deGce 3-4 1:14 fast 30 112 14 13 8 SJ 7"i M Mthewsl4 Sarsenet. Striker Scallvwag atjT3 Belmont 7-S l:27%fast 8 104 6 6 6 6 6 V W Lilley ; Gloaming, Ahara. Doublet L2776 Belmont 3-1 st l:ll%fast 30 110 32 12 12 12 12l« W Lilley Hi Tin. Bell. Gloaming. Humiliation 22690 Belmont 61 f 1 :21 fast 15 110 10 11 8 4» 431 W Lilley 14 SirW. Johnson, Santo, Chesterton 23628 Belmont 1 1:40 fast 12 110 6 5 4 3 4i 71C W Lilley S W. Shoes. Robinetta. Beethoven KING BOX, b. g. 6 105 By Box— Eric Belle P. J. Miles. IS.M liiuoy 1:!7 fast CM0 II:: 1 :: I 2 I1 V P hMHl it Stit Urn Beau P -ie Chaii-o afltWdMat 1 1-16 l:48« 21-10 109 4 2 2 2 2 1* R Mrffett U Hrpcrth. Kate K.. Fly IIoTne 9C Dorval ImTOy l:4Mfast 21-5 lir, 4 4 3 3 21 !«• K Hayara , las inating. Fenroek." Mud Sill 227*1 BlueBon. :.~i l:13Ssiow S2-5 114 5 4 6 71 7 i K llaynea K Sempsilla. Vid.t. Briar Path 22725 Blue! ton. 7 -8 1 :27%fast 43-20 114 5 4 1 1 ll E Haynes 12 Lou.Travers. Aprisa. Pontefroct 23658 BlueBon. 3-1 1 :12«fefast 3:; 101 S 5 5 41 2* E Haynes 10 Marj. A., Privet Petal. SirBIaise 225M- Conght 3-4 1:19 mud 20 pis 2 4 5 l1 1" B Haynes It Inquieta. Minstrel. Brandy wine MARSHON. b. g. S 100 By Marathon— Edna Shannon A. C. Parretto. 22S»v BlueBon. 1 1-v l:55«.-.slow 21 114 2 6 5 5 4" SI F Cooper 7 Valas. Pollv H . Egmont 22724 BlueBon. 1 l:39»jfast 14 ]12 6 5 I 4 I 4=1 A laver 8 Corsiean. Redlaud, St. Lazerian 22 :22 Conght UnMy 1:51 hvy 5 11:: S S S 2 V V A Sehugr S Astrologer. Kiuuriidv. B. Around aOM Conght 3 1-4 2:15 mud 7-10 113 8 5 3 1 1= V P Goldstn 8 D.Deadwood. B.Iere,*Abbotsford 225O0 Conght 1 1-16 1:52 slow 13-5 110 6 7 7 4 4* 21 A Claver T Lochicl. Beau Pere Cordie F MM Conght 11-36 1:52 hvy 25 110 10 9 9 7 35 I»| A Claver M Bairron. Surpassing. Beau Pere VTDET. b. g, 3 103 By The Picket— La Grecque W. P. Reed. :::1I7 l.auiel lin7"y 1:K sgood 11 112 2 i 7 •; V ;"!J. Mink IS of Love. Volant ..ureddiii 22 1 Wdhine lni7ey 1:47 last 14 1"i-_ 2 11 1 21 6-J .1 Callahan !■ Stir I p. Beau Pere Change 227» BlueBon. 3-4 3 :33«islow 97-10 M7 4 I 4 Z*!|R Aiubrose 8 Sempsilla, Briar Path, Crosslmn 12720 BlueBon. 2-4 l:12Vsfsat :.o 10S 7 s S 8= 9 S Blown !l TbeBaaybody, ZinDel, Sempsilla 2267S BlueBon. 1 1 :39%fast 3 J 104 r, 1 1 | M IH S Man tMBlnni, Corsiean, E.Brvson 224X4 Conght 3-4 1:16 hvy .-5 108 5 4 3 3 1 .",••$ R MeDott 7 Lama, The BusvIkmIv. Valas." 22455 Windsor 5» f lfflSimud a»-10 110 3 4 5 43 33 F Coleman 7 York Lad. Yorkville", I.seeit YODELES. b. e. 3 103 By Roehampton— Yodeler H. Underberg. 211 : J;aVr,:l l«l?lSLj:J2te2* ? 11-/ ,s s 5 x 53 "•"MM AS smib-s. HlMmtar. km 2.M12 H.deG ce 3in.oy1:44»stast 8 30. 13 10 9 9 M C- .1 M.-Cahevir. GkMUBiag. Guv Fisher. Volant 2*! 5s« ffandy-fUSSS S *5 h,in. I E IVi S*****" fc«Mw, Ausmues. Wv.rku .291., Belmont 1 1-16 1 :l,-5tast 4* P., 4 4 4 3 2» 2 J MeCai.ey 4 Rovhourn. Borgo. Nagier rri:-: llniont 3 l:«0%fa«t 32 lit 4 5 6 6 • f.«J J MeCahoy 7 TopHat. San.lmanlL, I.andCalls 21756 Belmont 1 UWUttm 4 310 6 o 4 6 6 fi= C Fbther R AllSmiles. BrianBoru. Comretta 21647 Belmont 1 1-16 l:46«/ifast 10 105 13 4 5 5s 2» J McCahey C Virile. Old Ben Hedge SSH Aqueduct WfSffk "? i I 7 4 5 !** McCahey 7 All Smiles. Vladimir, Grumpv 21274 Aqueduct 1 l:40%fast 10 9. o a 6 o 11 1 J McCaheylO Stonebenge. T.Bell. Beethoven PATTY REGAN, ch. g. 4 ,1110 By Stalwart— Carrie Jonea F. Harlan. •J»W Ua l 1 1 -M 1 :....»4hvy and*M I I .; I t; ;"li. Mink ,; Carlton G.. Yodellng I. Travers Hi!;.f Y. toya l I : ;%iasJ L 22 ;.! * :! 3 5f £ El,un« « Euterpe. It. Langdon. Mycenae 5-12J Jf*5oy*1, ,"7*. ::" I*8* VD :.•; ! . ,; .4 £ E Y,M""- 7 N. Light. Ischgabibblc, Eergetlc gg yjtoirl l !"!* :gfcgM* * J" V . 4 * ". -- W Young 10 Wanoke. L.V.Zandt. Endurance 5-;k0,Va J2*VfSlandZ 5-15 1 : I 2 il ■ s,!"- « Singlets. Weyanoke, Abtsford ajHODarval lm.oy l:44*sfast o6-d MB 4 o 3 4 .» 6? M W Rchan 8 Sthearn, Wevauoke C F Gnger S3 !u ;on- K J::1l..,nud ™. VS, l •• t l l ~~l 5 MeCthy 7 Balfron. S. of Love. Voladav Jr. 2M77 BlueBon. 1 1-0 1 :..4stast o4 1*12 S 6 , 7 7 V* W Ural S Valas, G.M Miller Star of Love 1!0... Coaght 11-16 1:65 mud B 305 111110 8 1- 7« A Collins 11 Beau Per. Cogs imrin £££ t7?"Kht 1,1:1Sl:2L5,ow L "5 14 10 11 10 BJ f» li WCiratt U Rediand. L.SpIritnelle. Du.jnesne -OSC. BlucBon. 1 1-8 l:o6=cfast 3j lJl 6 8 8 o 2- 31 M MeDott U I . Macdonald, Shepherdess Cogs