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* * PURCHASES IN ENGLAND OF RICHLY-BRED YEARLINGS BY I AMERICAN BUYERS T -v Complete details of purchases made by Americans at the Newmarket sales of August :;i and Sep-ten.«-r 1 are now Mailable and serve to show that valuable additions are to lie made to our thoroughbred resources. Further purchases were made at the sales I egi lining September 14. This latter sale was of yearlings heretofore sold at Doncaster and from Englands most aristocratic breeding establishments. Iu the two days sale referred to, Howard Dots was the chief purchaser in the item of number bought, but did not take any especially high-priced ones, Charles T. Patterson leading in the latter particular. Purchases and prices were: Yearlings Purchased hy Howard Oots. Chestnut colt bv Polyinelus — Shy Missie, by Ayrshire ,022 Chestnut colt by St. Amant — Doro. by Cyllene 070 Bay colt by Thrush — l.usciaua. by St. Simon.. f-50 Chestnut colt bv Llaugibby — Princess Sterling. by Florizcl II 540 Bav olt bv Criffel— M.-phanzi. by Kaeburu... 410 Brown filly by Tin- White Knight— Ballara, by Baiter »S Blue Plum. b. f. by Cherry Tree— Zoharn, by arhiue "12 Parr, b. c. bv Troutlieck— Parchment, by St. Frusquiu 200 Jiiinmi. 1.. f. bv John o Caunt -Fiolduiistross. by Cnele Mac 2.I4 Chestnut roll by Fugeliuan — N. R. A., by Device of Clubs 2:14 Bay coll l.v Marajax — Disdainful, by Prince Hampton 1 57 Itutterscotch. b. c. by Kadiuin — Macaroon, by Marc. i::0 Bav colt bv Carpathian— Wild Ccan. by Sainfoin L10 Mr. Data also ac.yiired a chestnut colt by Roi Herode — Kllen Craemer. by Tarporley. but it seems to have been lxiught privately, at any rate it does not appear in the sales lists. Yearlings Purchased by Charles T. Patterson. Bay colt bv Polvuiclus— Evadue. by Sidus. .. ,122 Chestnut c«.lt bv Sunstar — Falling Star, by Uightaway . . ." S.ltiO Bag -"D hv Sp. ariuint — Snoot, by Perigord. . 2.750 Bav -olt by Chaucer— Tortor. by Volodyovski. 2.0W1 thi-stiiut enlt bv Chaucer — Kna. by Ian 1,012 Chestuul celt by Marajax — Faverelle. by tJalli- utile 1.040 Yearlings Purchased by Andrew J. Joyner. Bav colt bjr Boyal Realm— Hearts Pride, by Bed Heart ,184 Chestmit colt by Cicero — Cmbrosa. bv Ayrshire 1.500 Baby Queen, blk. or br. f. by White Eagle — Impeiatrix. by Ladas S"2 Yearlings Purchased by Phil. T. Chinn. Chestnut colt bv St. Krusnuin— Lady Kate, by Ladas .* $ "so I.av fillv by I.emberg — Love Chase, by Melton. 540 Chestnut east br Saniry— Syuiiugton Toll, by Symington 520 The sales beginning September 14 and continuing for the next three .lays were also well attended by American buyers. It should be mentioned that at both this sale and the one which preceded it. R. S. Slevler. W. B. Allison and Mr. Tattersall bought a number of yearlings for American account, but for whom they were acting was not disclosed. That will become public iu due time. 1. tiuilliams and Dr. Bamberger bought several for the Nevada breeder, George W. Wingfleld. The buyers and prices were : Purchases by C. T. Patterson. Chestnut colt by Tredennis — Ladytown ,720 Bay colt bv Sautry— Lilydale S.224 Chestnut colt by Roi Herode — Alphabet S.120 Bay colt by Cicero — Gelinotte 2,:!40 Chestnut colt by Rouquelaure — Pride 572 Purchases by Andrew 3. Joyner. Bay colt by Lemberg — Roman Matron ,000 Chestnut colt by Auuascutum — Adalia 2.000 Chestnut filly by Fariman — Zeiff 1,040 Purchases by P. T. Chinn. Bay or brown colt by Bachelors Double — First Over ,:a»0 Bay colt by Santry — Mirfield 1,040 Swoon, gr. c. bv Senseless — Cocaine H02 Bay colt by Radium — Hacklers Pride 728 Brown colt by Joe Chamberlain — Maud Primrose 520 Purchases by G. Guilliams and Dr. Bamberger. Bay filly by William the Third — Free and Easy .500 Bay cult bv Santry— Trevi 1 .1ft ; Bay filly by Dark Bonald— Ki Ki 1.IM0 Brown filly by Minoru — Slave Trade 540 Chestnut filly by Mintagon— Cella 104 Purchases by R. S. Sievier for "An American." Bay colt hy Desmond— Ardent §2.000 Brown colt hy Santoi — Cornfield 1.S20 Chestnut colt if Mai II. rode — Sago 1.70S Chestnut colt by Radium — Fay re 1.5a Bay filly by Dark Donald— Best Belle l.:u52 Chestnut filly by Ampellon — Vera Cam 2"4 Joyners purchases were probably for himself. When the grand-appearing Aipiascutuni — Adalia colt was kno-ked down to him he remarked: "He should win a Derby in America." From which it may be inferred the rotund and genial Jack has American racing in view. It is observable that the majority of the yearlings bought were colts. For service iu this country as sires of the future we shall thus gain representatives of all that is fashionable and successful in modern English breeding. It is inconceivable that some of these colts will not turn out to be of high class and atfoid us an example of what choice English youngsters can do in competition with the pick of our native breds. Among those bought are colts by Chaucer. St. Amant. Thrush. Llangibby, Troiithcck. Marajax. Polyinelus, Sunstar. Spearmint, Boyal Realm. Cicero. Sf. Frusqnin. Santry. Tredennis. Roi Herode. Rouuuclanrc. Lemberg. Radium. Aqiiascuttim. Bachelors Double. Desmond and San-toi. which about covers all that is desirable from there. Of the forty-eight given in the foregoing lists thirty-seven are colts. In England prices for horses at auction are in guineas. A guinea is .04 and the prices given are in our money on that basis.