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THE DRAIN ON BRITISH BLOODSTOCK. The serious feature of the sales and one that ought to be brought to the notice of the government is that so many yearlings have been liought to go to America. If the suspension of racing is maintained throughout next season we shall very soon tiegin to suffer from serious depletion of our" bloodstock, just as the Americans themselves have done through their senseless anti-racing craze. It is not as though the suspension of Jockey Club racing served any good end whatever, for the bastard sjiort of "flapping" has Iieen immensely promoted as a direct result and government does not venture to interfere. In such circumstances I cannot imagine why the National Hunt Committee hesitates for a moment in carrying on their branch of sport. If ministers will not stop racing at Blavdon. is it not obvious that of their own motion tliev will stop it nowhere, unless they can find cat spawn to do the business for themV It docs not take long to clear a country out of bloodstock when once the rot sets in. as has lieen proved in the case of the United States of America, and 1 sincerely trust we shall be spared a similar trouble, though it is quite manifest that the process of depletion has begun aud is likely to increase in vigor. Indeed, should there lie no encouraging pronouncement before the Deccmlier sales I foresee that a large number of the best mares will ■• to America, where the war has resulted in much money making, and our weakness is their oportunity. It is indeed a scandal that the British thoroughbred, which is our one genuine monopoly, should Ik- thus handicapped by Mr. Runciman. and so needlessly or worse thau needlessly, for by his action Mr. Run-ciman has made himself au official pruniotor of -flapping" and trotting, which sorts. if they can so be called, do no good to the horse-breediiig industry Meanwhile in Russia, where the difficulty of "carry ing on" must be infinitely greater than it is here, there has been no break in racing, and I hear through Mr. Mantaseheff that the current raciie: season is one of the best they have ever had. Why* then, should our breeders be discouraged anil ruined at the r-al instance of 110 one except the anti gamblers V That is what the trouble amounts to. and vet even the anti-gamblers have done themselves aiid their cause no sort of g» d. for there is more gambling at meetings such as Blavdon than there ever has been at a meeting under Jockey Club rules and the same may be said of the trotting meetings. Even 111 France, where the difficulties are vastly more serious than in England, energetic efforts are being made to resume racing, it being well known that its continued suspension must be disastrous to the nation Here we are confronted with no such difficulties and are only inflicting deliberate injury on ourselves and our breed of horses bv stopping the time-honored process ,,f proving them on race courses I had a conversation with Mr. Patterson today who fully agreed that incalculable damage had been done to American horse breeding by anti-gambling legislation. The purchases now being made in Eng"-land are for the purpose of making good the deficit that was thus created in the States. Quite soon we shall be in a similar position if things go on a • they are now doing. It must be remembered that all purchases made this week bv Mr. Patterson Mr. Chinn. Mr. Joyner. Mr. Sievier. myself -md probably the British Bloodstock Agency and Mr Clarence Hailey. were for abroad, and altogether this amounts to a considerable pro|K rtion of the business done. I make no doubt there have been several private sales, but Mr. LadU-v refused a bid of 4;,o guineas for his good Sunstar tilly out of The Broom Sir John Robinson has placed two of bis lx-st colts the Bayardo anil the John otlaunt. in char-e of Alfred Day. who will do them full justice -3 The Special Commissioner" iu London Sportsman.