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Churchill Downs Entries and Past Performances for Wednesday, October 6. i WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. Ratine stalls :it 2:1.-, n. III. Chicago time. 2:15.1 Rinis well in mini. ©Superior mud runner. Ml maidens. * Apprentice- allowance. First Race — 3-4 Mile. "-year-old* an.l upward. Selling. Track record: ITITB 1-11 II BBS 1ml. Hois.-. Wt. K r. A.Wt.Han. 22838 Silver Hill HC 1:12 ". 108X723 23401* Carrie Onue U l:12=i :: 101x720 2::.Vi7i Oakland «m; 1:124-. 0 107x72 i .:Ul!i Blackthorn IM 1 : 1 :i V-. ! !»7x71." S3MB Miss Field, r km; |:|fi :: MS..TM 2SMB* Hank Bill Mi 1:12*-. I Mtx7M 2.:::s2 GrosveiN.r li:: l:i::i- .*. 107 • 71" :?::4«H York I.a.l IIS 1:13% 8 IM9TM 2.:::.".7 Anna Krtil.-r M4il:13fc :. MSXTK 2:t:«nr Sh.-idriich 11 1:14 4 110x7ll."i MM lidg.i in; i:i4 i :: 104x7«»o BS8SB Jusi Red MS 1:11 ■ iii7©7 ni I.ank Kill showed speed in only start of season recently ami was formerly a spriuter of g.«Ml class. Second Race — 3-4 Mile. 2-year-old*. Maidens. Allowances. Colts an.l MflMt Track record: 12128—1:11—2—103. 2rS2JX: Jack tIlo»,l 110X72.". ZS44I2 llnffaker 102 l:lC%n UI7..720 gOi Circulate 104. .710 2335K Jasi er • BBB..SM SSBSB Manfred HO. .K»0 Jack ODowd did not run liis race last time out. IlulTaker is improving. Third Race— 3-4 Kile. Louisville Old Inn Handicap. All Ages. Track record: 1212S— 1:11— 2— 10.".. 2T..TK1 Luke 10t 1:10% t ttSXTSB 2.".ft» Ed Howard 103 1:12% 3 10S©7:;r. 23400 Rose.*. Goose IOC 1 :12:«-. 3 10S©":Ci 2.I110 Lowell 110 1:12% 5 102x72.". Luke raced poorly in inud liis last time out and probably will do l ettci over a dry track. M Howard and Roscoc Goose are at tlie top of their form. Fourth Race— 1 Mile. 3 war-olds and upward. Allowances. Track record: fts4:«— 1:37%— 3— !«♦. 2334.".- ED CRUMP 104 1:3ft 3 103x740 234231 Converse 3 103X730 23183 I»r. Samuel ft" 1:38% 4 105X730 21400 Bronsewing 117 1 :43%h 4 105X723 2 ...".ft- tlnuulu 104 1:40% 3 102x720 lud. Horse. Wl. It-. . A.Wt.ilan. 23288 Ficsl IkMn MS I::!*1-. 4 MS. .720 93MB? Hard Rail MB I :.;v - l MKX720 Ed Crump lias less lo l.eal here than in his recent starts. Converse is right on edge. Fifth Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year -olds. Fillies. Selling. Track record: 1V.I47 — l:04:l-— 2 — : 2.1 23420 Lady Worihingtou. Ml 1:07% IS8X723 2321M RlaiH-hita KIT 1 :»«-. M . .TM 23381 * Thistle Green KI4.l :0S-, 112x720 23155 Lady VaaaVrgrift ..Ho 1 Mix •■- IM. .713 23271** Impressive flQ 1 :»7% 101.. 710 i2::::47l Taka kh 1 :i7% I13X7M 2.U02 Maty II 105 1:S% KM! X 705 2:1347 Black Beauty «i7 1:48 MS X 703 2207! Eulogy MS l: c.i% MS.. IBS 23218* laiilson MS 1:u: --. 1ll/7ni 22453 Miss Atkin MSXlW 2::.:s::* CMpMM US 1:00% 101. .coo 2.:::s2. Bernini 107 1 :0S% MSXMM 2::o2.". Brown Velvet .... SB 1 :0M- M8..SBB 2:t21S Margaret O M8XSM 23347* Muriels Pet 101 x OS". Lady Worthington is in extra good form. Sixth Race— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record : 1212S— 1:11— 2 -105. 23401= Amazon KM". 1:12% •". 100x725 » 2:1454 I* Tory Maid 112 1:12 3 101.. 720 Z88S7* Hocnir lit; 1:11% 4 10»x72i 2:5257 * Iseeit 110 1:11 S Ho. .720 2203K Droll 100 1:12% 4 111X720 23401s Sureget 10»1:12 S lH»X71.r. 28387 Lnckrose 100 1:11% 7 107X710 23357 Colle «.» 1 :124-. 4 107 X 710 2334S* White Crown »4 1:13% 3 97X705 23181 Alkanet 103H:14% 3 102X705 20175 Emma J. S :10%h 3 102X080 Amazon is in excellent form. Hocnir does not appear as good as he was. Seventh Race — 1 3-16 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 74770—2:00% — 3—87. 23034* Expectation OS 1:58% 4 100x725 123348 Mockery 1112:00% 4 1 0il X 720 23362* Worlds Wonder ..112 2:00% 5 107X715 23302 Mn l.i bar 3 »." X710 23384* Edith W 4 104X710 23454s"* Lady Panchita . . .110 2:02%h Slilx703 •MSB* Olga Star 102 2:0C.%m 5 101x700 Expectation Is rounding into form. Mockery at his liest.