Fifth Race [5th Churchill Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1915-10-06

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, FIFTH RACE — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Fillies. Selling. 1 1047—1 :04%— 2— ! 2. » LADY WORTHING TON. b. f. S 108 By Magazine— Marcie W. J. Weber. 23426 Churchl 1 1:45 mud 27-5 M 5 3 3 2 ll Is C VanDun !• Savino. Rifle Shooter. Infid.l |] BM3 Churchl 3-4 l:17%hvy 11 107 7 7 4 3s 2" It Goose 12 II. Gardner. Al Pierce. Yermak 2S260 Douglas 51 f l:07%fast 60 101 1 6 4 11 2" J Acton 11 H. Gardner. B.Beantv. S.Shooter 23103 Douglas 5-S l:01%fast 23-5 101 10 7 5 B l2 E Martin 11 Circulate, M.B.Trman. Idustrv J3025 Lexgton 51 f 1:08 fast 16-5 110 2 17 6 74 E Martin li WaterK.. L.Vdergrift. Marg.E 22907 Lexgton 5-S l:01%fast 4 110 12 12 10 81 54 E Martin 12 Eulogv. n. Thompson. T. Green 22453 Windsor 5-8 l:03%mud 73-10 108 7 5 3 4l 4S1 F Keogh lo S.Stalwart. R.Cross. Geswinthe 22284 Windsor 3-4 l:13%fast Fid 102 11 7 2 l"k 94 J Acton 11 Investment. Glomer, Cardome BLANCHITA b. f. 2 106 By Peep oDay — Countess Irma T. C. McDowell. 2321$ Douglas 5-S l:01%fast 61 100 1 1 1 14 Is E Martin 11 Paymaster. Illuminator. Paulson BMB8 Lexgton 5* f 1:08 fast 4 106 2 1 1 3» 3 E Martin il Triad. Ardent. Taka 22910 Lexgton 51 f 1:08 fast 69-10 107 1 1 1 22 1" E Martin 8 T.Marie. L.Vdergrift, Trappoid 21358 Saratoga 3-4 l:13%good 30 109 6 4 6 41 5" E Martin 12 South. Star, Sevilllan, E. Kenna 21034 Latonia 41 f 5C%mud 15 95 8 8 9 94 M Garner 10 SalVanity. Increase. And Austin W»837 Latonia 5-8 1 :01%fast 33 102 4 3 2 61 64 E Martin 7 B. Daw. Cardome. Disturber 20497 Douglas 5-8 1:04 mud 83-10 105 1 13 7 74E Martia 8 Intention. Mary IL. Loui«e Stone THISTLE GREEN, blk. f. 2 118 By Knight of the Thistle— Evergreen D.N.Prewitt . L33X1 Churchl H f l:10%hvy 89-10 im 4 4 3 *J 2" I Connelly 8 M. Henry. JolinJr.. H Hamilton 23216 Douglas 51 f l:07%fast 71 98 6 7 6 5h 54 M Garner R Big Smoke. L. Always Franklin 22979 Lexgton 51 f l:08%fast I 10412 2 2 in It D Connelly 5 Cardome. Luckv R. Eulogy 22907 Lexgton 5-8 l:01%fast 21-5 110 9 4 2 21 34 D Connelly 12 Eulogy, II. Thompson. Marg. E. LADY VANDERGRIFT. cb. f. 2 106 By Star Shoot— Linora J. W. Schorr. 2310 Douglas 5-S 1:02 good M 103 6 5 3 11 li J Kederis z Margaret BL, Owani Fmilv R. 23025 lexgton 51 f 1:08 fast 19-5 110 4 5 3 M 2s J Kederis 11 WaterK.. Marg.E.. Win ODav 22910 lexgton 51 f 1:08 fast 22 107 4 4 4 3* B* J Kederis !i Blauehita. TliM. Marie. Tl—fuM 22S37 Lexgton 5-8 1:02 fast 14 112 10 6 10 12 119J J Kederis 12 Trappoid. IL Thompson, Bernini IMPRESSIVE, cb. f. S 101 By Hilarious— Hester W. J. L. Holland. 23271 Douglas 5?. f l:06%fast 11] 95 2 2 2 2l 34 K Lapaille 7 Rochester, Pockichoo Checks 23218 Douglas 8-8 l:01%fast 13-10 95 7 9 7 8 Vi M Garner 11 Blanchita. Pmaster. Illminator 28158 Douglas B| f l:08%good 3-4 93 11 Pulled up. M Garner 13 Paymaster. II. Gardner Savino 21461 Latonia 5-8 l:0O%fast 22-20 105 1 1 I 1* 1« M Garner 0 Doiina. BL Elliott. R. Strickland .-0461 Douglas 41 f 54%fast 16-5 107 1 11* 1* M Gainer 11 Bessie N. Miss Atkin Yaea 20240 Churchill 1-2 48 fast 67-20 110 8 8 71 7» M Garner 12 Lit.Sister. MargaretN.. Lucky R. TAKA, b. f, 8 113 By Broomstick— Rose of Dawn G. R. Senn. 23317 Churchl 3-4 l:14%good 12 M 9 7 6 2i ll H Stearns 11 Paymaster. I Shooter C Blair 23052 Lexgton 51 f 1:08 fast 6 112 3 4 4 5» 44 R Goose 11 Triad. Ardent. Blanchita 22939 Lexgton f.i f l:06%fast 48 BM 1 6 7 5i» 52 II Stearns 8 Cheeks, Franklin. Big Fellow 22107 FortErie 31 f l:09%hvy 51 106 5 3 5 6 54 J Smyth o Dodge. GoldenList KingNeptune 21923 Hamton 5-8 l:02%hvy 5 112 5 2 1 l2 Is P Goldstn » Bernice. Anita Margerv 21778 Hamton 51 f 1:06 fast 9 101 6 6 5 5s 4» P Lowder S Milestone, Dodge. Phil tngar aTARY H.. br. f. 8 BSBJ By Hkhorn— Black Mantilla J. N. Huffman. 2.1402 hurch 1 ..-4 1:16 hvy 2 100 1 12 5- .••K Murphy 7 .Milestone. Checks Pockichoo 23347 Churchl 3-4 l:14%good 41-» 10., 3 2 2 10 Ki-= R Goos.. 11 Taka. Paymaster. Ritle Shooter 22260 Douglas 51 f l:07%fast 16 105 10 2 2 10s 10« M Garner 11 H.Gdner. L.Worth ton IS Butv 21403 Latonia 51 f 1:10 hvy 32-5 103 2 1 1 l2 l2 p Murphy 11 TheCarmet. Lit.Blgger B Velvet 21320 Latonia 51 f l:10%hvy 15 100 8 2 3 72 7* A Mott 9 Checks. Thornwood. Cardome 20S96 Latonia 41 f 55%mud 1 109 1 1 1* 1= R Goose 10 Intention, JaneStraith. MissAtkin 20715 Douglas 6-8 l:01%fast 4 107 3 1 1 r2 BJ R Goose 8 Bessie BL, Intention. R.Skland BW?L ■Sftf51"*, "t5, fc 2 , By The Commoner— Hawkslight G. J. Long. - "HAKhure.hl I :il%eood .-r10J? 29-j » I 4 „ 1 7J . r Henry 11 Taka. Paymaster. Ritle Sh.H.t.-r *»£?»*" Bn-fgy?** -fi iA, J* ■ l 7 *$ and K Lapaillell H.Gardner. L.Worthton. S.Ster 515 garai°anda S I JiJS1 «a 3 3 1« Is w Lilley 11 Iintant. B.of the Ken. H.Horse -r?74 ara,oga 51 f l:07%fast 31 100 4 8 8 5» 64 F Judy » Ilaria. Good Counsel. EdnaKenna 2212a Saratoga oi f l:ll%slow 13-5 107 S 8 6 4s 3»o M Garner 10 DisturN-r Ilaria Servia 22015 Saratoga 51 f l:08%slow 10 107 3 3 3 31 44 B Ott 7 Feminist Ilaria " Tralee 21124 Latonia 5-8 1:02 %fast li-o 106 1 Fell. B Ott 11 Savino In-ot Investment -Latonia 6-8 l:04%hvj -3 102 2 11 V V B Ott T MtSnTml IMBfll 20/02 Douglas 5-8 l:01%fast 21 104 1 2 2 2» 21 B Ott 10 A.Mancini. Investment, N.Wells EULOGY, b. f. 2 108 By Fair Play— St. Eudora H. Oots. H2?T"eX**°n *U «!S*fJ i_K J2 I ,4 4 4° 4"«" VanOun 5 Thlstle;reen. LnckyR. SSJ*X.5l°n li ;*A!.MaSt I6;0 J! ?i 1 1 1* lc C VanDunl- II. Thompson. T.Green. Marg.E. i«ciie*g°n HI™ faS 5. IU k Z I 6 4n C VaiiDuiill Trap|Kid. II. Thompson. Bernini 5-8 1:02 slow 28 1 BM 9 "Jg .latonia 9 8 8 8 F Keogh 0 Bd Test. L.Alwavs BevedKate S22 nOUgaS H YnJ/- 77 I 6 2 4h 3 F Keogh 7 Rochester. G. Blair B. Trooper .0699 5-8 110 110 6 Douglas l:00%fast 6 6 6* 4* F Keogh 11 MoinenStar. Gypsy-Blair. B. Joe :AL,S0N,blk* M L A„ ., . fl, *S« By Hurst Park— Isabella D. J. M. Foley. S! "u.Klas ..-6 l:01%fast *Hljn M | q 4tj ,, Wiil.ns 11 Blan.-hita. Pmaster. Illminator 220.2 lx gton 51 f 1:08 fast f Id MB 6 10 M s- 8*f F Williamsll Triad Vrdent ISIinehifi StS rnron r"l JlaiSf tL Iff I 7 X VA ! McCabe 8 Gypsy Blair. Bernini. Argument Snc rwt n tS JSSJ , S1 2i- q i * 10 1011 J McCal« 12 Cora O.. Doiina. Marv Estelle olo2 SSSU! *Vf 1:KS« S , 5 6 5 5s P| K Lapaille 8 Mary IL. Bessie N. Inteutioa v nol i t »u£?3|- f- io2 I ,? and 67 J M-Cabe 12 R. Strickland. B.Joe. R.Juliette MMB Douglas »= 41 f 57%mud 3a 106 3 U !■ 9 « B Ott 11 Yermak. Chivator. A. Mancini MISS ATKIN, b. f , 8 106 Bv Jack Atkin— Hannadaza W. Gerst. gg Win jor « JrlffiKf L - S »5 10, 10 S3 T A CtaveTlHtalrtR.C. Geswinthe -MWnl«or tl V-mSf,8 i I I; «=W :entry II Investment. Glomer Cardcie ■Al- wSl tl 1 5J25 **£- inl « A o 7 2 3 V M Garner 10 Boueros First, Lucky R.. Ilaria T" °1 fwSl° ? MoS 5 4 4»k2 F Robinsnll Broom Straw. Serviaf Lit.Bigger - -,i4.« i ♦ 3 S YTZZSfc tZi 1-SJ??1!;? li lot i • J »• F Robinsn 8 Triad. Lachs. Louise Jreen SS u?™* 1! 15 2 f 2* F Robinsnl2 J.C.Welch. Traction. Ix u. Stone 21034 Latonia 41 f r a6%mud 26 r 9o in 10 9 g 8»j K LapaiHd, SalVanitv. Increase. Aud. Austin ISnrSZSiP H-vhw X?s ** TraD Kock-Outcome Clay Bros.. SSi ■ l.hl eH?22*£Z I". - I 1 « a 9 S 7«7 T Henry ;L- H.;dner. L.Wington. AlPieree -4?x-and°n °:V£ ffall IC- 1- - ~ o * « «s 4» C MM » Blanchita. T.Marie. L.Vangrift •S t St°n if 1:?ka fiVt q 3 .1 9 « ° •*»»■ l-» HelenThompson. Bernini. Kulogy Snat0!!l 4* 1 1 ?£and *«, : tta 1? 10 , *J 10 9* A Mott 12 BrownVelvet. BessieN.. Industry SS252Ki AlVffaSl ,d 7 I 7178 « Gentry 11 MoinenStar. GvpsvBlair. B. Joe gg C wc*lHl 41 f o6%fast 1 9 10 101.J.J McCabe 12 Beaut v Shop. G Blair. S.Leagu* mm Churchill 41 f 54%slow 41-o 112 6 6 5j R1, T Mc0„bp „ Kath1wn. ;:;„svni«ir. EthelMay f?.??11, ,c.h* f..2, , ,-l,,.,. M ff c ., ,, B Puryear D— Pourquoi W. A. Reid. *2 1Ur .hl r!1"/ :m.% m « S ll V2 U **» VanDunl II I..Wiit..n. AlPieree S2S«*S! 6Af,V%.» I 9 « • Kederis 12 Doiina. Josie. Innovation 7 n- °"g M TJ 5TH0£i ? I 2i "h J Kederis 7 Count. Wilmot. Veldt. llnffaker « 3-4 1 18 mud m 21 m 09 1 1 1 .OLexgon 2 21 3=J J Kederis 8 Char. McGce. Cossack. Asp. Sam g°» 6|_£ Ji25 J?!J ?5 1" I 6 9 9,, •1"»8 H WaterK.. I. V.lcr-rift. Mars.K. .2837 Lex gton 5-8 1:02 fast 121 112 s 8 5 4 51 3= C Jones 12 Trappoid. II. Thompson. Eulogy Wl7lV,t,c«.f,!i " "s .... Transvaal-Mary Bess J. H. Nichols. 10 4 4 32 et,on g.yW *i £ 2 ?; 4" 43 • x,t"" «• F:iM..m... Savin... H. Gardner S0"1 a "S JJ-JJ ! J * *l 4»|K Lapaillell Mary H.. TheCarmet. Lit Bigger a °" a .i1]:rjrf fina 10 ? 9 9,0JI Gentry 12 Little Bigger. Bessie N.. Doiina nfi |f *?"**, 4T * USSandZi U « 1 1 J 1* IS L Gentry 12 Bessie X. Industry. Miss Atfein SS ZandH il ESlSZ I?ih 11? 8 I 8* 8""iw w Tlorll Iaryn„ Thornw.H l. Innovation SIM Lex gton 41 f 5o%fast f Id 112 8 j 6i 5sj L Gentry 12 Lucky R.. Marg.Ellen, Paulsorj i?? °" V /,.?, 21 roct «1 iof • a , By Marathon— Golden Fancies Milam A Levy 3?1« H?S2S Alii 1«*lS* ? Si 3. 3h«TJ W W Tlorll Blanchita. Pmaster. IUmnator Siiwr:* -c 22m2E1 I « i 4 3* N »«•«» ,! Peg.OBrien. Mrs.Jack. B. teach •■--a a. no K -u nAS-" S J 11? 1 £ 5 5* ** N Fodeii R S. Maggie. B. Reach. P.OBrwn S» n,t n awtta i£*5£ 3 IM I « 1 4" ■ "»M*» " Lvndora. Blue Cap. Belle Reach MMRKin/ra at"r ?L«S 8 r4! 2 R Cullen 7 Lvndora. Barka. Sentinel .1618 KingEd. 41 f 58 « fast 4 « MS 105 I 5 5 5 lh W Young 11 BlueCap. Lit. Gink. Smil, Maggie Srw5£!Li??Br MiiiLnnrt By *■«**• B*M»-UBBM Fraud A. P. Metx. fid io hu rch c ,„ 6 SS .1* 1ii"01di1f m«M i" 10 98 9MJF Murphv 1 : Taka. Paymaster. Ride Sh.x.ter S * »" * 4* si.nhvv 110 1 3* 7 iA Mott K- SalVanity Increase. And.Aiistin *4 1 1 3S*tift«U? S7t To lo 6 J I 1* !• J Hanover 10 L.Stone. Busy Joe. Nellie Welles 55* t,°"la j « J !»S2i ?,,, n 1 S 8s «,01F Keogh 12 Bn-wnVelvet. BessicN.. Industry J Sr! i!S HJ5K? « ii" i 5 2h 4» A Mott 11 Yermak. Chivator. A. Manelnl SSSSmii At M*?f?r» ?M 11D B I 9 9» A Pease 1 1 Impressive. Bessie N.. MissAtkin 20327 Churchill 41 f 54*4fcut rid 110 J s 4IJ A M n CaiaouJe, Bessie N.. Onota

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Local Identifier: drf1915100601_4_6
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