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FIFTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Selling Handicap, i IS27C. -1 :05 - 2 -lis. | GOLDEN»LIST. eh. f. 2 107 By Golden Maxim— Listless H. G. Bedwell. --"3 Laun I •"■:. 1 l:11.-sb,p 13-.. 10* 5 2 2 11 !- 1 Cooprr 8 PMaaiMe. Gr.ctings. High Horse :;P; 1f,i,.r;" fl f 1 :"7%fast s 102 1 :: 3 V P»F CwM I, Fernroek. Sky Pilot. Plumose 2S£SSf*t -2- i 1 :le slow 2 113 1 I 2 21 IU J Calahanio Tiajan. GHit w immm. Prohibition -2j04 indsor ..-k i ahvy ,-10 111 3 1 1 1- 1- P Gmnt n Investment. Lit. Bigger. Shaban 221U, F ortKrie ...■ f 1 :0S«*goodll-10 110 I 1 1 2 1" s Wolsiui 7 Tiajan, Rose Water, Tar Brush -H LortT" 6|p: W£hvy ! l« 1 - " 4 -* A Sehugr R Dodge. K.Neptune. Beauty Shop : .™ "al"on "~S 1 :"l*4rast 6-a 30. ., 2 2 3"* 4-1 M Garner 1 A Candle. Gentlewoman. Lit. Bigger •UB lortKrie 5-S1:0Slihvy 11 111 1 11 l"k P KTaplin 7 Pesky. Dodge, Milestone SKY PILOT, ch. c. 2 104 By Star Shoot— Frances Hindoo Quincy Stable. -,"-!;; J:-, ,":- i:"7sifast 12 p.. .. ■.. .. P :■ j McCahey t. Fenroek. Plumose. UlylleaTeaa 2-49I Belmont 5 f st 1 /*fast 30 3 «r 2 4 4 31 2-1 J McCahey 4 Ferarock Jacota Ilei-mo g*"** 5111:13 hvy 4 3.17 4 I 4 g 1 | McCahey 8 Chivaw.r, Pop|we. Disturber W£ iMg5*gf*, *+ »3! fast S 2! * ,; I 6? V-- -«e ahoy 7 St. bbMfe. Buck Shot. WMM a Bataaoat 6-0 at lMt%Caat 7 MQ I 4 3 3 » .r MrCahey 4 Whimsv IxwdRockVale Mostard 21711 Belmont TSst 3. el fast 20 M7 9 8 8 ?♦ 7i I McCahey .» Crasp. Indian ri,ai IVaee.slur PLUMOSE, b. f, 2 102 By King James— Plumeria J, E. Davis. 223.:; Laur. 1 5 f 1 :ll islol. 31-10 MM 1 112 2- R Tn.Nler S, Creetings. ?2r, iVH!0" H l :,7Ma:it ? H? 4 - I S S ? jnaacr SFennek. Sky Pilot; L.Heavens 2S4 ll" ■. , 1:,,s fasl 4 *• " " J " Turner 7 TmnF.lward. laeeesa, L.Heavens ::;-7 !;• »""»t 2V J st |:,f;,st T JS 2 1 -]. » J! ,,i «7 • and MaKciaaa. Recluse. HtgbHone -Jt-1 1 -Imont CJf _st 1 :»6%fa*t : 113 5 3 S 3 4-. J M„l.ey C Eiina Kenaa. Tralee. D s Choice 22530 .Saratoga :,?. f l: 9=«igood 0 V 9 2 1 1 41 6-£J McCahey B High Rone Tralee Servia 22015 Saratoga 51 I 3 OS-oslow 4J 109 4 4 6 6" 6"JJ McCahey 7 Feminist, liana" Tralee GREETINGS, ch. f. 1 98 By Olorifier— Glad Tidings F. J. Colemanl. 3373 Laarel 51 f 1 :ll.-.slop M KM 8 7 :. V V R McTPotl 8 Golden List llumo... H Borse 2SL4 Vldl in» 3-4 1 :13*ifast 3 1 tl I I t 11 ll It McVattlS Ut. Bigger. V.Mainini FarVwav 23077 Wdt.ine 3-4 l:13,fast 20 3o7 13 11 10 i" •* C Hum Ut Caudle. Mite Philistine 22773 BlueBon. 3-4 3:13%slop 33-10 90 5 7 7 63 6j A Collins 7 WaUiLaov PanSarcta Venetia 2,.?,1 KortEri® 61 f 1 :ll%sloa-17-20 105 1 4 Fell M Gam r 7 Aud. Austin. Larkln. BroomStraw 21*23 KortErie f.-8 1:04 slow 8-5 104 4 4 4 2l tm J Acton f Investment. B. Straw, A Austin 21311 Hamton 6-8 1 :0Hifast 5 104 5 5 2 24 1» J Acton » Servia. Glomer, Broom Straw 21222 Hamton 5-S IMHJfaflMM 4 V 4 6 6 6 ,» 61 A Sehugr S Gentlewoman. Will Cash. tJ.LIst LILY HEAVENS, ch. f , 2 93 By Great Heavens— Lillian E. M. J. Leonard. 22292 H.deGce U t J :o7* fast IS 99 6 6 6 6 FX Mink t Fernroek. Skv Pilot Phlinese 2 137 H.deGce BJ tf 1 :«i!» mud 3 K R V 1 1" le - P I.«-,l,r In slipsh.Nl Ktag Nenlune P. •Mr* 9MK4Xr«ii :.i 1 i:ok fast :: Mt 2 ! 2 ::"• 4- c i"i. 11, r ; t Rlvard. Soeoe** PlaMnw- l le.i e C-« lMUACaM 15 |o7 7 7 7. .? Il.ther 7 Col. Vennie. A.lrott. Br,..,iiiv»le 22752 Belmont 5 R st 58*»fa«t 20 l«7 4 4 5 ••• • ••"• Ff.tlier 7 Puss i,, l .o.,| Malachite t.r-is,, 21101 Jamaica 5-8 l:0ii4fast 10 1 7 3 4 3 f t c Fbrher r,, P. 1f Como, Kilmer 1 : IOLITE. h. g.8 . •? , By Broomstick— Iota R. B. Stelle. 23277 Wdbine 1 l:42Vifast 26-j 108 111 2 2- 4=j J Callahan « Candle, PhlMtloo, S.ofFi,.asult. 23144 Wdbine 2-4 l:13%good57-W 1«8 J 7 6 5 5 j CnllauanlO Candle, P.arahi, S. of Pleasure 23077 Wdbine 3-4 l:13%fast 7J 107 1 5 5 3* 2n w Kelaay 13 Candle. Philistine. S.of Pleasure 22S91 Dorval 5-S l:00%fast 13-20 102 4 3 j i»t ji j Callahan 8 Lit. Bigger. RoxeWater. SHaban 22795 BlueBon. 3-4 l:15%slow 43-20 107 2 ;, r» it 4»j a Sehugr S Anita, Candle, Reserve 22722 BlueBon. 3-4 1:13 fast 7 108 4 3 3 31 3* T Rice 7 Phlbltion. Milestone, S.ofPsure 22620 Conght 3-4 l:20%hvy 2J 10t 4 3 1 113 i» j Smyth I Rose Water, Greenwood. Anita