Crack Rider in Trouble: Mack Garner Reaps Disqualification and Long Suspension for Rough Riding, Daily Racing Form, 1915-10-13


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CRACK KIDER IN TROUBLE :ACK GARNER HEAPS DISQUALIFICATION AND LONG SUSPENSION FOE ROUGH; HIDING. •aterblosscm Runs a Fast Mile Under Heavy Weight — Marge Henry First, but Is Set Back for Foul Riding — Winter Racing Plans. iiiinnaii. O.. OcM er 12.— The running of tin? ■ianhaa Handicap, in wlm li the at III C grade of ■ at the track took liart and intended - the leuturc if the card at I.atonia today, brought illi i: the chief in ,d-nt of the racing. Marse ! nry. owned by former Senator J. X. Camden. ■ i — I i«-«I tirst tiy a iinrmw margin over Milestone nd Lady Always, lnit was promptly dteaataJMsd for i i.ling Cheeks about an eight n from llie finish. : .-■ foul was |ial|i:il l - an 1 test place in full view l the spectators in the stands. In an effort to ake Carner desist from crowding Cheeks. Martin juried to the use of his whin and tielaliored .ariier with it in lusty fashion for al out twenty ■Via. He then look his mount hark and this was • sponsible for Chocks failure t , take a place. ■ha judge-- awarded the pur— to Milestone with •.ady Always second and Mr nil— third. Jockey liarner suspended for ten days, while no action »aa taken ajsafanst Martin, the officials evidently Ming that he justified in striking earner r his rou::li lacth ■-. T. «. McDowell had d.-igi.s on tkMC of the linn nils panes, but ■ 1 1 1 siieeeeded ill eaptur - in- when his ;.-.un1 liHv VVatorh lossy. m led Vogue i::«l Ijidy K itha home. Tile winners effort was a -parkling one for she ran a mile in 1 :.". under the tasrrjT impo-i of 11; panda. I-ady Botha might I given the winner stronger eon tent ion hut for ll.nrys action r.i taking her hack on the lower •n when going fast uihJ later losing ground hy a . a!e turn into the stretch. Liberator, another from i lie McDowell stable, was unlucky to lose the pur-.- his race, for Chattier. ably ridden hy Guy Gar- :i T. only got up in the last stride to head him. in i-iss njisha;i in the handicap, due to Garners i nigh riding, brought nlmut his failure. Suiiinu riik- weather and a goo ] card were instru- iiHaia.1 in bringing out an attendance of holiday i i»utioiis. Speculative action was k«-on. hut the defeat of several of the host liaeked choices caused the general public sustain a hig ilelicit. The Kind special foi Juarez, which will leave Meie ntatefecC :;■. will take aboard all the turfmen and r lurata from here that intend to raie at the Mexican oiirse in the coining winter. It is intended to •••lid the tirst shipment from here to New Orleans November :; and a nnnilier f owners have spoken • r space on this train. It is inleiided to have i tli the Juarez, and New Orleans specials run on •.issengcr schedule and they will both have sleepers onl diners attached. Among those who will go in Juarez are J. Cmeiisetler and J. M. Henry lal Hieir horses. "Bob" Rogers horses will bo slipped to Havana for the winter meeting there. Latest advices from the hospital where jockey iirl Gaur is an inmate, are that the rider is «t ill iiconscious and regarded as lieing in a precarious nditioii. All his relatives arrived from Louisville , is morning and are at his Itedsidc. Everything that can be done for the injured rider is lieing re sorted to. Several eminent brain specialists from incinnati were called in to give him attention and .: mav bo deemed expedient t perform an opera- ,..n in an effort to save his life. Silver Dill and Chattier, winners of the two-orse uiutrol combination, ridded MAM for . T. C. McDowell cotitcmpiales selling some of his • uses ni .net ion bef arc the etnas of the Iitouia meeting-I.atonia vork-onls .ni a fast track today were: Alnicda Lawrence — Mile in 1 :4.Y IMuck T« ney --Throe-quarter.- in 1:20 Dill Simmons — Five eight! s in 1:0.!--. Brizx — Three-eight lis in ."7. Chevron — Mile in 1:44. Kd Crump Three-eighths in M%. V. A. W-igh — Three-quarter- in 1 :1C2.% 1Vllowmun —Mile in 1 :4:i---. Gi-mipv- Mile in 1:44. J C. Welch Tlreo-qearters in 1:17:ir.. JackoDowd — Kive-i ighths in 1 :«t4. l.adv ranelilta — i liree-ouarters in 1:1C. Miss Declaie -Half mile in St. uallaml Half mile in 4!l-.. Othello— Half mih in 4«.t. 1-etlar — Five-eighths in l:02ai.. O.ieell of the Mist Five-eighths in 14C% Kain-oat— Three nuarters in 1 :2 l. Kaou] — Firo-eighths in 1 : Ci. Stephen R.—Thixe -ipiarters in 1:18%. Tur-o--Three-i|uarters in 1:1s. Tush Tush— Three quarters in 1:17. Violet — Half mile in 4!». Wadsworths Last Mile in 1:44. Winnie OPi.v — Five eighths in UK

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Local Identifier: drf1915101301_1_2
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