First Race [1st Latonia, Daily Racing Form, 1915-10-13

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FIRST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlong*. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Fillies. Selling. Mill 1, 83% t 3U Index Course Dlst TimoTckOdds Wt St % % % Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish INTIUSTRY. br. f. 2 95 By Hilarious— Lacene J. L. Holland. :j; ■ 1iur hi 3-4 1:M hvv SO ln 1 111- f K l.niiaille 10 Veldt. Holina. Lachis ■SSUC. ln.uKlas r.-s i:oiAfast 2:!-10 :« 1 2 3 4- 4 1 M Garner li l.."ingfn, Cirlute. M.B.Tnsn 21843 LatoaUa. 4?. f S4*«;fast 7 Vi S ?. 71 6r-2 M Garner 12 J. C. Welch, Miss Atkin, Traction 20S34 l-ntonia 4?. f T.4«6fast 2fi-T. 103 3 3 31 o«J M Garner 12 HrownVeHet, HessicX.. M. Atkin ■J.f.t Douglas f.-S l:in*/-fast 3»-5 110 8 4 4 4i 31J M Garner 11 MoinenStar. GypsyRlair, B. Joe •M2M Churchill 1-2 4S "fast 67-M 110 1 0 6! SSJ E Martin 12 Lit. Sister, MargaretN.. LuckyR. TROUT FLY. b. f. 2 100 By Charles Edward— Shoo Fly G. M. Hendrie. 2248 Wdbtee 31. f l:os*-fast S-2 MS 5 17 4" 4-:; V Kelsay !• Casco. Lady of Lynn. HroomCorn rjilM Wdhine Sf. f l:0$%fast 1- 10» 2 2 1 1*. 2h V Kelsay 12 Typhoon. Dehaven. Alex Getz aSn DorvaJ o-4 39-3 K 2 4 I 4~ M A Collins . iypsy Hlair. Far Away. Ataka : lt Hurval 5-S l:01%slow 2»-." 107 6 4 4 5 6nJ .1 Smyth 10 Green wooil, Typhoon, B. Corn 20461 Douglas Ht 64%fast 1TJ 112 2 11 81 5»JE Pool 11 Impressive, Bessie N., MissAtkin LADY OF LYNN. ch. f. 2 95 By Voter— Lydia II. F. J. Kelley. SISM Williiue 51 f l:os*r fast 17 hs fi 5 3 J- 21 T Haves .1 Casco. Broom Corn, Trout Fly 3N7Dar«al -3-8 l:0l%taJt Ifl 104 I 5 3 2l 31 F Moore K Marine W.. E.Olga. I.ofGnway 228*2 Dorval 3-4 1:14— fast 7 » 1061 1 3 3 7* VJ W Cral ! Jypsv Hlair. FarAway. TrontFly L2769 HlueBon. Si f 1 :09 slow fid 103" I I 4 33 3*1 ■ Haynes 12 Shrapnel. Broom Corn, Letfetti 2*378 HlueP.on. 3-4 1:15 fast 21 M3 1 5 5 e3 6" W Cral 12 Hamictta, Greenwood, G. Blair 12547 Conght X, f 1:11 good 15 103 8 « 6 51 5*1 E AmhroselS J.U.Sugg, BomCorn. McLelland 20S96 Latonia 4* f 55%mud fid 103 9 9 9 91* D Stirling 10 Mary IL. Intention. Jane Stralth 20715 Douglas 5-S l:01%fast 82 102 7 5 6 6» 6J D Stirling 8 Mary IL, Bessie N.. Intentloj CABIRIA, b. f, 2 95 By fcempronius — Ameeras G. J. Long. 84883 Douglas 5-S 148%Caat 16 118 7 I S 9 S» A Pease 1! MoinenStar. Hypsyltlair. B. Joe 204 Ki Douglas 4J f 5«inud 3 112 2 4 3 B**8B Ott 8 Hr.Kate. K.Strickd. M.tJeoria .11341 Churchill 41 f S3%uat fid 112 4 1 li 4J A Pease 12 Beauty Shop. G. Blair. S. League 20313 Churchill 41 f 54 ifast 17-5 110 9 9 9 91C1B Ott !i Jerry, Franklin, Boneros First LACHIS b. f, 2 95 By Sandringham— Caddie F. M. Quinn. ::::n::,e.i: Q f l:07%fast 17 les 4 9 ■ 12 U»* it Small 13 I. ODowd. AlexGete. StcphenU. 3439 Ckwrchl S-4 1:K hvv 22 lo!i 7 7 «: "M 4 J Acton 10 Veldt. Industry. Dolina 8 339 liurchl 3-4 l:l«%mu«l 21 K 6 i I fi KU K Lapaille G Blackie Haw. I"ce Harry. C.Bun 23268 Douglas 31 f l:0S%fast 23 0 107 E 13 10 li"? Tt Goose 12 P.erniui, Holina. Josie 2112S latonia 5-8 l:03%mud 20 109 6 2 3 31 3»J R Goose 8 Triad, Miss Atkin. Louis.? Green LADY MILDRED, ch. f, 2 95 By Dick Welles — Incendiary W. Straus. 231* Douglas 5i f 1 :0S%mu 1 2:1 Id 7 S 8 7j 4*1 F;-n SO Al Pierce. Ing.i B-auy S:oo 23iru% Douglas 5 s 1 : I2 good 22 3M S 1 1 51 T- V Kol.iusnl2 L. Vand rgrift. MatS-B.. Oivnnn 2i::o4 Windsor 5 I 1 :"3%hvy 41 331 C 2 2 2»t S"1C VauHun S Gold. List, Investment, L. Bigger ETHEL WELLES, ch. f. 2 97 By Dick Welles— EtTicl Caxr H. R. Varwig. 233*3 lAtotjIa .".• t l: 7: i,fast 37 M I 2 5 si s", 11 Kteariw 13 J. OBowd. Al-Mletz. Srpln-nU. mil Ct—Hiri and1 f 1 : *%good M M8 4 1 1 7" li1- H Cmuiclh/io C. McNah, F.Walker, Iiieitation 2129S Iatonia 5 S 1 : i4 mud 91-10 110 8 C G 7 7"1L Gentry S Paulson, Gypsy Hlair. Bernini . *JM8 Latonia 5-S l: J3%hvy US 109 1 5 4 7 71S F Murphy 7 Hops. Black Coffee, Big Smoke **P0LLY CONNELLY, ch. f, 2 103 By Disguise — Pirate Polly L. A. Lyne. :;"ii:; Latonia 5J f l:«i7%fast 32 H.s 11 s fi 71 I*j K P.-.l 13 J. "l owd, AlexGetz. Stephen It. •70S H. lmont 3i fst l:o6%fast ■■ 109 9 9 9 9 39** D Connellyl4 In. Chant. SeaBeach. Trunipator 22232 Saratoga 51 t 1 :12%hvy 30 111 S 5 3 2l 33 D Connelly 10 L. It. Vale. WafcrsIL, B.Trper SAYONARRA, b. f, 2 106 By Peter Quince — Ellora W. Grater. 3*39 «hurehl 51 f 1:11 hvy 31-5 107 C, fi 4 41 ;V«1H Connellyll Josie. Veldt, Helen Thompson ••:2 ;s Douglas 51 f 1 lOSfast 15 104 11 10 7 51 3* D Connelly i2 P.erniui. Holina, Josie 20946 latonia 1-3 l:02%hvy 37-10 110 7 4 7 10 10"1V W TlorlO Muriels Pet. L.Stone. Busy Joe ANNA LOU, ch. f, 2 196 By Peter Quince— Bobbin et Gallaher Bros.. •:;."..:: Latonia 51 1 1 :«7%fast 4S 148*3 13 13 13 ]::• V Andrissi:; J. ODowd. AlexGetx, StcphenR. •::-«S Douglas 5.. f 1 72 110 2 4 5 3* 8*1 W Andress12 Bernini. Holina. Josie 20136 Lexeton 41 f 55 fast 251 112 11 11 9i 8"! W Andressll Iiiyestmcnt. Mary IL, Deliver SATJTERELLE, br, f, 2 106 By Dorantc — Sauteuse T. Taylor. "i Church I 51 f 1:11 hw fid PT 7 5 S 71 71 W Tlorll Josie. Veldt, Helen Thompson 2T3I4 Church 1 X t 1 :V9%good M 1"S 1 fi S C1 714 .1 Metdilf 10 C. McXalt. F.Walki-r. Incitation RUNNING QUEEN, b. f, 2 106 By Jim Gaffney — Rebel Queen J. Lally. First *tart.

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Local Identifier: drf1915101301_5_1
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