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Lanrcl Park Eitrlcs ao« Past PertormaDccs for Wednesday, October 13. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. ol heading Rcc." in the I under the The figures , entries below show the best time ,o : each Jiorae a- the distance, since January 1. 1911, no niatier where" finished. In cases wtere ."««* J" fast or good track, abbreviations •nade on other than a show track conditions. l-aeinir Marts at 2:.W p. in. Chiciso time. 1:-W. vau,„fs well in mud! ©Superior mud runner. M maidens. •Apprentice allowance. Fir«t Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2 year-old-. Melieae gtlHaf • . t? ""wUr-rt.Han Bj:4W, j;4 g.- Baaaer Tatiana nn._i.i" ; K, Jj ;4:,S 1Ki.!heu:f **MB1M1 UlXlg sss asUto .*»Sk iijxsM -•!? 2£m5* ::::i2i*S% u5..«i B« 1.1 2 »«5 J nnnen 1 »la»» Snulax ....•■•IM-" : - 114. .,1 .0.0 07.-, ::-".i5 My Oonnie Sis L.. h. f. by Hastings — Car- in Corns ral" f«nn is a hit the besL" Second Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 1 1 ill- and n-war.l. BeBiaK. Track record: 270-1.-2-118. _..-„. Fair Helen •* *« * la»X7» VH::- [iRar..IIlSlSS 4 110X71, ■JgB 1. B Han ell HW 1 » HJX7M = :77s-* BTaaaa XI J" J ; £* f o X7l » «S" KS.r".::: .1 » iiSxm -. aaS 1 « i:t« tra t 7 104X7K* "J ;47, SS Mreak s;r.-;k Ml 1 :0CH 7 102X710 : :4i-_ |«ay ..,,-... :. jhj. .710 3S "itorty ...MI 1«| g »XJM -ViVr* lii-en" shliaid lm|*.ve" over her Canadian "aml has little to heat here. Thrd Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. aiiaiaMe aal gTfia i rfuV Ussik,,..,;.;,:-; JffiJJ5 Ind. Horse. Wt. Bee. A.Wt.Han. 23511 * Forum Ill 1MTK * Ml. .715 •_ :4i!i: c.rsican 107 1 : •;:; S llSXTM :::4s_ Water Lily 112 l:ttffc 4 112X710 232301* Cov 1L" 1 : • :—. •" 105X710 L::4!t7- Ambrose 112 lWa B114X7IB 23353* Scaramouch Ill I :"7:!f. I 1M..7M ■.;m Iresumption 112 1XM 8 MIX 70S c;::.-.!*!! Ethan Allen Ml 1 ifW-s I M8XTM 2.: 7i; Italko 11B 1*1 o 111X700 True as Steels tam is decide lly best. Fcurth Race — 1 Mile, "■vear-olds and upward. Allowances. Track record: 1S27S— 1 :37— o— 10!. 29374 He Will 99 1:41ft :: H 12x740 22874 1 Ten Point 110 1 ::ts S 1 1 B X 7M :::.::c. Short ;iass 11» l:4Sh 7 111x7.:.". 23310* Vaakee -Notions . .lid 1 ::..»% 5 10S©7:W : :i.;s- Bac i»:« i :•»» 4 i,,s x 72o 233M Solar Mar M41H% 5 105®725 2MB7 MB* 1:41 3 102X720 22il s Gaat I MX728 2::.!74 1 nele Bryn 110 1:42 3 102X713 23082 Sat.irnus M7 l:43fi .". .mx700 He Will !:as ban showing high-class form, but has more to heat here than in his recent starts. Fifth Race — 1 Mile and 20 Yards. I vear olds and upward. Fillies and Marts. Selling. Track record: 2::53a— 1:42— li— 114. 2M4S* Maafe Do ■- i »f x72" 23333 Xcphthya •" 107X720 2331 1» roshun 4 111 X do 2:i4.«! Menlo Bark " !»0X71. •.•:.-,12* Mabel Dulweher .. •• 84X710 23448 Stalwart Helen .. 3 107X718 23512 » • 8tar Itird :: os.o., 23287* Camellia 102 1:42 I 108X701 i 23148 Miss Waters •• 104X0.00 i 23030* Kacv "• l*X0M i 23240 Miss McOiggle Ml ■ 00. .008 l 23405* Task • OS. .0S0 1 I»inah Ho is in good form and the route will suit. Nephthys has hCM racing in Intter company. Sixth Race— 1 1-4 Miles. I vear-olds ami upward. Selling. Track record: 17*70— 2:05*f.— •.— MB. 23S12* Cnv Fisher BIS 2:04V, 0 114X723 i 23502** Christophine 103 2:18«B 4 101X720 I 2::5 e 1 ».i in gertield 1 M 2 :0S % I 1 1 1 X 71 [o i •_ ::4s::* nattrhaak os 2:07% 7 M8X7U i 2.:.ll l* oldie F 97 2:00 .. lOtjXOo . 2::.- l2* Napier 112 2:O0-. I 100X703 i 23512* Tom Hancock ...... M 2:12% 4101x703 . 23501 Cotton Top Ml ... :■ .?5X705 i ■S.-X i Icteltis • M0XT08 2.:4Si Tamerlane 3 Ml. .Ml I 23488* Siiig.Min :: lMix».. tl I 234.S0* Ai.lonus Ml ■ 0.!. .00 I This loeks like a strictly two-horse race unless I ilah:gerti id has regained his goad form.