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FIFTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. 2-ycar-olds. Selling. UUS 1:11 -"• -MB. JERRY, cli. e. 2 110 By Aivcseot— Lcvia W. H. Bakar. :: r. ; • ! J-l 1 :i:. -,li v !3 W :i: :: :. 1 1 -h » *•"■" f*r Away, luiei.: ■;..-.. latmrffral IM-"!.is f. f I :.i,,;„| :;:: o irs |" l-VII. B ,H , 15 IViMu.i-iiT. ii. Gardner, S.-ivim- :i«l Lat .iii.i :• S 1: UHc«kh1 ; I0S . 7 7 7 7" IS llmwse K Itlsn-kteDatv. KmkSliot. IMIarry MC I.atonia ." i-S 1 :»■-. last 14 KB .I 11 II 7 S»| B On Ii .l..lm Jr.. BI.-iekioDaw. Bot-kShut n«;:: Latonia :. s i:i ""%fast 11 11* - •"• 5 41 5*1 B tiaang 7 BaJae, .1. oDovmI. c.-me la ?.«*.iC UouRlas 0 s l:00good .■! Ill t! S S 6= S"1A Dense .S lSuNc, John Jr., Black Coffee DICK WILLIAMS, br. c. 2 106 By Dick Finncll— Annie Williams J. W. Schorr. 13:.m DtiUKlas :;--1 1 : 1 1 last 11-10KW 6 S 4 Q l** J lvdens II Al Iieive. .s] . Sam, Cossack - Lexirton .".. . f l:0S*£Caat 24-3 lOti :t I "J V SH J Kederis in Carta*?, Savino. II. Gardner Ts.m uxgion r..: 1 i : P7%fast :: las » 7 :: -1- - J A*ten ;» B. shooter. TiieCm-mct, .1. Bunny £*74 Lexgton :•. f 1 :"73-!ast KB •"• 4 - - i "2 ■ Aeton 7 J.J.MunUrk, Volarv. B. Shooter 2411 Windsor .V. f l:«7*vfcfaat .:! loo S ", C ,V. 4i J Acton 7 Anita. Milestone. Tort Liirht JSKl FortErie 5-S l.jslow Lfi-5 111 7 7 ti 5«* •* 1 Keojrli *» C.Cntelliis. PeenSignt, ri74.1 Windsor 5 f l:06andfast 22 Hl f. « 6 C- **| A Mott 7 Kin; Xepluno, Iolite, Milestone HARRY GARDNER, b. g. 2 107 By Dick Welles— Fluid M. C. Moore . i:.M7 Latonia S-4 1:13 fast H ]••:,..:; .". :: • Pi A Moil ;i latnrpMive. Man BL, Phlirnjrar l:::v: churehl S-f 1 :i7*«hvy 111 in:; 1 :: :: 21 l» A Matt Ii" UWnhurton. AlPleree, Vi ratal 2X247 Charcfcl :;-4 1 :14*skoo 1 r n« 1 :; I r.:; RA Molt ]i Taka, raj —ill 1. Bitie Shooter ■-:::■ ■* * lJouplas f.S f 1 :i»7— .fast 32 H« 4 4 n L* 1" A Matt 11 I..Woiiirton. r,.Beaulv. R.Ster 23158 Doarfaa B| f lSteoad S7-S Ml S a 2 2- 2" A Matt M Paymaster . Savino. Beauty Shop :: J! Lexgton S| f l:osi5fast 3 MC 1 1*9 "I B Qoana lit Curdonie, Savino. Brown Velvet 2037 Lxston Eft f 1: C fast 10J W . 2 2 I -I1 ■■ ■ Gaaa* 10 Toupee. Cardoiue. I.uekv B. Ktai Saratoga H f 1 :u.";,Kood 7 Ml 5 I 7 8 i-i7JM darner B High Horse. Tralee. Servia HM1 Saratoga andi f l:MJfcat*w 1C-S M 5 11 -i r*« ■ Connelly 7 Tralee. Edna Kenna. NolU TAKA, b. f, 2 110 By Broomstick— Rose of Dawn G. R. Senn. K317 Chnrchl J-4 Ult*andgooi IS W 0 7 I PI 1*1 IB Stearns 11 Parameter, B. Shatter. 6. Blair 2» S2 Lrsfftoa r. f 1 :n last I 112 :i 4 4 •. 4i B Jcos,. 11 Triad. Ardent. Bluneuitn 22SO Oxstoa G I f 1 :«i«»: ia st 4S 1T, 1 t; 7 ."." ■ •- II Stearns S cheeks, Franklin. Bag Fellow 221-7 Eon Erie :,. f 1 : *-Shvv 51 KHi 5 3 r 6 " sl J Smyth g Dodge. C.oldenUst. KingXejjtune •l»3 Hamtoa 1-4 l.M%hvy 5 112 5 211= ir P Coldsfn g Bcnuee, Anita, MaiMij 1177S Hamton a] f UM fast 9 Ml I 6 5 ■ t* P Lowder S Milestone, Dodge, Phil Ungar BLANCHITA b. f. 2 105 By Peep oDay— Countess Irma T. C. McDcweU. :: 47:. -hur. lil a f 1:07a., ta at G j. 7 7 M M M B" I- Gentry IT laajll 1 ail 1 1 . B. Beam v. B. Velvet •3218 Uouglas 5-S l:«l--fast €1 M 1 I 1 1*1 !; ■ Martin 11 Iavn. aster. Illuminator, Paulson 2S62 l-.xgton 11 f 1 :0S fast 4 Ml I 11 M P ■ Martin il Triad. Ardent. Taka 22S1« Lexgton 5Jfl:48 fast €9-10 le7 1 112= 1" E Martin 8 T.Marie. E.Vdergrift, Trappoid 23» Saratoga ."-4 1 :S%g«od M IM •". 4 C ih V* ■ Martin 12 South. Star, Sevillian, E. Kenna 2MM Eatonia 4?. f 5€4.-,inud 15 9.". 8 8 9 9ci M Garner in SalVanity. Increase, Aud Austin liiyff Latonla, 0-S 1 l-fclast 33 102 4 3 2 «i en E Martin 7 P.. Daw, Carduni", Disturher MMI Douglas 6-8 1:04 aMMM 1 13 7 71,!iE Martin 8 Intention. Mary II., Louise Stone DELIVER, br. f. 2 107 By Dick Welles— Anna Brooks J. W. Mayl. 2-K:: Lt-xgUm 4. f HKbvy 43 5 104 5 M H :»,T W Me. han ll Maryll.. Tnuruwoixl. Innovation 3M3C Eegion 4. f 57, last 47 MS| 2 fi b " W Meahanll Invcstnunt. Marv H.. Intention : -;:, L«xgtaai 1-2 4s*jgood fid N8 12 s P V% W Meek«al2 Intention. LouiseStone, Toh.Box Vx* N.Oilns 3i f 41%fast 9-5 107 S 6 4= 2= C Disunion 8 S.forSedal. Pmaster. S.DiamM M3M X.Orlns 3£ f 42 good 9-5 107 4 o 5" 41 C Dishmon 7 Cincinnati. S.rorScanda. Mar.O. 19162 N.Orlns 3?. f Ofabut A 112 5 5 3« 21 C Dishmon 7 Mary II.. SaiVanitv, Viola.Mabei 19024 X.Orlns 3-8 3C=imud 2J 110 1 63 Zl F Murphy 7 BlackieDaw. MarylL, Investmt YERMAK, ch. g, 2 107 By Ormondale— Lady Alicia J. 0. and G. H. Keenc. i::::s:: "liurchi 3-4 l:17 5hvy 9 M 5 S 7 B" 4 : V Murphy U II.Gdner. L.Winorten. AlPtercc 22K7 J xgtoa atlM fast 41 107 I 4 I S= P* W W TTorln Poppee. Cardotne. II. Gardner I25JS4 Windsor 3-4 I:U%taat 111 *M " ,; I1! :~h k Clavcr 11 Investment. Ghtaer. Cardome 221-14 Fort Erie B f 1:11% hvy 14i 102 fi ii 3 21 U A Claver 11 UttlaBigger. Tiajan. Dr.Sullivan mKRaaitoa 5-8 l:o2%slow 7 110 4 4 4 25 3r W W ~lorll Luckv B.. Will Cash. Welga 21741 Windsor 5-8 IzMffcfMt €» loS I I 3 4= ."J W W TTorE. Bon/sFirst. Matrix. Peg.OBrien RtMlAtaaal 5-S l:04*t,hvy 19-10 102 7 4 5 51 5s A Mott 7 B.Beauty, Infidel II., Lit.Bigger BILLY CULBERTSON, br. g, 2 100 By Migraine — Dancercss S. M. Henderson. 2S17 Latoaia .14 1:13 fast 141 K I 8 I || I C Hiai; :i Impressive. Marvll.. Iliillngar 22877 Lesgton 5:t f 1 :»7 fast 97 97 10 8 7 7J. 71= T Hayes K» Poppee. Cardeme. II. flartat 12151 FortErie ol f 1 :09/sfast 6J Ml I I 7 5"" 7=3 A Mott D Illuminator. Tush Task. Eddie T. 21 .37 Latonfct 5 -9 l:o:,iinud 95 1!17 8 7 8 8 8:4?.B Goose S Ilidelll.. Disturiier. Illuminator MM2 Churchill 4J f M fast 11-5 102 5 7 71 531 W Median • Tohaeeo Box, Pavmaster. Savino MKM I.exgton 4i f 55«£fast 57-10 104 2 ll1 ll E Fool U Tliornwood. Object. Infidel II. INTENTION, b. f. 2 100 By Hilarious— Darling J. L. Holland. il":; huirhl .1-1 l:15%kvy 28-3 pc, 5 4 :. 3= :lvl, K Eajiaille i Far Away. Jen . bHSJrgcart ■_"■:.■,! Douglas :. . f DOSjmud 25 lttl.". 2 4 4 55 .".•;.! Kederis Kl Al Pierce. Ingot. BcautvShop *1«B LatOBia 5. f 1:10 hvy 14-5 KM I 8 8 If M Ootw 11 Mary II., TheCarmet, Lit.Bigger 2"!*9 Latonia 5-S l:04*ihvy 9-3 100 3 3 2 3 4* M Garner 7 B.Beauty, Infidel II.. Lit.Bigger MHW I ataaila lit H%mad 21-M Ml 5 I 25 M M Garner ]» Mary II., JaneStrnith, MissAtkin 2 »713 Douglas 6-8 DOlVsfast 11-5 100 t 2 2 25 35 M Garner S Mary II.. Bessie N., R. Skland MMI Douglas 5-S 1:04 mud 31 BK G 7 6 2" lb M Garner | Mary H., Lou.Stone, Investment PAULSON, blk. f, 2 104 By Hurst Park— Isabella D. J. M, Foley. L34T75 .Iiuivin ",. f 1 :o7fas; 21 m M 11 M M* 11"! F Williamsi:, Impressive, B. P.eantv. It.Velvet 22M8 Douglas 3-S l:-l=.-,fast fid 93 11 10 S 51 4"! P Willms 11 Blatahita. Bmaster. IHminator 23»52 l.exicton Hf lil fast fid I0:i r, 10 10 P Ssj F Williamsi I Triad. Ardent. Bianehita *!*»• I.atonia 5-S 141 hvy 31 MMI 7 I « V E Poo! 7 .Tacoha. Margaret N., Bernini H2S8 Latonia M1M mud 1G 111. 6 2 1 1- D1J MeCahe g Gyosy Blair. Bernini. Argument 21182 I.atonia 5-S l: »l=ifast 111 110 9 4 4 10 M* .1 MeCahe 12 Cora O.. Dolina. Marv Estelle 2"71" Douglas 5-8 l:01i4fast S3 y5 5 6 5 53 i ~h K Lnpaille S Mary IL. Bessie X., Intention MMI Douglas 4i f 55 good 20 110 I G 5b G- J MeCabe 12 B. Strickland. B.Joe, B. Juliette MM Douglas: 45 f B*Jtaaai 33 Ml 3 U 8l 914 B Ott 11 Yermak. Chivator. A. Maneini INVESTMENT, b. f. 2 107 By Frontcnac— Jennie Wade S. Klof. 22383 Church I 2.-4 l:17ihvv 1" Id l« 11 M 11 11*11**11 Aeton 12 il.Gdner. UWIagtoa. Alliene 13174 W.ll.ine 3-4 l:13=sfast fid lot; 5 11 11 ll1 9 I J Smyth 12 Creetings. L. Bigger. A. Maneini 2274% DlueBon. 51 f 1 :07*sfast I 102 4 7 a 51 2*| 11 McDott «2 Welga. Copper King. Tush Tush 22497 BhKBoa. H t l:o7Hfast 19 101 8 7 7 7= MB McmVatt 11 Bm mvale. Candle, Tiajan 22H4 Windsor 3-4 l:15«5fast 32-5 9« 3 5 I 43 |af K McDott 11 Glonier. Cardome, Tar Brush 22304 Windsor 5-S l:039r.hvy 23 101 4 5 5 41 2= A Mott S Golden List. Lit.Bigger, Shaban 22191 FortErie 5Jfl:09%fast 8-5 102 1 7 6 6 5 F Cooper «. Illuminator. Tush Tush. Eddie T. SMI FortErie 5J f 1 :llhvy 16 105 9 9 10 7= G-IA Mott 11 Yermak. Little Bigger. Tiajan 21527 FortErie 5-S 1:04 slow 44-5 93 3 0 6 3o* 1"" M Garner t Greetings, B. Straw, A. Austin EEATTTY SHOP, b. f, 2 109 By Jack Atkin— Naughty Gallaher Bros.. 23424 ihurch1 1 1:45 mud W Ml 3 2 1 1 51 7,r.M Career !i L.lVihingtot. Savin-. B. Shooter TW1 ffcaari kl 3 4 i: 1711 vy 14-0 1111 8 « r, ci p% w Aadrraa]2 n.GMner. L.Wineieii. AlPlerce 2: 319 Douglas 51 f 1 :0S*smud 2 MH 7 7 ::.. IH W AadrcaaM Al Iieree. Ingot. Ladv Mildred 2X158 Douglas 51 f 1 :eS-good 13-10 10S 9 6 5 4» 410 W AaoreaaU Iavmaster. II. Gardner. Savino 2:" 77 I xgtaai 5? 11:07 fast 131 102 7 7 0 6» V I Culhn M Poppee. Cardome. II. Gardner 22155 FortErie 51 f l:11%hvy 33-5 110 2 2 I 4i 5= W Andress 7 Port Light. TarBrush. Milestone 22 M FortErie 51fl:09?ihvy 23 103 6 6 4 2 4U J Callahan 0 Dodge, Gold. List. King Neptune 21487 FortErie 51 f l:15fihvy 3J 111 1 3 2 b* 611 W Andress I Tar Brush, Matrix, Candle