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Latonia Entries and Past Performances for Wednesday, October 13. WEATHER CLOUDY. TRACK FAST. The figures under the heading "Rec." in the entries below show the best time of each horse I at the distance, since January 1. 1911, no matter j I vvaeie it finished. In ca.-es where record was I 1 made on other than a fast or good track, abbre- | I viatuns show track conditions. i B.i. ing starts at LliHI |i. in. Chieago time. 2:0.!,. • l!iins well iii inn,!. Superior mud runner MJ maidens. *All»reutice allowaute. First Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. _ vear-olds. Maidens. nittn S-lling. ITrark raraidJ: 2:11 I :ti-~ -•-. -::-!»:. Ind. Ilors... Wl. K.e. A.Wt.IIai, L::i5ii- lutlnstrr KXTiS TT5K Troiii | lv loo l os . 14k*. .7 M fSWf," of Lynn . . . M 1 M . !»"... 7n-, •.o.;.. Cabria K ..7au S3M8* LaeliS Ins I ih. . !.;. ,;,,, 2:::ii» MIMrml . H 1 I I, ,,, :■...•,, ZioO:; Eihel Welles loo lm% T.., Hid. I!. .! ,.. vi. In A.Wt.Han. T,:!," Folly Connelly . . .PIS 1 :IRt.-, 103X1BJ0 _ UMM Sa.vonarra 1114 1 : i « I -. MB. .838 -;*-.-,:: Anna l.i.ii nil 1 :««»-. Hlfi. .»; « — ••KM Sautercllc 1 »S1:12.-. HKL.tSt Running Quiv.i. I . f- I.v Jim Oat?- ii e y — no 1. « 1 •JiHfii pu; Industry has ruu M„11. faij. ra -os. Second Race— 1 1-16 Miles. - year-olds ami upward. S.-lIin. Taaek mttii HBt— 1:43%— 3— lit. -:;i;,,,: Transit 107 1:40 4 112X72.". •••ls Firm Decree .. ..100 1:40 4 139. .738 W;-" ■ Gentleman... 10s» 1:43% 7 lltXTM -•--"■• • Christie pis 1-47% ■ 108X713 i2:;.isi mu | sin ior. i:4« 7 133X713 _1V.I4 IlitT Sir. am MS 1:40% 8 138X715 i:.«r-- IlarU Ball 107 1:40% 4 107x710 -,.;rIS"* ,:",v Mexican OS 1 :4Ws :■ 03. .703 1.4. in Malal ar :i2i ~ 1:47% •■ 8tXT4M 23304 Royal Interest ..." IWX4N An aaea ,•.-,,.. First Degree should race hetter. lnsh .cntlcnia:i is not as good as lie was. Christie is improving. Third Race— 3-4 Mile. •.-year-olds ami upward. Selling. Fillies and Mares. Tra.-k record: 13138— 1:11— 8— 1M. 23X13 limine s . ii- j i-j, 4 114.. 72.". 12:Msr,, Cr.iian 109 1:13% 3 PI4X720 2.I1..4- Channelise I0U1:11% 4 HOX720 2:47i; l r„n 100 1:13% 4 114X713 2.!2i.. Katharine G. . sr. 1:12% :: 105x710 22MB Mater 103 1:13% 4 100X710 233M Edith v .12 1:11-. 4 114X710 23470 Colic 00 1:12% 4 114x70". 2!421l Ina K.n 113 1:14%S 3 100. .700 2:H«»» b. First 1«2 1:13% 3 M4..000 2P.m; » Catii, Tine Turner.. .ifi l:25%h "• IO3X0O0 23483 Lady Pawers Ml 1:14% 3 140x000 Huntress should race Letter tlian in her recent Mart. EMadaa is right good. So is Channelise. Fourth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. "year-.. Ms and upward. Handicap. 1 Tract reccrd: ::22 i — 1 :4:! »-. — ". — 110. 22338* Black Taney 130 1:44% 4 1X0X730 23300 » 7 K.I Cramp . 112 1:44% 3 113x743 2::.".h;! Star Jasmine 112 1:44% 0 111X740 ■j::Hi- Bronx* wins UK 1:45% 4 Pi2x7:5". 2::.".iw, iir saiiu.l 113 1:44% 4 105X733 S-Tah; Indolence 107 1:43% 4 103X738 2"4S7= Water Witch ■ 1:43% :: 33X733 Ind. Hanw Wt. Hee. A.Wt.Han. J 33lt4*t Bay ....103 1:4314 3 100X733 I 2:i4S7 Hank olay 83 1:43 3 MIX 730 : ft. w. Schorr entry.. 1 Black Tnnev lias regained Ins jj-nmI form and .us J lasi race sb.nild have keyed liini up. Fifth Race— 3-4 Mile. •J vear-olds. Selling. J Track record: 13133— 1:11— 3— lit. ; 23433* .Torn 1 1:: 1 :l.Vf.h IIP. .733 23255* Hick Williams ....100 1:14 108. .730 2::.".17 Harry Gardner ...10511:14% 107X720 123347* laka .j* :|J% JgX2» 2::47.". Hlancliila 188 »:"% JJ5. .710 20183 llelivcr 10i X 1 O IK!*:; Yermal; 100 1:18% PiTxTIo j 2::.".17* Hilly Culbertson ..02 1:13% PI0...0.. • 33463** Intention 103 l:17%h Pii.x.o.". ; 2:t47.".» Paulson 104X705 ■ 2:«s:; Inyestineiit 10C 1:14% 107x703 . 33438 Heanly Bhaa 11111:13* 183X788 : Jerry showed niucli s|.eed in bis last start and j may lie able to carry it furtiier. j Sixth Race — 3-4 Mile. , ?, year -nlds and upward. Selling. Tra.k record: 15138 —1:11— 3— 110. ; 33478** Tory Maid 112 1:12 :; 80. .738 : 23209= Othello "- 1:11% 4 112x720 ; 23521* Br Carmen 114 1:13% 3 113x798 23454** Mars Cassidv 118 1:13% •! 103X718 23321 Marion Goosby ....101 1:12 :: 104X715 i 23470 Hocnir 110 1:11% 4 107x715 23521** Carrie Ortne »1 1:12% ■• 37X710 1 234011 Cash .hi Delivery.. 113 1:13 0 1070710 ; 23505 Cseeit 110 1:11 S 109. .710 j 2.-1471* BUckthorn 104 1:13% :: 87x705 • £3343 The Spirit I« 1:13 4 107x788 • 2i:»!;2» Aeis 183 1:13% 4 1o7x7tn . Van Maid has area showing excellent form, hut | has I.lenty of worthy uppositien here. Seventh Race — 1 1-16 Miles. .T-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 3223— 1:43%— 3— 110. :::3 !!i- MISS THORPE ...I0:si:44% ;ii5x7::o ; 23477= Lady V Pita ...187 1:40% 8 111X720 ; 23521 Sviian 104J1:47% 3 103X713 ; 2350S* Mockery 134 1:48% 4 183X713 ; 23500 Williile 1811:43% 0 113X71.1 ; 23504" Joe Finn 180 1:45% 3 184X718 , 23302** Itaoul 102 1:43% 4 183X710 | 2:;.".os GnWe |M" 1011:40 5 180. .718 2.;r.iis* Jessie Louise 104 1:45% 4 104X705 . 23281** Beaa Pen- 102 1:48 4 100X705 2:!521* Miss Fielder 3 92.. 700 Miss Thorpe appears extra good.