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TIMELY TURF GOSSIP FROM KENTUCKY. Latonia. Ky„ October 12. — Manager John Ilach-meister expects Ladies Day to surpass that of anv other similar day given at this track. He expects that the grandstands on Wednesday will be tilled to overflowing with the fair sex. admirers of the thoroughbred horse and Racing Secretary lean-e has put forth his best efforts in securing a liberal array of entries of high class horses to participate in the races set for that afternoon, which will lie featured by the Ladies Day Handicap, which will have among its starters more than one horse that participated in the contest for the I.uionia Autumn Inaugural Handicap on the opening day of the meeting last Saturday. This race is at the same distance as the Inaugural, one mile and a sixteenth. On Wednesday Handicapper Jasper will announce the weights for the Fort Thomas Stakes, which is tlie big feature race for next Saturday at the Latonia track. This event carries ,000 in added money and has fifty three n iiiiinations. Trainer Dan Lehan is endeavoring to fit A. I*. Humilirey. Jr.s Ashland am! Kentucky Oaks winner of BU4. r.ronzewing, for the I.atonia Cup at two miles and a quarter, the big race of the entire present autumn meeting, which is set to Ik- run on Wednesday. Oototicr 27. The filly pulled up apparently sound after a recent race at Louisville ami her trainer has high hopes of getting her to the liost in this, tlie richest race of the entire autumn circuit of the sport in Kentucky for Mand In MM lehan won this race with Sir Catesby for the owner of Bronzewiiig. This will probably be the last race of her career, as Mr. Humphrey intends to send her to the stud next spring. Among the horsemen at Latonia that are this early booked to leave on the Juarez special at Unclose of the meeting are R. Ripley and Frank Beetor. Riplev has. at present, only three horses, but he expects to secure close to a carload far shipment to the Juarez track by the close of the meeting here. Kector also will have quite a stable to take to Juarez, including all those owned by YV. F.. Ihillips. the reeenlly appointi-d patrol jud.-e on .he Keiiteeky tracks. Ihillips also iat-nds to spend the winter at Juarez, but on account s his position now. he has turned over all his training interests to Hector. Phillips undoubtedly has the ability to prove as good a patrol judge as ever held this position on an iue.tcan race track. lie has had vast e|ioricncc as a trainer of horses, with jockeys, and is well fortiliiil with actual Knowledge to care for the l»est interests of a race track iu this important position. Among the noted homes that he developed and raced when he had Fred Cixk as his racing partner, were Fnglish Lad. Ceo. C. Bennett. Havlilautl. Beautiful Bess. Lawrence I*. Daley and Minnie Adams. One of his jockey developments is the famous rider Dave Xicol.who. while in his service, was selected from among all the riders of America bv traim-r James Howe to ride the immortal Sysonbv in several of his greatest stake races. Xieol also rode in foreign Funds with success. Phillips has some good young horses to turn over to Barter to teha t Juarez for the coming winter. His yearlings are the liest that he has yet raised bv his noted horse Kllglish Lad. " S l.abold. whose slight sickness prevented hiin from "attending the rectal Louisville meetiii-s at Donglas Park and Charchill Downs, is now a, dailv vTsitor at the l.aiount track and experienced unite a thrill last Saturday when "hiislie. now a member of the J. B. Respevs stable, reached home in front in the second race with c miparative ease. I -iliohl bred Christie and he is from the mare Chnlita which is the only thoroughbred boodinare this Cincinnati turfman now owns. She has had but two foals and they arc both winners, her first bein" Ihe tillv V.dila. She is now apparently in foal and her produce will lie either a s r daughter 0f -y McDowells noted Derby winn-r The Mimoer. Cliulita was a brilliant race mare, hav-j,,- to her credit, among oilier races, both the Cin-ciuuati Trophy aud the Latonia Oaks.