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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. In reply to a question asked in the house of commons cst toay a* to whether the government was still allowing eattaaj to go into Germany ill certain cases, or under certain circumstances. Sir IMv-.ard ;rey. the secretary for foreign a flairs, stated that law citt.n. cotton waste and cotton yarn all have been declared contraband and that every possible step has been taken to prevent any supply of these Iroui reaching Germany. It was intituled, t m iaaafBM secretary added, forthwith to declare as contraband cotton place goods and other cotton products Bad prohibit the export to neutral countries contiguous to Germany and Austria of such good-;, capable of lieing used in the manufacture of explosives. Ae ording to a claim from Petrograd. Russian forces have pio:v, d the Anstro-German lines on the Stripa liver in eastern Galicia. Tliey have already taken prisoner men- than 2.0H men and sixty officers and have captured four guns and ten "rapid-flrers. The Russian advance is being pushed vigorously. Admission that German losses have been heavy in the last few days on the western trout is made by th- correspond -lit of the Berlin Tageblatt to a:i OjBBterdam iiaper. who declares that within a brief period the French have tiled more than 3,000,000 shells against the German lines. British casualties reported since October I amount to more than 21.000. The week-end casualty list published yesterday gives 2nd officers and 4.::* men. This brings up the total casualties published ill the London paper* since the lirsi of the iioiilh to 981 nftcrs and JO.::51 men. Uetfteaj receiv-d at Tlie Hague front Brussels stale that Hiatal Whilbuk. America!, minister to Belgian, is confined to his lied. His illness is due ti part to the strain ta which It- has been Kiihji-cted us mediator lietween Belgians and Germans.